Chapter 470
The Buddha's light dissipated, Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, Avalokitesvara, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra appeared together in the heavenly court. The six surrounded Sun Wukong directly, cutting off all the escape routes of Sun Wukong. Monkey King's determination to win will never give Monkey King any chance to escape.

The appearance of the two great Buddhas and the four great bodhisattvas of Buddhism in the heavenly court really surprised the gods in the heavenly court and the forces of all parties in the prehistoric world. She had been prepared for a long time, but she showed up only when the timing was right.

The secret of Monkey King is indeed very tempting, but now that Buddhism has taken the lead, it has already cut off most people's minds. The strength of Buddhism is obviously not something that some casual cultivators can attack, but can participate in this battle for Monkey King The forces among them are very few.

And Tianting is naturally one of them. Although the Taishang Laojun will basically not participate in the affairs of Tianting, Tianting has two super masters who are quasi-sage peaks, Haotian and Yaochi. , not to mention that this time it is still in the heavenly court, which has an absolute advantage in the right time and place.

But to the surprise of all parties concerned about this battle, people from the Buddhist sect suddenly appeared in the heavenly court. People suppressed Monkey King, and they didn't intend to intervene in it at all. Could it be that Heaven really has no interest in the secrets of Monkey King?

Haotian and Yaochi remained silent, looking like they were watching a show, which made Tathagata and the others feel a little relieved. Although they had six quasi-sages, they faced the unfathomable Haotian and Yaochi. , They still have no idea in their hearts. Now that Haotian and Yaochi are watching from the sidelines, they are naturally happy to see it.

Tathagata looked at Sun Wukong who was besieged among them, and said in a deep voice: "You monkey, the heavenly court conferred on you the Monkey King, but you don't think about the grace of heaven, and dare to go down to the heavenly court. The Jade Emperor is kind, and it is not easy for you to practice!" , I don’t care about you, but you have intensified, if you let it go, it will become a catastrophe, today my Buddhist sect accepts you, a monstrous monkey, for the Heavenly Court!"

Ling Ran said so carelessly, and by the way even praised the Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Court, but in fact, it is not the Buddhists who have their eyes on Sun Wukong, who will always say it so smoothly for the heavens, and the sentence "fate with me" is even more unreasonable. Know how many souls and treasures have been taken from the east.

Hearing what the Tathagata said, Sun Wukong couldn't help but angrily said: "Baldy donkey, this is a grievance between my grandson and the heaven. What has it to do with your Buddhism? Get out of my grandson quickly, or don't blame me You are welcome, old grandson, if the cause is reaped today, the fruit will be repaid in the future, at that time, my old grandson will definitely kill all of you in Western Lingshan and let your blood flow like a river!"

Facing Sun Wukong's threat, Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha clasped his hands together and said: "Amitabha, the evil obstacle, the murderous intention is so serious, if you ignore it, you will become the devil of disasters in the future. Since you are so obsessed, don't blame us." You're welcome, Buddha, let's quickly capture this evil obstacle!"

When Tathagata heard this, he nodded immediately: "Amitabha, monster monkey, since you are so stubborn, I can only suppress you first, and then take you to the Western Lingshan, chant sutras every day, and get rid of your murderous intentions. The mission of measuring the calamity will become my Dharma protector in the future, and this is also your good fortune."

Come on, Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, Avalokitesvara, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra changed their positions and formed seals in their hands. The six "卍" characters appeared in their palms, radiating golden light, and the golden light connected with each other. A barrier space was formed directly, and Sun Wukong was directly besieged in it.

Liuhe Demon Suppressing Formation!

One of the great formations of the Buddhist township, the top-level formation jointly arranged by the two great Buddhas and the four great Bodhisattvas of the Buddhist sect, is not inferior to the nine-curved Yellow River formation arranged by Jiejiao Sanxiao, precisely because During the Fengshenliangjie, they saw the power of the Jiejiao formation, so they painstakingly participated in the research and created such a formation.

As soon as the Liuhe town demon formation came out, the Buddha's light overflowed and the golden light was shining. Ordinary creatures facing such a Buddha's light, if their minds are not strong, even if their cultivation reaches the state of Daluo, they are likely to be transformed by it, but now Being in the Heavenly Court, Tathagata and the others did not dare to be presumptuous, so they could only restrain the formation and suppress Monkey King with all their strength.

In the big formation, Sun Wukong was covered with Buddhist golden light, continuously attacking him, no matter how much he waved the golden cudgel in his hand, and defeated as many Buddhist golden lights, it had no effect at all. The Buddhist golden light seemed endless, still It attacked him like a tidal wave.

Faced with such a difficult golden light of Buddhism, Sun Wukong also gradually lost his patience. He understood that it was useless to just resist the golden light of Buddhism blindly. Only by breaking the formation that trapped him could he completely solve the problem. This made him feel disgusted by the golden light of Buddhism, escaped from the predicament.

Sun Wukong suddenly shouted loudly, and his body began to grow rapidly, surrounded by evil spirits, protecting his body from the golden light of Buddhism. He held the golden cudgel tightly in his hand, and the tyrannical power continued to gather on it. Bursting out the meaning of infinite frenzied battle, the aura of the law of battle expands infinitely, the law is like the sky, and the power is unparalleled.

There was another yell, and Sun Wukong, who had been accumulating energy for a long time, suddenly made a move. With a wave of the golden cudgel in his hand, it had the potential to break the sky, and the stick directly blasted towards the formation barrier of the Liuhe Demon Suppressing Formation. The violent power It directly scattered the Buddha's light ocean, and then smashed directly on the formation barrier.

A loud bang resounded through the entire Heavenly Court. Some gods with low cultivation bases were even bled from their orifices and were seriously injured. Fortunately, Monkey King attacked from inside the formation. If it was outside, the aftermath would be thousands of times stronger. Being affected by it, even Da Luo Jinxian might not be able to please him.

The terrifying attack caused the formation barrier of the Liuhe Demon Suppressing Formation to shake immediately, and the violent power was dispersed to six nodes of the formation formation, which were respectively borne by Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, Guanyin, Puxian, and Manjusri. After all, Tathagata, Maitreya, and Ksitigarbha were all fine, after all, they all had their bodies chopped up, and the force dispersed by Monkey King's blow was not enough to hurt them.

But Avalokitesvara, Puxian, and Manjusri are different. Even with the magic weapon to protect them, they are still shocked. Out of Fatian Xiangdi, the strength increased even more. If the strength had not been dispersed by the large formation, it might be enough to directly hurt any of the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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