Chapter 500 Jin Chanzi

Under the bodhi tree, Jieyin and Zhunti looked at Jinchanzi who was absorbing the golden light of merit in the main hall. The two saints fell silent. They both understood that the division of Buddhism was a foregone conclusion. The establishment of Mahayana Buddhism will not help at all, not to mention that for them, doing so will do a lot of harm but no benefit.

The awakened Jin Chanzi now has the merits of calamity and teaching. In addition, he has done good deeds and accumulated virtues in ten lifetimes. He is a rare person with great merit. Zi is a person sent by the king of Tang to learn Buddhist scriptures. If he is killed, he will also be cut off from the human race.

Furthermore, although the establishment of Mahayana Buddhism has divided the luck of Buddhism, they are all Buddhists after all. If Mahayana Buddhism is destroyed, it will still consume the luck of the entire Buddhism. If this is the case, I am afraid that he will suffer the backlash of luck and even heaven again.

Such a result is undoubtedly unacceptable to Jieyin and Zhunti, not to mention that Jin Chanzi established Mahayana Buddhism in the human race, which can be regarded as leaving seeds for Buddhism in the human race. The war between Buddha and demons is imminent. The two saints don't have much confidence. If they lose, it won't mean that Buddhism has no place in the wild.

After being silent for a long time, Zhunti finally couldn't help but speak: "Senior brother, Jin Chanzi's true spirit is immortal, and Buddha and demon are one. This move is absolutely inseparable from that Heaven Eater, and even Di Jun had a hand in it, otherwise how could they have done it?" The ability is hidden from our eyes, and it has tampered with Jin Chanzi's reincarnation."

Jie Yin said in a deep voice: "Junior brother, since Di Jun transformed into a Chaos Demon God, his cultivation base has become even more unpredictable. This time, his evil corpse turned into a Demon Ancestor, intending to regain the western land, and he even It’s because he intends to attack the Heavenly Court, and he doesn’t have any scruples about Dao Patriarch and Heaven’s Dao, I’m afraid he’s not just planning my Buddhism.”

After Zhunti heard this, he frowned slightly, then revealed a look of shock, and said in a startled voice: "Heaven! Brother, you mean that Di Jun wants to use the battle between Buddha and Demon and the Heavenly Court to test the Heavenly Dao and the Taoist who has already joined the Dao? He is already confident enough to face Heavenly Dao and Daozu, how is this possible!!!"

Jieyin said with a bitter face: "Junior brother, I'm afraid it's not impossible. Dijun comprehended the law of time, and speeding up time is just a piece of cake for him. Although this is an act against the heavens, he is not a saint, so naturally he doesn't need it." It is unimaginable how quickly one can improve one's cultivation base without scruples about the way of heaven, and all the signs now prove this point."

Zhunti's complexion suddenly became a little ugly, and he said in a solemn tone: "Senior brother, if Dijun really intervenes, I am afraid that our Buddhism has no chance of winning in this Buddhist war. Now we are restricted from being a saint in the prehistoric world." Make a move, with the power of the current Buddhism and Heavenly Court, I am afraid..."

Jieyin smiled bitterly and said, "Heavenly Court? Hehe... Junior Brother, do you think Heavenly Court can really help me fight against Buddhism and Demonic Dao? You underestimated Di Jun, if he really intervened, now The heavenly court may not escape the crisis of destruction, and the ancient heavenly court may reappear in the world again."

Zhunti's face suddenly became serious. Originally, the division of Buddhism's luck had already affected the strength of Buddhism. Now that he thought that the help he had hired at a great price might be wiped out, this naturally aggravated him. Worried about the future of Buddhism, but what can he do if he is restricted by the way of heaven?

After thinking about it, Zhunti finally looked at Jin Chanzi, and the anger in his eyes disappeared, and instead, there was a look of appreciation, just as his senior brother thought, maybe this time the Buddhism It will greatly damage the vitality and lose the foundation, but the seeds of Buddhism cannot be cut off in the wild.

Bathed in the golden light of merit, Jin Chanzi, who had already reached the peak of the Da Luo Jinxian, began to break through again. He directly crossed the seemingly thin line between the Da Luo Jinxian and the quasi-sage, but countless creatures have never been able to break through. Kan, at this moment, has returned from reincarnation, and he has achieved the position of quasi-sage.

Above the Qingyun above the head, the three flowers are swaying, bursting with infinite light. Among the three flowers, the sky flower and the ground flower respectively emit a majestic golden light and a strange and unpredictable black light, reflecting the entire Daxiong Palace, half gold and half black, which is particularly special. The strangeness of this scene also changed the expressions of Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha and others.

After a while, all the golden light of merit and virtue entered Jin Chanzi's body, and Jin Chanzi also opened his eyes. He saw a smile on his face, looked at the shocked faces of the Buddhas, and shouted softly: "Praying for Buddhas in previous lives If you don’t get fruit, you will turn into a kalpa and fall into enlightenment, and now you return with a clear mind, and the Buddha and the devil are one body and become the true self!”

As soon as the words fell, the smallpox and the ground flower among the three flowers above Jin Chanzi's head began to shake violently, and an extremely powerful aura erupted, followed by Jin Chanzi's cultivation base began to improve rapidly, ready to The early stage of the holy, the middle stage of the quasi-sage, and in the blink of an eye, it directly reached the level of the late quasi-sage.

Then a golden light and a black light flew out from the small flower and the ground flower among the three flowers of Jin Chanzi, and they turned into two people wearing a Buddhist cassock and a lotus black robe. Eight points are similar, but one is full of Buddha's light, and the other is full of devilish energy.

"Amitabha! Zhan Tan Gongde Buddha has seen this deity!"

"Amitabha! This seat Wutian Buddha, I have seen this deity!"

The two registered their own numbers, Jin Chanzi also showed a smile when he saw this, put his hands together, and said: "Amitabha, we are one, how can we separate each other? The poor monk used to be Jin Chanzi, and now he is Tang Xuanzang. If we take the Tripitaka and establish Mahayana Buddhism, then from now on, poor monks will be Tripitaka."

Jin Chanzi beheaded the dead body directly to achieve the quasi-sage position, which undoubtedly shocked the Buddhists in the Daxiong Palace, especially when he cut off the good and evil corpses at once. This is simply unprecedented, and only the original Emperor Jun This has been done, but in the past, it was a secret for Emperor Jun to kill the corpse, so how could it be known to outsiders.

Now Jin Chanzi has suddenly become a master in the late quasi-sage period. He has the same level of cultivation as his former master Tathagata Buddha. The Great Tang Dynasty flourished and competed with others for the luck of the human race.

But the premise is that he can leave safely. At this moment, in the Daleiyin Temple, the six Buddhist quasi-sage masters, such as Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, Guanyin, Puxian, and Manjusri, are all staring at him. A big battle seemed inevitable, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely dignified.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared above the Daxiong Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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