The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 494 The Beginning of Journey to the West

Chapter 494 The Beginning of Journey to the West
Heavenly Court, Wonderland of Yaochi

Haotian and Yaochi looked at the Haotian mirror floating not far away. Haotian had a calm expression and didn't care about the picture presented in the mirror, but Yaochi was different. Although his expression was calm, there was a flash of A trace of dignified color, obviously very concerned about the picture in the mirror.

The picture in this mirror is where Huaguo Mountain is located. As early as when the Bull Demon King and Jiao Demon King went to Huaguo Mountain, they were already detected by the Heavenly Court, and their every move fell into the Haotian Mirror. It's just that due to Sun Wukong's cultivation, the Haotian Mirror didn't spy at close range, and it also meant that he was afraid of scaring the snake.

Haotian waved his hand and put away the Haotian mirror, and Yaochi beside him said softly: "Haotian, this Sun Wukong's cultivation has improved a lot compared to when he just broke through. Gathering in Guoshan, guess what they want to do, maybe they want to get the idea of ​​the Buddhist scriptures?"

Haotian shook his head slightly, and said: "I'm afraid not. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Buddhist sect has spent so much time on Jin Chanzi, and clearly intends to use him as bait to lure the demons to come and complete the nine Nine 81 difficulties, the Demon Ancestor will not fail to see that Monkey King must have other intentions in this move."

Yaochi thought for a while, and then there was a hint of worry on his face: "Haotian, the strength of this demonic way is obviously stronger than that of Buddhism and my Heavenly Court. Even if the Demonic Ancestor does not take action, even the Kunpeng and the four monkeys in the world are not so easy to deal with. If they really plan to attack the Buddhist scriptures and continue to fight recklessly, I am afraid that the vitality of the heaven will be damaged before the war begins."

Haotian said in a deep voice: "It's okay, the Buddhist sect will care more about the Buddhist scriptures than we do. We only need to help them. It's not my heavenly court that takes the lead, but it's difficult. We need to make good arrangements to learn from the scriptures." The monsters on the road may not be as we wish, scattered here and there, let us destroy them one by one."

Yaochi nodded: "That's true. The demon clan has the Bull Demon King and the Flood Demon King. They will never let anyone slaughter them. They are a big monster with countless monster soldiers. Once they work together, it will be a big trouble. Now I am afraid that there is more backing from the Demonic Dao behind us, and if we are a little careless, we may be plotted against us."

Haotian was silent for a while, and then said: "Then we need to be more cautious. Apart from guarding against monsters, Buddhism also has to guard against them. Who knows if they will plot against us. In the end, we and Buddhism are nothing more than It's just a transaction, there's no need to go to great lengths for the sake of Buddhism."

Yaochi said softly: "I know this, and that's why you chose those few people as candidates to escort the Buddhist scriptures, Yang Jian who explained the teachings, the canopy who taught people, the white dragon who cut off the teachings, and the rolling curtain of Buddhism, Although they are all gods on the list of gods, they are people who interpret and intercept the four teachings of Buddhism."

Haotian smiled lightly, and stopped talking, and when he closed his eyes, he wandered into the emptiness, comprehending the Dao of Hunyuan, and time is not waiting for him. The emperor said before that the emperor will recapture the heaven, just like a sharp sword hanging high, Let him not dare to slack in the slightest. Only by proving the Hunyuan as soon as possible can he not care about the gains and losses of the heaven.

Xiniu Hezhou, Lingshan

Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, and Avalokitesvara gathered in Daleiyin Temple. Tathagata looked at Avalokitesvara standing on the lotus platform and asked, "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the golden cicada has been reincarnated. However, his reincarnated body does not know the mysteries of my Mahayana Buddhism, and a bodhisattva is still needed to extradite him."

After hearing this, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva chanted "Amitabha Buddha" and replied: "My Buddha is merciful. The Dharma of the Great Tang Dynasty in the East is all Hinayana Buddhism. It is difficult to save the world. My Mahayana Dharma is extremely mysterious. It can overcome the ignorance and crimes of the Tang Dynasty." The person, the disciple will go here to extradite the reincarnated body of Jin Chanzi."

Just as Guanyin Bodhisattva was about to leave, he heard Maitreya Buddha say with a smile: "Wait a minute, the number of heaven and earth, nine is the ultimate. Although the golden cicada has been reincarnated, we don't need to rush to intervene. He should have nine times of trouble, and then we will be able to deal with it." You can obtain the scriptures in the tenth life, so as to promote the subtlety of the Buddhist teachings of my Buddhist school."

When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva heard this, a gleam flashed in her eyes, she nodded slightly towards Maitreya Buddha, and then turned away. She understood what Maitreya Buddha meant, and she came to Lingshan to seek truth in the body of the reincarnation of the golden cicada. Only by reading the scriptures can the luck of Buddhism be improved to the greatest extent. In this way, the merits and virtues will naturally be maximized.

When Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva saw Guanyin Bodhisattva leaving, he opened his mouth and said to the Tathagata: "Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful. It is a great act of kindness to pass on the Mahayana Dharma to cross the east. An Ning, although Heavenly Court already has someone to escort the Buddhist scriptures, we can't be careless."

Tathagata said in a deep voice: "Amitabha, it is our fault that demons run rampant. If they dare to obstruct my Buddhist scriptures, then let them know that my Buddhist sect not only has a merciful Buddha, but also an angry-eyed Vajra, who can save demons as well." It is my Buddhist duty, and with the help of heaven, it is easy to subdue demons and eliminate demons."

Maitreya laughed and said: "But Sun Wukong, you can't underestimate him. He has entered the Demon Realm before, but now he has returned to Huaguo Mountain. He is also worried about the Bull Demon King, Jiao Demon King and other big monsters. I don't know what he wants. If they unite, I'm afraid we have to fight them before the battle of Buddhism begins."

Tathagata said lightly: "On the way to the west, there will be ninety-nine or eighty-one disasters. The stronger the disaster, the greater the merit. The Bull Demon King and Jiao Demon King are all outstanding members of the newborn monster clan. Wouldn't it be just right for them to complete the disaster? Just a few big Luo Jinxians are not enough evidence, we just need to guard against the magic way."

Every word contains infinite murderous intent.

At the beginning of the Westward Journey, Heavenly Court and Buddhist sects began to act one after another. First, Yang Jian descended to the earth to manifest his holiness at the western border of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and then Marshal Tianpeng, who was in charge of the [-] Tianhe Navy, was demoted to the earth for molesting Chang'e. One day, the white dragon smashed the luminous pearl, and they were demoted to the earth one after another.

Now Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva came from the west again, secretly guiding Jin Chanzi's reincarnated body, let him know the Western Mahayana Buddhism, and made him go to the West to seek the scriptures alone. Every time he passed the Liusha River, he was swallowed by the river monster. The demon made great progress in cultivation, which made many demons move their hearts, and this is exactly what Buddhism and heaven want to see.

(End of this chapter)

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