Chapter 476
Whether it's the former or the latter, this is bad news to the extreme. The original evil way reappears. With the enmity between Luo Hu and Di Jun, the two ways of monsters will never live in peace. The situation I would like to see the most, but to everyone's surprise, the monsters have been living in peace.

The Yaozu did not deliberately suppress the Demon Dao, and the Demon Dao did not fight against the Yaozu. It just demonized some newborn Yaozu and did not make any progress. It fell silent, and there was no more movement.

Originally, the prehistoric sentient beings didn't think too much about it. After all, there were very few monster races who really participated in the Conferred God Calamity. I am afraid that most of the reasons were for the successful testimony of Emperor Junshan's corpse. The clan was completely silent, and the monster clan's territory could only enter and cannot enter, as if it was completely blocked.

Moreover, with Dijun's current cultivation base, he doesn't bother to attack Luo Hu who has just returned from the robbery, nor does he bother to suppress the demonic way that has just reappeared in the wild. After all, the strength of the monster clan is far from any one or two forces. No matter how the magic way develops, it is impossible to become the enemy of the monster race.

But now it seems that the monsters have been in contact with them for a long time. The six-eared macaque, the red-tailed horse monkey, and the arm-armed monkey all look like they were born in the monster clan. It will not be silent, and the exercises they practice seem to be the same as Monkey King, so it is very likely that they were passed down by Di Jun.

Although I don't know what is so special about these four monkeys that can allow Dijun to teach the secret method of life level transformation, but obviously they have already caught Dijun's eyes. I don't care, after all, what they practiced and learned were all passed down by his emperor.

Although Di Jun's cultivation is all-powerful, but as a demon emperor, he has never accepted an apprentice in his life. He only has a son and a daughter, so he can be regarded as inheriting his mantle. Di Jun's character will never let it go, but until now there has been no movement, which is a bit weird.

All of this seems to be explained only by the possibility of the monsters reaching a deal or joining forces, but in this way, the prehistoric situation will inevitably cause huge waves. After all, as long as God Jun and his monster clan are involved, everything will not be so simple. Not even the saints could remain indifferent.

In the heavenly court, Monkey King was observing Liu Er, Wu Zhi Qi and Yuan Hong, and Liu Er, Wu Zhi Qi and Yuan Hong were also looking at Monkey King. The leader Liu Er grinned and said, "Forget it, Monkey King Your fourth brother! Haha...after millions of years, the four monkeys we waited for have finally gathered together."

The Four Monkeys in Confusion?

The six-eared macaque directly told the origins of the four monkeys. It turns out that they are the four monkeys of the mixed world. Apart from seeing Di Jun differently, it will definitely not be simple.

Chijima Monkey Wuzhiqi also followed suit and said, "Fourth brother, I am the second born among the four monkeys in the chaotic world. You can call me the second brother. The eldest brother Liu Er was born first. It was after the Long Han's calamity. As for The third brother Yuan Hong, he and I were both born after the Lich Tribulation, it's just that I was a little earlier than him."

Sun Wukong looked at Liuer, Wuzhiqi and Yuan Hong, cupped his hands, and said with a smile: "Little brother has seen the eldest brother, the second brother, and the third brother. Thank you three brothers for coming to help me out of trouble. This bald donkey's formation is really powerful." , I am really no match, now that I have three brothers to help, I am not afraid of them."

Yuan Hong, the arm-armed monkey, looked at the six Buddhists with cold eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Fourth brother, these bald donkeys bully the few with more, and use formations to suppress you. Brothers like us will never let it go, since they have formations , then let's show them our formation, your inheritance should have that!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, there was a hint of excitement on his face, and he laughed and said: "Of course, that part of the inheritance has been unsealed, and now that I meet the three brothers, it can just come in handy and let all living beings see it." We are waiting for the unrivaled power of the four monkeys in the chaotic world. Three brothers, set up the formation?"

Liu Er glanced at the six members of the Buddhist sect, smiled coldly, and shouted in a deep voice: "Set up the formation! The four-dimensional Hunyuan formation...start!"

Following Liu Er's order, the four monkeys immediately began to act. Monkey King, Liu Er, Wu Zhiqi, and Yuan Hong each stood at one of the four directions. The wind position of earth, water and fire, Wuzhiqi's fate is at the water level of earth, wind, water and fire, and Yuan Hong's fate is at the position of earth, wind, water and fire.

In the four directions, the earth, wind, water and fire, and the four monkeys in the chaotic world returned to their positions. In an instant, the four were connected with each other. The formation is much more terrifying, after all, the cultivation base of the people who set up the formation can far surpass Di Jun's former opponents.

The Hunyuan formation from all directions immediately stirred up the aura of the Heavenly Court violently and turbulently. The earth's wind, water and fire were rampant, and there was a slight charm of returning to chaos. The power of the large formation was far beyond the ability of ordinary Heavenly Court immortals to bear.

Seeing this, Haotian raised his hand, and the Haotian Mirror directly shot out blue light, exuding the breath of space fluctuations. The blue light directly formed a layer of enchantment around the six Buddhists and the four monkeys of Monkey King. Don't underestimate this thin A layer of enchantment, which directly blocks the space, it can be seen that Haotian's comprehension of the laws of space is not superficial.

Once the four-dimensional Hunyuan formation was completed, Buddhist Tathagata, Maitreya and others suddenly felt infinite eyes. With their vision and knowledge, they can naturally find that the four-square Hunyuan formation laid by Monkey King and the four monkeys is not inferior to their Liuhe The Demon Suppressing Formation may even be superior, so they naturally dare not be careless in the slightest.

The Buddha's light reappeared, and the Liuhe Demon Suppressing Formation reappeared again. The sound of the Buddha and the light of the Buddha filled the space blocked by the Haotian Mirror. The time is hard to distinguish, but this is just the beginning of this battle.

Although the big formation was completed, neither of the two sides started to fight directly. The six Buddhists had been exhausted before, and they needed time to recover, and also needed time to observe the opponent's formation, and choose their weak points to break the formation, otherwise they could only fight fiercely Going down, knowing that one side can't hold it first, it would be a waste of time.

But Sun Wukong, Liu Er, Wu Zhiqi and Yuan Hong are familiarizing themselves with the formation. After all, the four of them hadn't gathered together before and couldn't practice the formation. In the middle of the big formation, they inexplicably have a familiar and friendly feeling in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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