The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 487 Haotian's Condition

Chapter 487 Haotian's Condition

After Maitreya finished speaking, the four of them fell silent. Maitreya and Tathagata stared at Haotian and Yaochi, wanting to see some reactions from their faces. A little threat, especially for an emperor, is definitely not a good way to lobby.

If it was normal, Maitreya would never do this, but now is an extraordinary period, and an extraordinary strategy should be used. Nowadays, some temptations of interests can no longer persuade Haotian, Yaochi and Buddhism to stand on the same front. After all, the battle between Buddha and demons is not a trivial matter. The degree of danger is far beyond the Conferred God War, and even an existence like the Heavenly Court may overthrow it.

Dare to speak like this, Maitreya naturally has his own confidence. Although Haotian and Yaochi are the lords of the heavenly court, in the name of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, they are in charge of the prehistoric, but there are very few prehistoric areas that can really be controlled. The infinite sense of crisis brought to them by the emperor is enough to make them have no time to care about this threat.

Facing Maitreya's words that directly hit the vital point, Haotian did not show any displeasure. Maitreya's words are indeed the biggest pain point in the heavenly court. Being targeted by Emperor Jun again, even the saints may not be able to deal with it calmly, let alone them Woolen cloth?Even if they really proved Hunyuan, they would not be able to confront Di Jun head-on.

Now it is clear that Dijun wants to regain the heart of heaven. Since Dijun dares to do this, he must have enough confidence to deal with Tiandao Hongjun. It is not very likely that Hongjun can save him and Yaochi , but even if there is such a possibility, Haotian will not completely pin his hopes on it.

It is not unacceptable for Haotian to lose the Heavenly Court, but before that, he and Yao Chi must rely on the luck of the Heavenly Court to prove the Dao Hunyuan, otherwise, if they lose the luck of the Heavenly Court, the progress of the two of them will inevitably be much slower. I don't know how many years it will take to cultivate enough to deal with the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation.

And without the help of the Heavenly Court, Haotian is not fully sure that he can survive the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation safely. Besides, besides the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, there are also man-made disasters. There is a high probability that he will perish in the Tianjie. Even if he and Yaochi survive the catastrophe and guard alone, the result will not change.

Now that the way of the devil is coming to the prehistoric world, the war between the Buddha and the devil is inevitable. The Buddhist sect wants to win over the heavenly court to deal with the demon race with them. For the heavenly court, there is almost no benefit at all. , this is what he and Yaochi urgently need, of course, this is not what he Haotian wants the most.

After being silent for a long time, Haotian looked at Tathagata and Maitreya, and said in a deep voice: "The demon world has come to the prehistoric world, and the demonic way is threatening. If the heavenly court goes to war with it, I am afraid that the loss will be huge. However, it is not the righteous way of the prehistoric way to kill the demonic way master. Since the two of you sincerely want to invite It is not impossible for heaven to help Buddhism, but I have two conditions."

When Tathagata and Maitreya heard this, a look of joy flashed in their eyes. Obviously, both of them were delighted that Haotian let go so quickly. They looked at each other, and then Tathagata said: "What conditions does the Jade Emperor have? Come, my Buddhist sect is to make a living for all the prehistoric people, and I will definitely do my best to meet the conditions of the Jade Emperor."

Haotian said in a deep voice: "First, the Buddha Dharma is advancing eastward, and there are countless merits and virtues to be done. In order to convince the gods in the heavens, this matter must be led by me in the heavens. , when you cross the catastrophe in the future, your Buddhism must protect it with all your strength, and help the two of us successfully overcome the catastrophe, how about it?"

As soon as Tathagata and Maitreya heard this, the joy in their eyes disappeared without a trace. Neither of Haotian's two requests is a trivial matter. All will fall into the hands of heaven, which will also weaken the extent to which the eastward expansion of Buddhism has increased the luck of Buddhism.

But now it is the life and death of Buddhism, and some luck is not something that cannot be given up. As long as Heavenly Court can help Buddhism to fight against the devil, this is not unacceptable. After all, there are not enough benefits, so I want Heavenly Court to contribute , that is simply impossible.

But the second condition is a bit special. This problem can be big or small. If Haotian and Yaochi cross the catastrophe, if everything goes smoothly, the Buddhist sect will naturally be happy, but if someone takes the opportunity to attack them and interfere with the tribulation, then the Buddhist sect Naturally, it is impossible to stand on the sidelines, but the question is who is the person who made the move.

If it's just an ordinary prehistoric power, it's okay to say that with the strength of Buddhism, even if the two saints, Jieyin and Zhunti, don't make a move, it is enough to ensure that Haotian and Yaochi will not be disturbed, but if the person who makes the move is a demon clan And the Mozu, the situation is very different, the Buddhism does not have enough strength to deal with these two tribes.

Just as Tathagata and Maitreya were meditating, the voice of the guiding sage rang in their ears: "Accept Haotian's request, and when you cross the catastrophe, if the monsters and demons make a move, for the good and evil of the teacher and your uncle." Both corpses can be shot, but as for Di Jun, Tai Yi and Nu Wa, I'm afraid I don't even bother to attack them."

As soon as Tathagata and Maitreya heard this, they were relieved and got the instructions to guide the sage. Tathagata immediately said: "Jade Emperor, your two conditions, the poor monk agreed on behalf of Buddhism. This process of Buddhism advancing eastward, my Buddhism As long as you protect in secret, the calamity will be resolved by the heavenly court, and as for the two of you to overcome the calamity, our Buddhist sect will definitely help you with all your strength."

When Haotian and Yaochi heard this, they also breathed a sigh of relief. With the promise of Buddhism, although there is no guarantee that they will survive the tribulation [-]% safely, at least it is much better than fighting alone. It is not a big deal for Di Jun to recapture the Heavenly Court.

Honghuang has gone through the five calamities of Kaitian, Fierce Beast, Dragon Han, Lich, and Conferred God, and this time, it is already the sixth calamity of calamity. The number of heaven and earth begins with one and ends at nine. At most, it can only survive nine times of calamity in the world, when the immeasurable calamity comes, the prehistoric world will also be destroyed.

At that time, the heavenly court will be useless to Haotian and Yaochi, the skin will be gone, the hair will be left, and the prehistoric will be destroyed. How can the heavenly court be preserved? As long as they can earn Hunyuan and spend After immeasurable calamities, the Heavenly Court was taken back by Di Jun, so it was nothing.

What's more, before the immeasurable calamity, Honghuang may not really be able to survive nine calamities. Every calamity is a kind of damage to Honghuang, especially the calamity of Longhan, Lich and Fengshen. In the catastrophe, first the west was destroyed, then the mountains collapsed, the heavens were destroyed, and finally the flood was broken. Although they were all repaired by the way of heaven, it was enough to hurt the vitality of the flood.

After this amount of calamity, Honghuang can go through several times of calamity before it will usher in the immeasurable calamity. No one can say, maybe once, maybe twice. If you can't earn Hunyuan before the immeasurable calamity, then everything will be wiped out, so what's the point of belonging to the heaven!
Now, Haotian and Yaochi have only one belief, that is to prove the Dao Hunyuan, as for the other things, they are just things outside the body, gains and losses are all illusory, only the Dao can be eternal, and it cannot be in the prehistoric If you are detached, what's the point of being in this heaven for thousands of years!

 Happy Mid-autumn Festival! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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