Chapter 497-Awakening

Heavenly Court, Wonderland of Yaochi

The Haotian mirror is suspended in the mid-air, and what is reflected in the mirror is the scene of Daleiyin Temple. Haotian and Yaochi stared at the scene in the mirror, and they were all silent. At this moment, Daleiyin Temple seems to have a black cloud. Feeling that the city is about to be destroyed, the entire Buddhist sect is in a state of readiness, and there is no sense of joy that the Dharma will soon succeed in advancing eastward.

Yao Chi looked at it for a long time, and when she saw Tang Sanzang, Yang Jian and his party slowly stepping up the stairs of Lingshan, she said: "The journey to the west is finally coming to an end, and the eastward advancement of Buddhism will also be successful, and the goal of Buddhism has been achieved." , when the kalpa merits and luck come, the luck of Buddhism will rise, and we can go one step further."

Hearing Yaochi's words, Haotian suddenly chuckled and said, "The end? Success? Hehe... until the last moment, no one can be sure of success or failure. This westward journey is really too calm, not at all like The style of the demon emperor, even if it is just a corpse of the demon emperor, it shouldn't be like this."

Yaochi smiled lightly and said: "You're right, the most unpredictable thing in this prehistoric world is the demon emperor. Judging by the formation of the Buddhist sect, I'm afraid it is also guarding against the demonic way. If the demonic way succeeds at this critical moment, the Buddhist sect will I am afraid that not only will all these years of hard work be in vain, but it will also hurt the luck of Buddhism."

After Haotian heard this, he also fell silent. The future of Buddhism has nothing to do with him, but he is bound to gain the merit and luck of this calamity. He needs to use this to complement his background and catch up with Styx The top powers such as Zhenyuanzi and Zhenyuanzi have proved the Dao Hunyuan in this calamity, otherwise the proof will really be far away.

Di Jun is a mountain pressing on his head. Now he is eyeing the Heavenly Court, and he will attack the Heavenly Court at some point. Haotian thinks that he can't keep the Heavenly Court, and he doesn't count on Daozu Hongjun too much. Today's Di Jun is deeply cultivated. Unfathomable, even the Chaos Demon God, Tiandao Hongjun may not be able to suppress it.

Since it is impossible to count on Hongjun Daozu, Haotian can only seize any opportunity to make himself stronger. As long as he can prove the Hunyuan, he will be immortal. He can't really control the prehistoric world. Only by proving the Dao Hunyuan can he have the opportunity to truly control his own destiny.

As for how sure, I am afraid that Haotian is not sure. After all, everything will be full of variables when the demon emperor is involved, and this variable is Dijun's strength. He can break all laws with one force. When the strength reaches a certain level, it may not be impossible to reverse it. The general trend of the way of heaven, Haotian deeply understood this truth from the moment Di Junshan's corpse proved the way.

Lingshan, in front of Daleiyin Temple
Tang Sanzang came to the gate of the Daleiyin Temple, looked at the resplendent and majestic hall, his heart was filled with emotion, he had gone through untold hardships, and now he was finally going to achieve his wish, his mood was naturally very complicated, even more so. The most strange thing is that he has an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this Daleiyin Temple.

However, Tang Sanzang was not suspicious. After all, he dared to come to Xitian Lingshan to seek the scriptures with a mortal body. He experienced all kinds of difficulties and dangers along the way but never changed his mind. It can be seen that his Buddha's heart is firm, and now his wish is about to be fulfilled. Naturally, he was a little excited, and led Yang Jian and the others into the terminus of the westbound road.

In Daleiyin Temple, there are six Buddhist powers such as Tathagata Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Manjusri Bodhisattva. There are also some lesser-known Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. At the peak, they can only live below it, and there are more than [-] arhats and many novice monks all over the temple.

Seeing so many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats, even Yang Jian and others were a little shocked. From the establishment of Western religions to the establishment of Buddhas, the development of Buddhism has always been very difficult. After all, the West is barren and development is not easy, but It is really shocking to see such a deep foundation of Buddhism now.

As for Tang Sanzang, he was in a daze. After all, he was just an ordinary person. Seeing so many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all at once was no different than seeing the golden body in a Buddhist temple. Naturally, he couldn't calm down. Nine kowtows can express his awe of Buddha and Bodhisattva.

It's just strange that he wanted to kneel down and prostrate, but his body seemed a little uncontrollable, he couldn't kneel down at all, as if his body was resisting instinctively, and there was a faint feeling of anger in his heart, which had never happened before. , which made Tang Sanzang extremely puzzled.

Before Tang Sanzang could get the answer, the resounding and majestic voice of the Tathagata Buddha resounded in the hall: "Tang Sanzang! You set off from the Great Tang Dynasty in the Eastern Land, and come to Daleiyin Temple in the Western Heaven to seek the Mahayana scriptures. Having overcome many tribulations and finally arrived at Daleiyin Temple today, it can be regarded as a consummation of merit and virtue."

After finishing speaking, the Tathagata Buddha continued to speak: "Tang Sanzang, come forward and listen! In your previous life, you were my second disciple Jin Chanzi. Because you didn't listen to Buddhism and despised my great teaching, you demoted your true spirit and reincarnated in the Eastern Land. , Now that you have obtained the scriptures, you have achieved great results. You should receive my Buddhist merits and virtues, and I can now confer you the title of Zhantan Merit Buddha!"

After all, Tathagata waved his hand, and a golden pool of water shot out from the Eight Treasures Merit Pond on the side, and poured straight towards Tang Sanzang. As the golden pool water entered his body, Tang Sanzang's body also began to undergo great changes, receding from the mortal body , Possessing the power of a fairy, his cultivation continued to soar, and he gradually reached the realm of a golden fairy.

At such a level, Tang Sanzang's cultivation speed naturally slowed down. Although there is the merit and golden water in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool to help, it is obviously impossible to step into the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but wait until As the amount of calamity merit falls, Tang Sanzang's cultivation will naturally increase again.

Everyone in the Buddhist sect looked at Tang Sanzang who was immersed in the improvement of his cultivation, and his depressed mood was relieved a little. The success of the eastward advancement of Buddhism is imminent. Once successful, the luck of Buddhism will rise, and their cultivation may also be improved accordingly Ascension, some realm bottlenecks will be loosened, and this can be regarded as the most beautiful scene before the war between Buddha and Demon.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a powerful aura suddenly erupted from Tang Sanzang's body, and the speed of improving his cultivation base that had slowed down suddenly increased again, directly allowing Tang Sanzang to step into the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal What's even more strange is that after breaking through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, Tang Sanzang's improvement in cultivation showed no sign of slowing down.

Seeing such a sudden change, Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha and others couldn't help but change their expressions, especially when they felt the familiar aura emanating from Tang Sanzang, their faces immediately became very ugly. Obviously Tang Sanzang The mutation has exceeded their expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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