Chapter 468 Metamorphosis
The extremely violent quasi-sacred aura unscrupulously floated in the heavenly court, oppressing the gods in the heavenly court. Although after experiencing the calamity of the gods, the heavenly court has grown a lot, and after years of development, it can be regarded as a deep foundation, but the real Only the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother and Taishang Laojun are the only ones who have quasi-sage cultivation.

Although Sun Wukong's quasi-sage coercion is not only aimed at one person, but even so, there are many gods who are a little hard to bear. But it didn't cover up at all, in order to show the strength of the Four Religions.

But none of the disciples of the four religions who broke through to quasi-sage practice can have the terrifying coercion of Sun Wukong like a demon god. Although they also broke through to the quasi-sage realm, the coercion displayed by Sun Wukong is far more It's much more terrifying, and it doesn't look like someone who has just broken through to the early stage of quasi-sage.

But the layman is watching the excitement, while the insider is watching the doorway.

On Jinao Island, the disciples of the Jiejiao gathered in Biyou Palace, listening to the preaching of the Master of Tongtian. Since the conferred calamity, Jiejiao has gradually entered a state of retirement. Although there is still Taoism among the human race, But basically they are left by the three or four generations of Jiejiao disciples, and the second generation disciples basically don't show up anymore.

Although Jiejiao teamed up with the Yaozu and won the victory, the loss was not small. Fortunately, the Jiejiao has a deep foundation, and it is not considered a muscle injury. Now it has not only fully recovered its vitality, but also cultivated many people. Bao and other digital quasi-student masters, among the four teachings of Buddhism, are the most powerful.

Now it’s time for Journey to the West, but Jiejiao has no intention of participating in it. Even after the previous people explained the four teachings of Buddhism and the meeting with the heavenly court, Jiaojiao did not make any moves, just like an outsider, not at all. The meaning of participating in this amount of robbery.

In Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian was preaching, and suddenly stopped. All the disciples were also a little puzzled. Found the movement in the heaven.

Master Tongtian glanced at the figure of Monkey King in the heavenly court, a smile flashed in his eyes, then looked at the disciples, and said, "Have you seen that Monkey King? What do you want to say?"

Among the three Xiaos, there was a trace of consternation and envy in Bi Xiao's eyes, and he said: "As expected of the pawn that was favored by the demon emperor at the beginning, this talent is so amazing, it has only been born for a thousand years, and it has broken through to the quasi-sage realm. How many Taoist disciples have surpassed us, I am a little envious of him."

Hearing what Bi Xiao said, Master Tong Tian smiled faintly. Bi Xiao has such a character, straightforward and straightforward, so he didn't mean to blame him, but Bi Xiao's answer was obviously not what he wanted, so he turned to look at other disciples , wanting to hear answers that would satisfy him from them.

Yun Xiao, the longest and calmest among the three Xiaos, saw the expression of his Master Tongtian, and said, "Master, although this Sun Wukong was born late, he is inextricably linked with the Demon Emperor." , and with the merits of mending the sky, his cultivation is comparable to that of ordinary creatures, and now he has broken out of his cocoon and become a butterfly, which is also a matter of course."

After hearing this, Master Tongtian remained silent. Seeing this, Sanxiao's elder brother Zhao Gongming also said: "Master, what Sun Wukong cultivated should be the inheritance left by the Demon Emperor, and his skills are no worse than the Bajiu Xuangong. In addition, the origin of this monkey seems to be unusual, and it has a lot of luck, after the breakthrough, the initial cultivation base of the unusual quasi-sage is comparable."

Hearing the answers from Yunxiao and Zhao Gongming, Master Tongtian smiled again, and then shook his head slightly. Obviously, none of their answers satisfied him. Finally, he turned his eyes to his eldest disciple Duobao, hoping that he could give Give a different answer.

Facing the gazes of Master Tongtian and all his juniors and sisters, Duobao stared at the figure of Monkey King in the heavenly court for a long time before he said: "The methods of the demon emperor are enough to win the creation of heaven and earth, and this Monkey King can be enlightened by the demon emperor, which can be said to be unstoppable in all ages." The good fortune of cultivation, the good fortune of this monkey, I can't match it!"

Duobao's words were astonishing, which shocked all the Jiejiao disciples in Biyou Palace, but these Jiejiao disciples were obviously attracted by Duobao's words, but they didn't see a flash of admiration on the face of Master Tongtian, Obviously, Duobao's answer satisfied him so much that he lived up to his years of cultivation.

Qiong Xiao, who was among the three Xiaos, asked puzzledly: "Elder brother, you are still beheading the two corpses of good and evil. There are few opponents among the four religions. How can such a good fortune be compared with this monkey? Besides, he Although I have broken through to the quasi-sage realm, but I still cannot escape the fate of the pawn, how can it compare to me waiting for it?"

After hearing this, Duo Bao shook his head slightly, looked at the puzzled expressions on the faces of all the seniors, brothers and sisters, and said, "It's true that you only saw the performance, but didn't discover the mystery. You should feel the aura of that Monkey King carefully. This is a transformation of the level of life, and today's Monkey King is already an innate demon god!"

Innate Demon God!

After hearing this, all the disciples of the Jiejiao were greatly shocked. What kind of existence is the innate demon god?Their master Master Tongtian is an innate demon god. Some of them are innate beings like Sun Wukong before, and more are indeed acquired beings, but none of them are innate demon gods.

No one thought that Sun Wukong would transform from an innate creature into an innate demon god. This is a life-level transformation. No wonder Sun Wukong would become so terrifying after breaking through. It's just that this kind of thing is really unimaginable. Nothing like this has ever happened.

The Holy Mother of Wudang said with a look of astonishment: "This... how is this possible? I admit that this Sun Wukong is really extraordinary, but how can this kind of thing happen when he transforms from an innate creature to an innate demon god? Simply... It's just... a fantasy, it's too unbelievable!"

Duobao said in a deep voice: "How can it be impossible for innate creatures to transform into innate demon gods? No creatures have done it before, but it doesn't mean that there won't be any in the future. Isn't Monkey King a living example? This is not the first time, the Demon Emperor transformed into a Chaos Demon God back then!"

The disciples of Jiejiao fell silent immediately after hearing this, yes, even the innate demon gods can transform into chaos demon gods, so what's so surprising about the transformation of innate creatures into innate demon gods!

It's just that such an opportunity to transform the world is undoubtedly something they can't wait for. In this prehistoric world, the only person who has grasped this great opportunity to transform the life level is the Demon Emperor. How dare they ask for it!

But this does not prevent them from longing for and pursuing this heaven-defying opportunity. If they can also get this kind of opportunity, their future will undoubtedly become broader. The end of the world, the Supreme Hunyuan may not be so far away.

Master Tongtian and Duobao can discover this, and naturally some people from the three religions of Renzhan Buddhism have also discovered this. In addition, there are obviously many people who discovered this secret in the prehistoric world. Once this news spreads, it will definitely It caused an uproar in the prehistoric world, and the impact of the aftermath was unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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