The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 488 The Beginning of Journey to the West

Chapter 488 The Beginning of Journey to the West
Western Spirit Mountain
Tathagata and Maitreya returned from the heaven, came to meet their teachers under the Bodhi tree, received the two saints, Yin and Zhunti, Tathagata said: "Master, Master Uncle, the Jade Emperor has promised to join hands with my Buddhist sect to resist the evil way." , and then we can arrange the eastward expansion of Buddhism.”

After hearing this, Jieyin and Zhunti nodded, and Jieyin said: "Well, you have done very little, with the help of heaven, the pressure on my Buddhism will be reduced a lot, but the next actions should not be careless , The reincarnated person must be carefully guarded, lest the Demon Dao know anything about it.”

Maitreya said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, Guanyin will always pay attention to the reincarnated person to avoid any accidents. Heavenly Court will also send some gods to protect them secretly, and will not give the magic way any opportunity. It's just a disciple. There is a concern, is the nine-nine-eight-one disaster appropriate?"

After Zhunti heard it, he said in a deep voice: "Mitreya, I know what you are worried about. This nine-nine-eight-one is difficult to take the demons along the way from the Tang Dynasty in the east to the Lingshan in the west. It can not only complete the catastrophe, but also cut off some demon forces. , although it can't weaken the strength of the magic way, but at least it can suppress the arrogance of the magic way."

When Maitreya heard this, the smile on his face narrowed, and he said solemnly: "Master, I understand what you mean. Is it inappropriate to attack the monsters along the way? The demons are fine to say, but if the words of the monsters cause trouble With the chain reaction of other monster races, the battle between Buddha and demons may cause accidents."

Zhunti said lightly: "It's okay, now that the ancient monster clans have retired, these monster clans are just newborn monster clans, and they are insignificant to the monster clans. Don't worry about the reaction of the monster clans, let alone if these monster clans are allowed to Regardless of the family, the Heaven Devourer Taoist is the appeal of Di Jun's evil corpse, if they become demons, they will be a big trouble in the future."

Maitreya nodded after hearing this, but Tathagata said at this time: "Master, I agree with this disciple to cut off the forces of demons along the way, but I am afraid that these demons will not be so easy to be fooled. If they avoid the westward road in advance, Then what should I do, after all, it is dangerous, and those monsters will not miss it."

Jieyin and Zhunti listened to each other, looked at each other and smiled, only to see Jieyin stretch out his hand, Tathagata and Maitreya looked in the direction Jieyin pointed, it was the most precious treasure of Buddhism, the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, this Eight Treasures Merit Pool Although it doesn't have much attack and defense power, it can gather Buddhist merit and turn it into a pool of merit.

Thinking back when Avalokitesvara, Manjusri and Samantabhadra were thrown into the Buddhist gate, they were killed by Taoists who swallowed heaven, and their true spirits were rescued by Jieyin and Zhunti. This is the wonder of the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, which can accommodate Buddhist merits, large and small, even insignificant.

But at this moment, in the eight-treasure merit pool, a ninth-grade golden lotus is floating on it, shining brightly. When Tathagata and Maitreya met, there was a hint of shock in his eyes. Gift, although it can give birth to lotus seeds, but if you want to cultivate lotus, you need a lot of merit.

Now this golden lotus of ninth-grade merit must have been born using the merits accumulated in the eight-treasure merit pool. Although it is a bit simple, the power of merit and virtue paid in it cannot be accumulated overnight.

The lotus seeds of this virtuous golden lotus, Tathagata and Maitreya both have them, they are all gifted by the guide, the two have cultivated them for a long time, and poured their own accumulated merits into it, up to now it is only a sixth-grade golden lotus, and now a ninth-grade golden lotus of merit Right in front of them, they were naturally a little surprised, and at the same time they also had some desire in their hearts.

Jieyin looked at the ninth-grade golden lotus, and said, "This ninth-grade golden lotus will be given to the reincarnated person, nourishing his reincarnated body with the golden lotus of merit, and then using it as bait to lure those demons into the bait. This scripture learner can greatly increase his cultivation base and get this ninth-grade golden lotus, will those monsters not be tempted?"

Tathagata and Maitreya immediately understood that using this as a bait, not to mention ordinary monsters, even the existence of Da Luo Jinxian level or even quasi-holy level would be tempted, but it was a bit difficult to convince those monsters. It can't be propagated by Buddhism, it will definitely make those demons think it is a trap.

Since Buddhism can't take the initiative to promote it, it seems that this task can only be done by others. The monsters on the westbound road, or the people of the heavens, are all good choices. The details, just need to think about it. Don't let those monsters on the westbound road suspect.

Not long after, news came out from the Western Lingshan that Jin Chanzi, the second apprentice of Tathagata, was punished by Tathagata to go to reincarnation, and the journey to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures also kicked off.

In the devil world
Every move of the Buddhist sect falls into the eyes of the Demon Ancestor Cheating Heaven Taoist and the magician Kunpeng. Kunpeng stares at the west with a trace of extremely deep hatred in his eyes. The monstrous karma has not been understood until now, and even after reincarnation, Kunpeng cannot let go of it.

Kunpeng looked in the direction of the Heavenly Court and said, "Mazu, this Buddhist sect has joined forces with the Heavenly Court, and the second disciple of Tathagata has also been reincarnated in Dongsheng Shenzhou. Set off, go to the Western Lingshan to seek the Buddhist scriptures, and use the demons along the way as a calamity to complete the calamity.

This wishful thinking is really loud enough, but they think that they can compete with my demonic way if they get into the heavenly court. Urn, see how many of them will be buried on this westbound road. "

After hearing this, Taoist Devourer smiled faintly: "Kunpeng, it seems that this time you intend to settle the karma with the Buddhist sect, but this is indeed a good opportunity. Since you intend to severely damage the Buddhist sect on this westward journey, then the matter will be handed over to you." Let me deal with it for you! This seat prefers to draw salary from the bottom of the pot."

When Kunpeng heard it, he said in a deep voice: "The Demon Ancestor means to attack the reincarnated body of the golden cicada. I'm afraid it will not be easy. Buddhism and Heaven will definitely take strict precautions. It may not be easy to control Jin Chanzi's reincarnation."

After hearing this, Taoist Eater laughed and said: "Hahaha... Actually, this is not very difficult. It only needs an opportunity. As long as there is a moment of slack, things can be done. We just need to wait for the time to come." But, watch it!"

(End of this chapter)

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