Chapter 463 Calm down
A loud noise shocked the entire Heavenly Court, and the huge movement spread throughout the 33 heavens in an instant, alarming countless heavenly beings. The centuries-old tranquility of the Tushita Palace has made these people gradually no longer pay attention to it all the time. Now the movement of the Tushita Palace But it aroused their curiosity again.

Not only the Heavenly Court, but the entire Great Desolation was also quickly alarmed by the movement from the Heavenly Court. Without him, at the time of the Calamity, Sun Wukong was an important role in the Calamity, and it was Senior Brother Zhu Sheng who attacked him Lao Tzu's good corpse naturally attracted even more attention.

Immortals and buddhas from all directions looked at Tushita Palace and were shocked. Tushiita Palace is no longer the blessed place of the fairy family in the past.

Wearing a golden armor and holding a golden cudgel, Sun Wukong broke through the wall of a main hall of Tushita Palace. His violent aura was like a wild beast that chooses to eat people. What is more striking is that he was dressed in The aura of Daluo Jinxian's peak has already begun to climb towards the quasi-sage realm.

Monkey King is going to break through the quasi-sage?
All parties are full of doubts. During the hundred years of being imprisoned by the Taishang Laojun, what exactly did Sun Wukong go through? What a terrifying aptitude to be about to reach the quasi-sage realm.

The place where Sun Wukong broke through the palace was the alchemy room of Taishang Laojun, which is also the core of Tushita Palace. Now Sun Wukong suddenly broke a corner, and suddenly felt a crumbling feeling, as if he was enduring an unbearable force. The power to resist is mediocre. You must know that there are layers of restrictions placed by the Taishang Laojun himself.

There was another loud bang, and the only remaining alchemy room in Tushiita Palace also collapsed, and the entire Tushiita Palace was reduced to ruins. Two extremely powerful, majestic and mysterious auras enveloped the ruined walls of Tushiita Palace, and each aura made people feel ashamed. Everyone is intimidated.

Of these two coercions, one of them is familiar to all beings in the prehistoric world, and it belongs to the breath of heaven, but the other is extremely unfamiliar to most of the creatures, and if you feel it a little, your mind will fall into it , if you are not careful, you may sink into it and find it hard to extricate yourself.

Only the saints and a few great powers know that it belongs to the power of the river of fate. It can be said that in the wild, the river of fate is more mysterious and weird than the way of heaven. , in addition to that, perhaps only through enlightenment in practice can there be a very small chance of getting a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg.

Two forces of coercion shrouded the sky over Tushita Palace at the same time, even the quasi-sage masters could not bear it. As soon as Monkey King escaped from the trap, he immediately fled to the distance. He did not want to torture himself under these two coercions, let alone, he The breakthrough has not yet been completed, if there is any delay, it is very likely that the opportunity to break through the quasi-sage will be missed.

And among the ruined walls of Tushita Palace, the Taishang Laojun stood there covered in blood, no matter how terrifying the coercion was, he never bowed his knees. Even though he was seriously injured, there was an excited smile on his face, even more The important thing is that the aura around him has undergone a qualitative change, even if it is extremely small.

Seeing this, all the immortals and Buddhas from all directions were shocked. The state of the Taishang Laojun at this moment is exactly the same as the state of the three corpses of Dijun in the past who forcibly condensed their fate in order to seek a breakthrough. Because, therefore, the offense committed by Changhe Destiny was not strong, and he resolved it with the power of his own merit.

But the Taishang Laojun is different. He forcibly broke into the river of fate to gather his own destiny. The river of fate will naturally counterattack strongly. What's more, he is a saint and a good corpse, and the law of heaven will not allow saints and three corpses to testify Hunyuan, the two punish the Taishang Laojun at the same time, and the Taishang Laojun is in danger of falling.

But at this moment, a picture scroll suddenly rose from the body of the Taishang Laojun and slowly unfolded over the Tushita Palace, revealing the yin and yang Pisces on the picture. The yin and yang Taiji diagram directly blocked the double coercion of heaven and the river of fate for Taishang Laojun, allowing Taishang Laojun to breathe.

Tai Chi diagram!
Immortals and Buddhas from all directions are not surprised when they see this. Since Taishang Laojun wants to imitate Dijun and gather his fate for himself in order to achieve the Dao of Hunyuan, how could Lao Tzu, who is his deity, fail to do everything well? Prepare, the appearance of the Taiji Diagram has already shown Lao Tzu's thoughts, and the Taishang Laojun is naturally worry-free.

However, if you want to let the way of heaven and the river of fate retreat, the Taiji diagram alone is not enough. Although the diagram of Taiji is one of the three treasures of opening the sky, it is only controlled by the Taishang Laojun now, and it is only to block the coercion of the way of heaven and the river of fate. , for Taishang Laojun, that is already very tasty, let alone other things.

The blue light flashed all over Taishang Laojun, who got a chance to breathe, and immediately returned to his former appearance, as if he was not injured at all. He looked at the power of heaven and the power of fate that had not dissipated in the sky above Tushita Palace for a long time, and it was even possible Evolved into God's punishment, he had a decision in his mind.

I saw a golden wheel rising from the top of the Taishang Laojun and slowly flying into the air. This is the golden wheel of merit accumulated by the Taishang Laojun for many years. It is similar to the one in Sun Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness. The degree of gazing is no worse than the sky-replenishing merit of Sun Wukong, which is the last reliance of Taishang Laojun.

The golden wheel of merit rises high into the sky, and immediately turns into ten thousand golden lights, shining between the heaven and the earth, gradually dissolving and disintegrating. As the power of merit continues to be consumed, the coercion of the way of heaven and the river of fate begins to dissipate gradually. At that time, the aura of the way of heaven and the river of destiny completely disappeared over the Tushita Palace.

At the same time, the Golden Wheel of Merit and Virtue that Taishang Laojun had condensed for many years also collapsed directly, leaving only a few bits and pieces of merit that fell into Taishang Laojun's body, but there was no trace of distress on Taishang Laojun's face , but full of joy and anticipation, after all, compared to the loss, the gain is obviously greater.

Among the ruins, Taishang Laojun looked around, and he didn't feel any pity for the collapse of Tushita Palace. After the short-term joy of seeking success, he returned to his usual indifferent expression, as calm as water, as if nothing had happened.

The Taishang Laojun waved his sleeves, and the tyrannical magic power surged out, and the collapsed Tushita Palace returned to its original state in an instant, as if nothing had happened. Of course, what was restored was only the appearance. The level of leading the palace still needs some effort from the Taishang Laojun.

The Tushita Palace has returned to its former calm, and the Taishang Laojun seems to have no movement, but the Heavenly Court will not calm down because of this, because there is still a Monkey King who is full of anger and has nowhere to vent.

(End of this chapter)

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