Chapter 469
But such a shocking secret, I'm afraid it won't take long for it to spread throughout the prehistoric world. After all, Sun Wukong transformed into a congenital demon god in front of the entire prehistoric desolation. There are countless creatures who have seen this scene, and there are definitely many great talents who can discover this. , the news will spread sooner or later.

But now, all the disciples of the Four Sects, various forces, and casual cultivators who saw this scene were all moved by it. What an incredible opportunity for innate beings to transform into innate demon gods. Who of them does not covet such an opportunity? I don't want to be able to step onto a higher stage, or even spy on the mystery of Hunyuan.

Originally, in the eyes of all the forces in the prehistoric world, Sun Wukong was just an important pawn favored by Emperor Jun and bearing the fate of calamity, but now, he seems to be a great opportunity to move, but the ability to play this opportunity is not enough. Not many, after all, a quasi-sacred innate demon god is not something everyone can provoke.

Outside the Heavenly Court, the two great Buddhas and the Four Great Bodhisattvas of the Buddhist sect hide in the void, watching the movement in the Heavenly Court silently. I was moved by it, especially Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra and Manjusri among the four great bodhisattvas.

Although Tathagata, Maitreya, and Ksitigarbha are not innate demon gods, they are also innate beings at any rate. Guanyin, Pu Xian and Manjusri were originally innate beings, but they were reincarnated after being killed at the hands of Rahu. He has become a quasi-sage master, but after all, he is only an acquired soul.

Now Ksitigarbha has still beheaded the good corpse and reached the cultivation level of the middle stage of quasi-sage, but the three of them are still lingering in the early stage of quasi-sage, and have not touched the threshold of beheading the corpse at all, unless they use this amount of calamity to obtain merit and virtue. But good corpses, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to break through.

Now seeing that Sun Wukong has transformed from an innate creature to an innate demon god, how can they not be moved? Since Monkey King can transform from an innate creature to an innate demon god, can they also return from an acquired creature to an innate creature? The layers go even further!

Tathagata, Maitreya Buddha and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva naturally took in the expressions of Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra and Manjusri three-dimensional Bodhisattva. They understood the thoughts of Avalokitesvara, but they were not moved. The innate demon god is a higher The level means that the future Hunyuan may not be unpredictable.

Now the innate demon gods in the prehistoric are basically comprehending the mystery of Hunyuan, and they have not even reached the peak of quasi-sage. In their situation, if they want to reach the peak of quasi-sage, they are qualified to spy on the mystery of Hunyuan. How many years, let alone how many years have to be saved to break through Hunyuan.

If they can transform into innate demon gods like Sun Wukong, I don’t know how many years of practice will be saved, and their practice will be more in line with the way of heaven. indifferent.

Manjusri Bodhisattva glanced at Tathagata, and said, "Buddha, when shall I do it? Now Monkey King has become a fragrant bun in the prehistoric world. If we continue like this, more and more people will stare at him. At that time, a scuffle will inevitably occur, and that will be troublesome."

They were originally here to capture Monkey King, but now at most they can do it in advance. After all, Monkey King has shown a higher value. If you continue to wait, I am afraid that the night will be full of dreams. After all, facing such an opportunity, I am afraid that many people cannot turn a blind eye Sun Wukong is still in the territory of the Jade Emperor Haotian, so it is easier to cause problems.

After Tathagata heard it, he said in a deep voice: "Well, then we should do it in advance, and we will quickly suppress this Monkey King and don't give him any chance to escape. Today's Monkey King is not a little monkey who can be manipulated at will. Although the current quasi-sage masters have just broken through, their strength must not be underestimated."

In the Palace of High Heaven, Haotian and Yaochi looked at Sun Wukong who was provoking him above the Palace of High Heaven, and did not move at all. They both regarded Sun Wukong as nothing, and they were still comprehending the mystery of Hunyuan. , the quasi-sage cultivation base that has just broken through can't pose any threat to the two of them at all.

Sun Wukong saw that Haotian and Yaochi didn't pay any attention to him at all, he couldn't help being furious in his heart, the anger that had nowhere to vent burst out all of a sudden, he waved the golden cudgel in his hand, and threw it directly at the Lingxiao Palace, his mouth violent He shouted: "Old Jade Emperor, eat a stick from my grandson!"

The golden cudgel fell towards the Lingxiao Palace with terrifying power. All the gods in the hall were shocked. No one thought that Monkey King would be so crazy. The Lingxiao Palace is the supreme symbol of the heaven. Attacking here is tantamount to The Heavenly Court is immortal, so is he not afraid at all?

And Sun Wukong's stick is amazingly powerful, and it is still not something Daluo Jinxian can resist. No one dares to go up and face bad luck, but they are not too worried. Queen Mother, it is obvious that only a Monkey King can't make any waves.

Just as they expected, when the Jade Emperor raised his hand, a mirror appeared in the Jade Emperor's hand. It was the Jade Emperor's supreme magic weapon, the Haotian Mirror. It unfolded directly in the Lingxiao Palace, completely protecting the Lingxiao Palace.

The golden cudgel fell and hit the cyan barrier, making a loud noise immediately, but although the movement was loud, it did not cause the slightest damage to the Lingxiao Palace. Not only that, even the cyan barrier released by the Haotian Mirror It was not broken, but there was a tiny ripple.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong's expression also changed. He also understood the gap between himself and the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor is not something he can deal with now. Moreover, he has just broken through and his realm has not yet stabilized. This heaven is indeed not a place to stay for a long time. , or leave first, and then make plans.

Just when Sun Wukong was about to leave, the light of the six Buddhas suddenly descended on the heavenly court, shouting in his mouth: "Amitabha! The bold monster monkey dares to despise the majesty of the heavenly court like this. It is really a heinous crime. If you don't hurry up, you will be arrested. Go to the west with us, wash away If you do all your evil spirits and sins, you may be able to achieve Buddhahood in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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