Chapter 477 Hole Cards
The Hunyuan Grand Formation in the four directions, the earth, wind, water and fire generate and restrain each other, Sun Wukong, Liuer, Wuzhiqi and Yuan Hong each occupy one place, the breaths of the four monkeys in the Hunshi are connected to each other, and the origin echoes, naturally there will be this familiar and cordial feeling, but They are setting up the formation for the first time now, and they are not yet familiar with it, otherwise the power displayed by the formation will definitely be stronger.

Not only because they are not yet fully familiar with the formation, but also because of their cultivation base, Liu Er is the highest, and has reached the late quasi-sage, followed by Wuzhiqi, the middle quasi-sage, and the remaining Yuan Hong and Sun Wukong are all quasi-sages at the early stage , The cultivation bases are all different, and the four directions are unstable, so the formation will naturally not be able to exert a stronger power, and it will also expose flaws.

As the eldest brother, Liu Er is also the wisest of the four monkeys in the chaotic world. After all, he has practiced for many years and his vision is extraordinary. He naturally understands this. The probability of the law being broken is naturally greater.

Therefore, when the formation was completed, Liu Er, Sun Wukong and the four monkeys in the world only got acquainted with each other a little bit, and they stopped hesitating. The real body of Faxiang, with evil spirit soaring to the sky, is unparalleled in power, and the earth, wind, water and fire echo each other, faintly suppressing the Buddha's light and Buddha's voice.

In the Buddhist Liuhe Town Demon Formation, the four Bodhisattvas Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra, and Manjusri sat cross-legged on the lotus platform, staring at the square Hunyuan formation opposite, with a very dignified expression. Seeing the Sifang Hunyuan With new changes in the formation, they naturally dare not slack off in the slightest.

Maitreya looked at the changes in the Hunyuan formation in all directions, and suddenly said with a light smile: "Brother, it seems that these four monkeys have adapted to the formation and are ready to do it. The zodiac sign Xianghe, and the real body of the Dharma, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with, what do you think, brother?"

Tathagata replied softly: "Young brother, why bother to ask, I can develop the flaws in this formation, and you will naturally find out, junior brother, that although this formation is strong, it is unstable in all directions. This is the biggest flaw in their formation." , as long as you continue to shake its formation, break it a little, the formation will break down by itself."

Maitreya nodded, and said: "Senior brother is very true, then let's do it! If this drags on, I don't know who will come from the magic way. If the mysterious magician comes, I'm afraid we may I will return in vain, why not capture these four monkeys now, and return to Lingshan, what will happen to the devil!"

After hearing this, Tathagata and the four great bodhisattvas nodded and said, "Amitabha!"

With the sound of "Amitabha", the Liuhe Demon Suppressing Formation immediately changed. Countless Buddha lights shone between the heaven and the earth, and then all gathered on the formation, and a larger golden body of Buddha appeared in the heavenly court. The power of the big formation is fully activated, and its power is much stronger than before.

The golden body of the Buddha stands in the heavenly court, the voice of the Buddha is endless, the palm of the Buddha moves slightly, the wind blows, and a big golden "卍" character flashes on the huge palm, and it falls directly towards the real body of the four monkeys in the chaos , it seems that he wants to crush the Hunyuan formation in all directions with one palm, and completely suppress the four monkeys in the Hunshi world.

Seeing this, Liu Er, Sun Wukong, Wu Zhiqi and Yuan Hong all burst into laughter, and the four Dharma Buddhas waved the sticks in their hands in a formation of earth, water and fire, and threw them at the giant palm of the Buddha in unison. The combination of fire and radiance complement each other, and the power is greatly increased, which is not weaker than the power of the Buddha's golden body.

There was a loud noise, and the real body of the four monkeys directly defended the giant palm of the Buddha. The impact between the two spread directly, and fell on the surrounding space blockade, which caused waves of ripples on the blue barrier , but it was just a slight fluctuation. If you want to break the blockade, you can't do it with the aftermath alone.

One palm failed, the other palm of the Buddha's golden body also moved immediately, the palm was half-held, the index finger was stretched out alone, the golden light condensed on it, and one finger pointed straight at Monkey King among the four monkeys in the chaotic world. Among the Hunyuan formation, Sun Wukong is obviously the weakest formation eye, the easiest to break through.

Seeing this, Liu Er, Sun Wukong, Wu Zhiqi and Yuan Hong didn't dare to be careless. They all exerted their strength and forcefully knocked back the giant palm of the Buddha that was pressing on them. The plan of those who want to destroy Buddhism.

However, the Buddha's finger did not change his original intention. Although the attack was blocked by the four monkeys, most of the power of this finger was directed towards Monkey King. It is obviously impossible to break the formation with one blow. The Yuan formation is not weak, but as long as it is shaken a little, it will be much easier to break the formation.

Sure enough, Sun Wukong withstood most of the force of the Buddha's finger, and the real body of Faxiang shook immediately, and this immediately caused a chain reaction. Earth, wind, water and fire are overflowing, and the flaws of the formation are slowly beginning to appear.

Inside the Buddha's golden body, the eyes of the six members of the Buddhist sect flashed a gleam of joy when they saw this. Although the Hunyuan formation in all directions is indeed powerful, the formation formed by the four Hunshi monkeys is not perfect, and there is no running-in. , obviously will not be their opponents of the Buddhist formation, and it is only time to break the formation.

Liu Er glanced at Sun Wukong, who was in turmoil, and said in a deep voice: "I am waiting for the first formation, and I haven't run into it yet, and there is a gap in my cultivation base. If we continue to fight for a long time, we will lose, and we must make a quick decision. Since If you can't fight for a long time, then you might as well try your best and use your hole cards directly!"

Sun Wukong, Wuzhiqi and Yuan Hong all nodded after hearing this. As the four monkeys moved their minds, the Hunyuan formation in all directions immediately began to change. For a long time, a giant monkey that was not inferior to the golden body of Buddha stood in the heavenly court.

Roar! ! ! ! !
The giant monkey roared violently, raised its head to the sky and screamed, and the evil spirit around it rose to the sky, with a fierce power that was overwhelming. With the appearance of the giant monkey, the evil spirit of understanding between the prehistoric world suddenly began to riot, and they gathered towards the heaven and merged into the giant monkey. In the real body, the terrifying power spread all over the heavens and even the prehistoric world.

At this moment, the entire prehistoric world was shaken, all the sages, powers of all parties, and all creatures were shocked, not for anything else, just because of the real body of this giant monkey, a terrifying evil spirit was rare in the world, but it was even more amazing It was still the same aura, there was even a hint of the terrifying aura of the Chaos Demon God faintly.

No one thought that the formation formed by Sun Wukong and the four monkeys in the world would have such a terrifying change. The Tianshensha formation is no longer there, but now they see a formation that is somewhat similar to it, how can it not be shocking!

(End of this chapter)

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