Chapter 461 Stone Monkey Crisis
On the futon next to the gossip stove, Taishang Laojun stopped shaking the plantain fan, and a faint smile suddenly flashed on his calm face for thousands of years, looking at the Monkey King who was clamoring in the gossip stove, He said softly: "Bo Monkey, do you think the old man is playing with you? If you want to go out, you have to get through first!"

Hearing Taishang Laojun's emotionless voice, Sun Wukong's heart shuddered, and the pores of his body opened wide, as if some fatal danger was about to come, he shouted anxiously: "Old man, what are you going to do? What did you get from Old Sun?"

Taishang Laojun said lightly: "Pohou, you think too highly of yourself. Since you were born, you have been in the calculations of the gods and Buddhas. You think you are very powerful, but it is a pity that you are only a big Luo Jinxian after all. , without strength, you can only be used as a chess piece, as for what the old man wants, it is not yours, you are just an introduction that the old man needs."

Sun Wukong shouted angrily: "Chess piece? No... my old grandson was conceived by Tiandi, and was even favored by His Majesty the Demon Emperor. He passed on his skills and even enlightened my old grandson himself. Even if I want to be a chess piece, I am only Your Majesty the Demon Emperor." No one else can manipulate my old grandson, even if you are a saint and good corpse, don't want my old grandson to submit, at worst, you will die!"

Taishang Laojun shook his head slightly: "Jade and stone burn together? Sun Wukong, it seems that you still don't understand your current situation. You want to become the pawn of the demon emperor, are still too far away, the conspiracy of the demon emperor , No one can match it, the plan is big, or it can change the world, that is simply not something you can participate in."

Sun Wukong looked up and glared, with firm belief, he shouted loudly: "So what! Even if my old grandson is not strong enough now, but one day, my old grandson will become the sharpest sword in the hands of the demon emperor, as long as I Old Sun is still alive, so everything is still unknown."

Taishang Laojun said indifferently: "Really? You have such an awareness, the old man is a little surprised, then you can live well! The old man is about to start, and if you make a mistake, you may perish. Can you If you survive, it depends on your own good luck."

After finishing speaking, the Taishang Laojun stopped talking to Sun Wukong, and suddenly the plantain fan in his hand flashed, and a flame hotter than the real fire of Samadhi suddenly fell into the gossip furnace. The true fire of Samadhi disappeared without a trace, replaced by a stronger flame.

Liuding Shenhuo!

Samadhi True Fire is just evolved from Liuding Divine Fire. Although it is powerful, it is not considered the top flame in the prehistoric world. Only Liuding Divine Fire can compete with Taiyang True Fire, Taiyin True Fire, and Nanming Lihuo. Master this Creatures of this kind of top-level flames are rare in the wild, and there are obviously not many creatures that can withstand this kind of flame attack.

Liuding Shenhuo attacked, Sun Wukong didn't dare to be careless at all, he no longer had the mind to entangle with the Taishang Laojun, but focused on resisting the invasion of Liuding Shenhuo, even though his body was extremely powerful, and he didn't even need to be a big witch, but he didn't It is possible to allow Liuding's divine fire to burn the body, and one may be seriously injured by it if one is not careful, and there is a danger of death in the long run.

Although Sun Wukong took the road of proving the Tao with the flesh body, his skills were passed down by Emperor Jun after all, and his mana is also tyrannical. With his tyrannical mana, Sun Wukong resisted the invasion of Liuding Shenhuo, and a mana barrier protected him. He was strict and strict, and did not give Liu Ding's divine fire a chance to burn himself.

Although he withstood the attack of Liuding Shenhuo, Sun Wukong didn't have any joy on his face. For a hundred years, he has been practicing in the Eight Diagrams Furnace, not only his own cultivation has increased, but his realm has also improved a lot, especially It is his vision and mind, which have also been tempered and broadened. He feels that these Liuding Shenhuo are just an appetizer.

Just as Sun Wukong expected, after he completely resisted the attack of Liuding Divine Fire, another flame suddenly appeared beside him. It was Nanming Lihuo who was as famous as Liuding Divine Fire. Two kinds of flame surrounded him, One yin and one yang, mutual generation and mutual restraint, gradually turned into a Tai Chi pattern composed of flames, sandwiching Monkey King in the middle, unable to move at all.

Tai Chi Diagram, Lao Tzu’s housekeeping magic weapon, as Lao Tzu’s good corpse, Taishang Laojun naturally has a deep understanding of Tai Chi Diagram, and the Tai Chi Diagram that has evolved from flames alone is no less inferior to many innate spiritual treasures , coupled with Taishang Laojun's quasi-sage peak cultivation base, is enough to crush most quasi-sage masters.

The Taiji pattern formed by Liuding Shenhuo and Nanming Lihuo looks like a picture but not a picture, like a formation but not a formation. Even a quasi-sage master can't guarantee that he will be safe and sound in it, but Taishang Laojun doesn't seem to want it. The meaning of beheading Monkey King, but just want to use this supernatural power to put infinite pressure on Monkey King.

Under the flaming Tai Chi Divine Diagram, Sun Wukong could only struggle to support it. This Tai Chi Divine Diagram gave him a fatal sense of crisis, but Taishang Laojun did not fully activate this diagram, but just let it go. came to oppress him, as if waiting for something.

The impetuous Sun Wukong yelled angrily while resisting the oppression of this Tai Chi divine map: "Old man, what are you going to do? Kill as soon as you want, why torture my old grandson!"

The Taishang Laojun didn't pay attention to Sun Wukong's clamor, but continued to slowly increase the power of the Taiji Divine Map, and constantly oppressed Sun Wukong. Gradually, Sun Wukong lost his previous calmness, and his golden monkey hair began to change. It was scorched yellow, and some even turned to ashes in the flames, becoming very embarrassed.

Seeing this, the Taishang Laojun did not let go, a powerful aura of a quasi-sage rose directly from his body, and pressed towards Sun Wukong in the gossip furnace. In just a moment, Sun Wukong could no longer hold on. Living.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and was directly incinerated by Liuding Shenhuo and Nanming Lihuo in the air. Monkey King stared fiercely at the direction where the powerful momentum was coming, as if he wanted to see through the Bagua furnace, wishing to see the Taishang Laojun It's like swallowing it alive, but unfortunately he can't do anything about it.

Under the double oppression of the Taiji Divine Map and the Taishang Laojun, Sun Wukong was not only injured, but also unable to move an inch. He could only endure the powerful oppression of the Taishang Laojun while being attacked by Liuding Shenhuo and Nanming Lihuo , Not long after, his whole body was scorched black, and he could no longer make any resistance movements. He could only allow himself to be burned by the fire, which was a miserable thing.

One Day... Two Days... Five Days... Ten Days...

Seventy-seven and 49 days later, Sun Wukong was on the verge of death, his body was burning with divine fire, his body gradually collapsed, his mana was exhausted, and his breath was weak. If this continues, Monkey King may not be able to survive No. 40. His only way is to die.

Even so, the Taishang Laojun was still indifferent, as if he didn't care about Monkey King's life and death at all, but just maintained the current situation, and didn't give Monkey King a chance to breathe. A pair of deep eyes stared at Monkey King, as if He was waiting for something, and he never let up even for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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