Chapter 498-Awakening

Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha and others stared at Tang Sanzang whose cultivation level was soaring. They could no longer maintain their composure in the past. There will be an accident beyond their expectations, and the true spirit of Jin Chanzi before the tenth life has awakened.

Originally, they had been guarding against the sudden attack of the demons, so Lingshan at this moment had such a battle. What they were afraid of was that the people of the demon way would attack Tang Sanzang at the last moment, but the result was that the demons did not come. Tang Sanzang As far as their own appearance is strange, they can't figure it out at all. Which link is wrong?
However, when this change happened, the Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, Avalokitesvara, Puxian and Manjusri had already started to discuss with their spiritual thoughts. After all, it happened suddenly, and they did not expect this situation. After all, according to According to their arrangement, Jin Chanzi's true spirit should have been annihilated in the tenth reincarnation long ago, and the one who came to Lingshan should be just a mortal Tang Sanzang.

In fact, although Jin Chanzi is the second disciple of the Tathagata, he is regarded as a respected status in Buddhism, and his cultivation base has reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian. He rebelled against the Buddha, so he is not loved by the Tathagata, but he is one of the protagonists in the calamity.

So Tathagata sealed Jin Chanzi's true spirit and sent him to be reincarnated. He wanted to use the power of reincarnation to annihilate Jin Chanzi's true spirit, so as to avoid any adverse consequences caused by the awakening of his true spirit during the eastward advancement of Buddhism. , although it will lose a genius disciple of Daluo Jinxian, but compared with the interests of the entire Buddhism, this is nothing at all.

But now that Jin Chanzi's true spirit awakened, they were caught off guard, but at this most critical moment, under the watchful eyes of everyone, even if they wanted to make amends, it would be too late, let alone if it was just an accident, That's fine, but I'm afraid that if someone does it intentionally, it will be really troublesome.

During the exchange of spiritual thoughts, Guanyin said: "My Buddha, what is going on? The true spirit of Jin Chanzi was not sealed by you and sent into reincarnation. It should have been wiped out in reincarnation long ago. Why is Tang Sanzang now Will suddenly awaken the true spirit of the previous life, and the cultivation base is guaranteed because of it?"

Tathagata: "The poor monk doesn't know that the seal placed on Jin Chanzi's true spirit has never been broken, otherwise the poor monk should be able to sense it, not to mention that there are two saints, Master and Uncle, who are looking after Jin Chanzi. In the reincarnation of the other saints, there should be no possibility of tampering with it without being discovered."

Maitreya: "Now it seems that there are only two possibilities. One is that the true spirit of Jin Chanzi was not wiped out by the power of reincarnation, and the remaining true spirit was awakened by the Buddhist merits in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, and the other is that someone hid it The master and uncle have tampered with Jin Chanzi's true spirit, although the second option sounds unlikely."

Dizang: "Both cases are possible, but the possibility of the first case is too small. After all, Jin Chanzi was just a Daluo Jinxian at that time, and he had no ability to protect himself under the seal of my Buddha. As for the second case This possibility sounds unlikely, but it may not be possible for no one to do it."

Tathagata: "Are you talking about the one in the ancient starry sky? Indeed, with the unfathomable cultivation base of that person, it may not be impossible to do this, but if you want to hide it from the eyes of the master and uncle, I am afraid that even That one can't be so easy... Wait, could it be that time?"

Listening to Tathagata's slightly startled sound transmission, Maitreya, Dizang and others also changed their expressions. Could it be that Tathagata discovered something, otherwise the voice of the sound transmission would not have changed like this, but they felt it before they had time to ask Tathagata. By the time Tang Sanzang's changes had stopped, Tang Sanzang had already reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian at this moment.

'Tang Sanzang' opened his eyes, glanced at the surrounding Buddhas with a trace of emotion, resentment, and joking, then stared at the Tathagata aloft, and said in a tone full of vicissitudes: "Master, in a hurry for a hundred years, can you Ever thought I'd come back safe and sound?"

As soon as the words 'Tang Sanzang' came out, the Buddhists in the Daleiyin Temple were shocked. The conjectures in their hearts turned into reality. Naturally, Tang Sanzang is not qualified to call the Tathagata Master, but his previous life was able to, but Listening to the tone of the speech, it seems that there is a trace of resentment towards the Tathagata Buddha.

Tathagata heard the words of "Tang Sanzang", his eyes flickered slightly, and then he said: "Amitabha, Jin Chanzi, you were so stubborn in the past, you were relegated to reincarnation, and now you are a master of Buddhism. , it can be regarded as your good luck, and you have not received the position of Zhan Tan Gongde Buddha!"

The Tathagata's voice was full of irreversible majesty, and the powerful coercion of the later quasi-sage was faintly revealed, and he went straight to oppress Jin Chanzi, obviously wanting to force Jin Chanzi to accept the position of Zhantan Gongde Buddha, so as to To end this task of traveling westward to learn Buddhist scriptures, as for how to solve it later, it can also be discussed in the long run, but there must be no accidents now.

Faced with Tathagata's faint oppression, Tang Sanzang, no, it should be Jin Chanzi, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and he saw a golden light flashing under his feet, and a ninth-grade golden lotus lifted him up, letting Tathagata No matter how strong the coercion is, it can't affect Jin Chanzi in the slightest, but the golden lotus of the ninth rank of merit is just given by the Tathagata.

In the past, in order to reincarnate Jin Chanzi with peace of mind, the Tathagata bestowed this golden lotus, a top-grade congenital treasure and ninth-grade meritorious virtue conceived in the pool of eight treasures, but then took the opportunity to seal Jin Chanzi's true spirit and send it to him. He was reincarnated in the cycle of reincarnation, and now Jin Chanzi has returned from a catastrophe, but the golden lotus of the ninth rank of merit has instead become his magic weapon for protection, which can be regarded as the impermanence of the world.

Jin Chanzi looked directly at Tathagata, without any fear on his face, even when he felt Tathagata's flash of murderous intent and the Dao Dao Qi that locked him tightly, he was not afraid. Now he wants to All he did was vent his resentment, and he couldn't suppress it after a hundred years of silent waiting.

Ten reincarnations, although he was sealed, but because of the intervention of others, the true spirit has been in a sober state, reincarnated ten times, he watched the ten reincarnations, and each reincarnation made him feel deeply, and because of this, he Only then can we truly wake up and understand the way we are truly pursuing.

The reincarnation of ten lives is only to maximize the interests of Buddhism.

Ninth World died tragically, just to make the monster believe that eating himself would greatly increase his cultivation, so as to lure the monster into robbery.

Ninety-nine and 81 calamities, most of them can be arranged, just to prepare for the calamity, but forget the innocent creatures who died tragically in the calamity.

The children, mounts, and pets of the gods and Buddhas are demons in the lower realm, but they can return to their masters safely afterwards. They have never been punished for their actions in the lower realm.

The road to the west is nothing but a joke.

There was a sarcastic smile on Jin Chanzi's face, and he glanced at all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Daleiyin Temple with a hint of disdain, and finally set his sights on his former master Tathagata Buddha. The words turned into a sigh full of sorrow, as if commemorating the past years.

(End of this chapter)

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