Chapter 464
What a great old gentleman!

What a brother of all saints, Lao Tzu!

As a sage of the Dao of Heaven, he actually seeks the opportunity for the good corpse to prove Hunyuan. Although it seems that the Taishang Laojun used the Taiji diagram to block the power of the sky, and spent a lot of merits of the Dao of Heaven to calm the anger of the sky, but this is only a demonstration. It's just on the surface, but secretly, who knows how much I have paid!

If it's really that simple, then I'm afraid that other saints will be calm until now, and they have already followed Dijun's example and sought the chance of Hunyuan for their three corpses. This involves the balance of the heavens. Chaos and even destruction of prehistoric times are absolutely not allowed by the Dao of Heaven.

Now Lao Tzu has set this precedent. Although I don’t know the price, it will definitely shock the minds of other saints. No one can predict how it will develop next, especially when the Taishang Laojun will prove the Hunyuan. focus of attention.

The last time Emperor Junshan's corpse testified the Tao, the saints besieged and slaughtered, and the heavenly disaster of Hunyuan was extremely terrifying.

Will the other saints take action to stop it?
And will Di Jun make a move?
These are all unpredictable variables, and the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation is extremely dangerous. If there is no profound cultivation base, I am afraid that the Heavenly Tribulation alone will be enough to destroy it, not to mention that the Taishang Laojun is still a saint and a good corpse. The Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation would probably be even more terrifying than what Di Junshan's corpse had crossed in the past.

Heaven, in the fairyland of Yaochi

Haotian and Yaochi looked at the restored Tushita Palace, and there was not much shock in their eyes. On the contrary, this was what they expected, but they didn't guess that the Taishang Laojun would follow Dijun's example, and also Forcibly rushing into the long river of fate, the danger and all-or-nothing in it are beyond people's imagination.

Yaochi glanced at the direction of Shouyang Mountain, and said: "Haotian, this time senior brother even our Heavenly Court is involved. The Heavenly Court is the manifestation of the laws of the Heavenly Dao. powerful."

Haotian smiled lightly: "It's nothing. Since the elder brother dared to do this, he had already thought everything through. It was the stone monkey that made me care a little bit more. It was almost dead if he entered Laojun's gossip furnace, but But he escaped unharmed, and found a chance to break through to the quasi-sage, it seems that he still has a secret in him."

Yao Chi said with a hint of doubt: "Indeed, the old gentleman can find traces of the long river of fate in him, which shows that he is extraordinary. The second time he was able to escape from Laojun, could it be that Dijun didn't give up on him completely, and secretly helped him."

Haotian squinted his eyes slightly, staring at Monkey King who was still in the heavenly court, and suddenly said with a smile: "What you said is indeed possible, but the talent of this monkey is indeed amazing, not even inferior to some innate demon gods. It is possible that Di Jun did not give up on him, but this has nothing to do with us, and we have no intention of subduing him anyway."

Yaochi smiled lightly and said: "Really? I'm afraid it's impossible to think it's okay. Looking at the appearance of this stone monkey, I'm afraid it's full of anger now. It's inevitable that there will be a big disturbance in the heavenly court. If he is allowed to break through to the quasi-sage I'm afraid it will be even more troublesome, what are you going to do, suppress him, or..."

Haotian glanced at where Xixi was, and said with a smile: "Xixi has been eyeing this stone monkey for a long time, and he wants to accept him as a Buddhist guardian. Since they want it so much, let them do it! As for whether it is a blessing or a curse. , are all borne by their Buddhist sects themselves, we just need to wait for the right time."

After hearing this, Yaochi smiled slightly, this Sun Wukong is indeed like a time bomb, if he is not careful, he will catch fire, and it is not an ordinary fire, it is a flame that can extinguish everything, even if it is as strong as Buddhism, it is afraid If there is a catastrophe of extermination, it is safer for them to take care of themselves alone.

West, Lingshan

Jieyin and Zhunti looked in the direction of the Heavenly Court, with serious expressions on their faces, no one else, but because of the Taishang Laojun, compared to their pursuit of the great prosperity of the West, although it is for the prosperity of Buddhism, But in essence, it is to strengthen one's own luck and seek a breakthrough in cultivation. This is the motivation to trace back to the source.

But now that Buddhism has not yet flourished, Lao Tzu has already sought the opportunity of Hunyuan for his good corpse, which is still one step ahead of them. Once the Taishang Laojun proves the way of Hunyuan, even if Buddhism has flourished ten times, it will not be able to compare with it , which naturally shocked them greatly.

Fortunately, the Hunyuan sage is unable to make a move in the prehistoric world. Even if the Taishang Laojun succeeds in proving the Tao, it will not have any impact on the eastward advancement of Buddhism, but no one knows what impact it will have on the future. I don't know when the immeasurable calamity will come, and then everything in the prehistoric world will be empty, and only Hunyuan can be eternal.

Zhunti stared at the direction of the Heavenly Court for a long time, then suddenly turned his head to look at Jieying, and said, "Brother, since Lao Tzu Shanshi can follow the example of Emperor Jun and succeed, then we can do the same. Monkey King is not alone in luck, if you and I can succeed in one or two of the good and evil corpses, then it is not a bad idea to sacrifice the chance of the great prosperity of the West."

After answering the call, he kept pinching his fingers and remained silent for a long time before he shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "There is no chance at all, let alone whether we can bear the price we have to pay for this, the long river of fate alone will It's not so easy to find, after all, not everyone who has the luck of calamity can be like Monkey King."

A gleam flashed in Zhunti's eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "Then let Monkey King be your guide again, since Taishang Laojun can do it, then we can do it too, since I can afford the price, so can we, As long as we can capture Monkey King, then we might as well be successful."

Jieyin glanced at Zhunti, was silent for a while, sighed slightly, and said: "Junior brother, since you have made up your mind, then senior brother will not stop you, it's just that this matter is of great importance, and you need to be fully prepared. .”

Jieyin wanted to dissuade Zhunti, but he didn't open his mouth. He had no choice but to agree with Zhunti's plan. He understood that strength has become a thorn in Zhunti's heart. Among all the saints, Zhunti's strength is the weakest. In particular, the injury of the Conferred God Quantity Tribulation made it difficult for him to improve his cultivation. Now that he had the opportunity for the three corpses to gain enlightenment, how could he let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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