Chapter 493

Huaguo Mountain, in the Water Curtain Cave, where the Seven Great Sages used to gather to worship, and now Sun Wukong is still the God of War in the demon world, and a quasi-sage power. Since then, the so-called "Seven Great Sages" have existed in name only That's interesting, after all, the difference between Daluo Jinxian and Zhunsheng is really far.

But today, in the Water Curtain Cave, the Great Sages such as the Bull Demon King and the Flood Demon King came here again. They were all invited by Monkey King. Although they were a little confused, they still came. After drawing a clear line, they still have various expectations for Sun Wukong.

The Bull Demon King, Flood Demon King, Peng Demon King, Lion Camel King, Blood Demon King, and Bone Demon King sat on the stone benches. The stone table in front of them was filled with all kinds of fine nectar and fairy fruits, but they didn't have any intentions to go to them. Tasting, but waiting quietly, waiting for the vacant figure on the main seat.

"Hahaha... Brothers, my grandson is here!"

A black evil spirit blew past, and Monkey King's figure appeared on the main seat of the stone table, with a smile on his face, just like when the seven great sages got together before, he was still so willful. Sun Wukong has a pure heart, even if the situation changes, he is still the Monkey King who values ​​love and righteousness and is proud.

But the Bull Demon King and the others looked at the sudden appearance of Monkey King, and they were all shocked. Although Monkey King restrained the terrifying aura of a quasi-sage, the calmness was like a bottomless pit, containing extremely terrifying power. It was a lot deeper when Sun Wukong just broke through.

It can be seen from this that their former sworn brother was highly valued by the Demon Ancestor who was incarnated by the Demon Emperor and the Evil Corpse in the Demon Realm. The gap between them will only get bigger and bigger, and if it goes on for a long time, I'm afraid...

Sun Wukong glanced at the Bull Demon King and the others, feeling the somewhat oppressive atmosphere, and suddenly laughed and said: "Brothers, no matter who my grandson becomes, it will not affect the friendship between us, why should you be like this?" Be cautious, if it spreads, it will trap my old grandson in an unrighteous place."

The Bull Demon King, Flood Demon King, etc. heard Sun Wukong's words, and they let go a little bit. Hearing the tone of Monkey King's words, there was no change from the past. Tone, at least for now they are sworn brothers.

As for the future, it’s hard to say. They also understand that Sun Wukong is highly valued by the demon ancestors, which is naturally the meaning of the high-ranking demon emperor in their hearts. Limited, if Sun Wukong proves Hunyuan, will they still be sworn brothers?

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, the Bull Demon King, as the eldest of the seven great sages, was the first to speak: "My dear brother, this time you summoned my brothers to come to Huaguo Mountain to gather, why? Could it be for the battle between Buddha and demon , although my brothers are nothing, but if necessary, I am willing to help you."

After hearing this, Sun Wukong said with a smile: "Brother, you think too much. The Buddhist ancestors worry about it. My old grandson only cares about fighting. This time, the gathering with you brothers is for the eastward advancement of Buddhism. Of course, There is another important thing, that is, my old grandson asked the magician for the method of beheading the corpse, and gave it to all brothers."

When the Bull Demon King and the others heard this, a hint of excitement flashed in their eyes. They are all Da Luo Jinxian now, and sooner or later they will face the problem of breaking through the quasi-sage. But there is no way to know the Dharma. On the road of cultivating the Tao, if you miss a little bit, you can go a thousand miles away.

After a short period of excitement, the Bull Demon King and the others were concerned about another matter that Sun Wukong said, that is, the eastward advancement of Buddhism. You know, now that Monkey King mentions it, they are naturally curious too.

Jiao Demon King asked involuntarily: "The eastward advancement of Buddhism has spread throughout the three realms. It is rumored that Buddhism and Heaven have joined forces, not only for the battle between Buddha and demons, but also for the eastward advancement of Buddhism. I have no way of knowing, my virtuous brother is now the Demon God of War, so he must know the details, right?"

Sun Wukong nodded, and said: "That's right, my old grandson does know that Jin Chanzi, the second disciple of Tathagata, has been reincarnated and entered the Tang Dynasty in Dongsheng Shenzhou. Buddhism intends to use Jin Chanzi's reincarnation Go to the west to obtain the scriptures and bring them back to the Tang Dynasty to complete the eastward expansion of Buddhism."

Demon King Peng asked a little puzzled: "If this is the case, Buddhism and even the heavens will definitely protect the person who learns the scriptures strictly. My brother, do you want to attack the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, so as to destroy the eastward advancement of Buddhism, so that you can get rid of it?" This is to block the luck of Buddhism and prepare for the future war between Buddha and demon?"

Sun Wukong smiled and shook his head: "That's not the case. The reincarnated body of the golden cicada goes to the west to learn scriptures. Among them, he has to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships, so as to obtain merits and virtues for countless calamities, and greatly enhance the luck of Buddhism. , I just want you brothers to watch from the sidelines, and don’t fall into the trap of Buddhism and heaven.”

After hearing this, the Bull Demon King frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Your brother means that Buddhism and Heaven are interested, so is it difficult for us to fill in the ninety-nine and eighty-one? , can they still hit the door, it is not a merit, but a karma."

Sun Wukong smiled mysteriously, and said: "If eating the flesh of the man who learned the scriptures, not only can you live forever, but also improve your cultivation base, and even help you brothers improve your cultivation base, and even help you kill corpses, will you be tempted?"

When the Bull Demon King and the Jiao Demon King heard this, their faces were shocked, and the Jiao Demon King couldn't help asking: "My dear brother, what's so special about this person who learns the scriptures? If we eat him, we may not be able to improve much, let alone his reincarnation."

Sun Wukong explained: "This time the Buddhism also invested a lot of money. This golden cicada not only reincarnated with a golden lotus of nine-grade merit, but also fused the Buddhist merit accumulated in the eight-treasure merit pool of Buddhism. If it can be completely refined, It is enough for a peak Daluo Jinxian to break through to the quasi-sage realm, and even be able to kill corpses in one fell swoop."

Hearing what Sun Wukong said, the Bull Demon King and the others immediately understood, and secretly lamented the generosity of Buddhism in their hearts. They also felt a little moved when they heard it, but they also understood the danger. Without Sun Wukong's reminder, I am afraid that what they will face will be In a narrow escape, the chances of survival are slim.

(End of this chapter)

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