Chapter 499 Differentiation
Jin Chanzi looked directly at Tathagata, and said in a deep voice: "Master, your Buddhism is not the disciple's Buddhism. You seemed to understand it before, but now that you have returned from the tenth reincarnation, the disciple has now found your own Buddhism, so The position of Zhantan Gongde Buddha that you conferred, the disciple will not receive it, and this is the last time that the disciple will call you master."

As soon as Jin Chanzi finished speaking, Tathagata's face immediately became a little ugly. Jin Chanzi was so determined to sever the master-student relationship with him, which was tantamount to turning against him and even the entire Buddhist sect. And go one step further, but in this Great Leiyin Temple, there can't be any disturbances.

The only ones who really make the Tathagata feel afraid are the people behind the scenes who make a fuss about Jin Chanzi. Among the saints in the heavens, Sanqing has been quiet since he was proclaimed god, so he will naturally not intervene, and Nuwa lives in the emperor's heaven. , basically won't come out, and Tai Yi concentrates on retreating and practicing, ignoring prehistoric affairs.

And only the demon emperor with unfathomable cultivation and the Houtu saint who is in charge of reincarnation can hide it from the eyes of his master and uncle. It's just that there is no conflict of interest between the witch clan and the Buddhist sect. It seems that the Houtu sage has no reason to manipulate Jin Chanzi's reincarnation.

The only one left is the Demon Emperor. Although I don't understand how the Demon Emperor managed to hide the true spirit of Jin Chanzi from the sea, but if this is the case, then of course his intention is to destroy the eastward advancement of Buddhism, and the timing and The entry point was caught very accurately, hitting the vital point directly, without giving them any room for redemption.

A cold light flashed in the Tathagata's eyes, and the Buddha's light all over his body was magnificent, showing a golden body, but this golden body was not the usual kind-browed and kind-eyed face, but an angry-eyed King Kong, with murderous intent looming and visible Tathagata really wanted to kill Jin Chanzi.

Tathagata looked at Jin Chanzi coldly, with a faint murderous intent, and asked as if giving an ultimatum: "Jin Chanzi, I will give you one last chance. The position of Zhantan Gongde Buddha is still yours, if you are still obsessed with your obsession, then modify this seat to clean up the door."

Jin Chanzi smiled lightly and said, "This is the Buddha you cultivated? Hehe... Isn't it the same as the meaning of 'the obedient prospers, and the rebellious perishes', there are so many Buddhist scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion , it’s just a show to you, all living things are nothing more than ants in your eyes, my Buddha is merciful? Hehe..."

After all, Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together, the Qingyun spread out above his head, and the three transformations appeared, and the ninth-grade meritorious golden lotus under his feet flew away and disappeared into the three flowers. At the same time, a sixth-grade black lotus also appeared on his body On the top of his head, and then he did not enter the three flowers. At this moment, Jin Chanzi was half enlightened by Buddha's light and half full of devilish energy, which looked very strange.

Buddha and Demon One!
Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha and others couldn't help but be shocked when they saw this. They never thought that Jin Chanzi could cultivate Buddhism and Demonic Dao to the same level, and coexist with each other without any conflict. It is simply an anecdote through the ages, but such a genius does not have the same heart as them.

Mitreya looked at Jin Chanzi who showed his cultivation in the way of magic, especially the sixth-grade black lotus that was looming among his three flowers, the smile on his face also subsided, and he asked angrily: "Jin Chanzi, it seems that you What do you intend to do when you cultivate the way of the devil? Could it be that you want to get along with the people of the way of the devil?"

Jin Chanzi shook his head with a faint smile, and said softly: "Your Buddhist way is not the way of the poor monk, but the way of the devil is not the way of the poor monk either. The poor monk came to Daleiyin Temple to shoulder the sacred order of the Tang king and seek Mahayana Buddhism. The Tripitaka can save all sentient beings in the east, and the way of the poor monk is to enlighten the common people, help the world and save people, punish evil and promote good, and sacrifice oneself for others."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the reactions of the Buddhas, and listened to Jin Chanzi bowing to the sky: "Heaven is above, I, Jin Chanzi, in the name of the current Emperor, seek the Mahayana Buddhism to save all living beings in the east. Based on the scriptures, establish the Mahayana Buddhism of the human race, use the golden lotus of the ninth rank of merit and virtue, and the black lotus of the sixth rank to suppress luck, Mahayana Buddhism, establish!"

No one thought that Jin Chanzi would take the opportunity to establish a religion, and it still belongs to the Mahayana Buddhism under the name of the human race. It can be said that the Buddhist sect and the two saints behind it declared war, which can be described as extremely crazy.

As soon as Jin Chanzi's voice fell, he asked the thunder from above the nine heavens, countless meritorious golden lights descended from the sky, and went straight to Jin Chanzi. More than half of it is still owned by Lingshan Buddhism, while the remaining half belongs to Jin Chanzi's new Mahayana Buddhism.

Of course, if it's just like this, then it's nothing. Although the luck of Buddhism is divided into two, it has increased a lot on the whole. It's just that the newly established Mahayana Buddhism is established among the human race, which is equivalent to The Buddhist qi movement is married to a human race, so it will be quite different.

The luck of Buddhism split, such a huge change, naturally it is impossible to remain silent, I saw Tathagata, Maitreya and other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas flushed for a while, obviously they were impacted by the split of luck, and suffered a little hidden injury, if placed Normally, that would not be a big deal, but the war between Buddha and Demon is coming soon, so this is not a trivial matter.

Of course, if it’s just that, then it’s okay, you know, the biggest beneficiaries of the luck of Buddhism are the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti, and now the luck of Buddhism is split, even Tathagata and Maitreya are affected by luck Backlash, not to mention the two saints who established Buddhism in the first place, Jieyin and Zhunti.

Under the Bodhi tree, Jieyin and Zhunti both let out a muffled groan, a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of their mouths, and their faces turned pale for a while, but this was only a matter of a moment, and in a moment, the saint had returned to normal It looked as if nothing had happened, and only the extremely subtle breath fluctuation indicated what happened just now.

Zhunti stared at Jin Chanzi in the Daleiyin Temple, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Buddhism is evil, dare to split the luck of Buddhism, and dare to break away from Buddhism, establish Mahayana Buddhism of human race, and fight with demons!" The involvement is unclear, it is simply treasonous, senior brother, why don't you cut the grass and root out the roots, and never cause future troubles?"

Jieyin shook his head slightly, and said with a bitter expression: "Buddhism has such a calamity, after all, it's because we missed a move, but it's all right, Buddhism has established a foothold among the human race after all, if... this Mahayana Buddhism can also be regarded as leaving seeds for my Buddhism, Buddhism is divided into two parts, but in the end they are one, so how can we divide each other!"

After Zhunti heard the words, he also fell silent. He understood the meaning of receiving and guiding. Now that the deal is done, even if Jin Chanzi is killed, it will not help. , The battle between the Buddha and the devil has not yet begun, and they have already lost the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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