Chapter 502 Prologue
Hearing this, Jieyin and Zhunti, who were sitting under the bodhi tree, also had a look of horror in their eyes. They were obviously shocked by Dijun's progress, and Jieyin even showed a distressed look. After all, for them, the stronger Di Jun is, the more pressure they can feel.

Conferring the gods to measure the calamity, Emperor Junshan's corpse proved the Hunyuan, and he transformed into a Chaos Demon God with unfathomable strength. He also has the three innate treasures of Zhuxian Four Swords, Qiankunding and Good Fortune Qinglian in his hands, and controls Zhoutian and stars. , with Zhou Tian Xingdou array in hand, apart from Tiandao Hongjun in the prehistoric world, I am afraid that no one can suppress Di Jun.

In today's Journey to the West, Dijun's evil corpse controls the demonic way, and his luck is tyrannical. Seeing that another Hunyuan is about to be born, and Dijun has plans to retake the heaven. Such a big move shows Dijun's ambition. Even if the prehistoric saints join forces, they may not be able to stop Di Jun.

Today's Yaozu, Emperor Jun, Taoist Jinwu, Xihe, Taiyi, Nuwa, the three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the two saints, even if the Sanqing, the Western Saints, and Houtu join forces, they will not have any advantages. Not a small disadvantage, after all, Dijun holds the Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hand, without the Four Saints attacking together, there is no chance of breaking the formation.

Now it is heard that Dijun has comprehended the law of time to such a profound level as the stillness of time. It can be seen that Dijun's strength has reached a very terrifying level. What worries Yingying and Zhunti even more is that Dijun is not a saint. You can ignore Hongjun's decree, even if the punishment of heaven comes, and Dijun is the Chaos Demon God, he may not be afraid.

If Di Jun really made a move, it would be difficult for the two sages alone to resist. Now that Di Jun's evil corpse appeared in Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, this is obviously a sign that the prologue of the Buddhist war is about to begin. It can be seen that Di Jun is already planning to start action. According to Dijun's style, the attack must be thunderous. According to the current situation, the only option for Buddhism is to block it with soldiers.

In Daleiyin Temple

Everyone in the Buddhist sect was still in astonishment, Taoist Devourer didn't care about everyone's reaction at all, but focused on Tang Sanzang, and said: "Tang Sanzang, it seems that you have made a choice, do you know that you What kind of great opportunity was abandoned, it was an opportunity that many innate demon gods in the past could not dream of."

Tang Sanzang clasped his hands together and said calmly: "Amitabha, I would like to thank the poor monk for his kindness, but that is not the way of the poor monk. Even if the demon ancestor cultivates it vigorously, the poor monk may not be able to prove Hunyuan. Not as good as the choice given by the Demon Ancestor, Hunyuan may not be so far away."

The people in the Buddhist sect who were still in shock heard the conversation between the Taoist and Tang Sanzang, and there was a little more horror in their eyes, and even a little envy and jealousy. You know, they were vigorously cultivated by the Taoist Taoist It is equivalent to being vigorously cultivated by the demon emperor Dijun, and the resources he can enjoy are simply unimaginable.

But Tang Sanzang refused without hesitation, without the slightest nostalgia. What is even more surprising is that Tang Sanzang even said that Hunyuan may not be out of reach, and his words are full of confidence and firmness. I have a deeper understanding of my way, as if I have already got the Hunyuan ticket.

Hearing Tang Sanzang's words, Daoist Devourer couldn't help laughing and said, "Hahaha... you are indeed the person I value, who is so confident, not bad, just based on this alone, you are better than the four sects." Most of the second-generation disciples are stronger, but I am really looking forward to where you can go in the future, haha..."

Hearing the words, Tang Sanzang smiled faintly, saluted Taoist Bodhi and Heaven Devourer slightly, and then strode away directly, Yang Jian and others who were already a little numb also left. It's dramatic, but their mission is finally completed, and they can go back to heaven to meet their errands.

With the departure of Tang Sanzang, the attention of everyone in the Buddhist sect has been shifted to Taoist Heaven Devourer. Now Taoist Devourer of Heaven is the ancestor of the Demon Dao. The war between Buddha and Demon is imminent. He suddenly appeared in Daleiyin Temple, not just for the sake of Let's see how simple Tang Sanzang is. This is very likely to be the official declaration of war between Buddha and Demon.

Taoist Bodhi stared at Taoist Devourer, and said in a deep voice: "Mo Zu, Tang Sanzang has left, and there is no excitement to see in Daleiyin Temple. Why don't you leave? Could it be that your purpose is not just to watch the excitement, Recruiting Tang Sanzang is so simple, why did you come here?"

Suddenly there was an evil smile on Taoist Devourer's face, and he said in a low voice: "The war between the Buddha and the devil will start soon, I am here to remind you, by the way I invite you to watch a good show, as long as But this good show is not in Lingshan, and you may not like to see this show."

Seeing the evil smile on the face of Taoist Devourer, Taoist Bodhi and everyone in the Buddhist sect suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts, as if something important was about to happen, and it would not benefit Buddhism at all, but since Taoist Devourer said If the good show is not in Lingshan, then there is only one possibility.

Everyone in the Buddhist sect looked towards the east in unison, and all they could see was one place. Seeing this, Taoist Devourer smiled faintly. Obviously, the people of the Buddhist sect already knew the answer, but he came here not just to inform the Buddhist sect Who can guess that he has other purposes?
In the depths of Lingshan Mountain, under the Bodhi tree, Jieyin and Zhunti looked at the far east, their eyes were full of solemnity, obviously the good show in the mouth of the Heaven Devourer was enough to move the hearts of saints like them, so it was no small matter.

Jieyin stared at Dongfang, and said in a low voice: "It's started, whether the orthodoxy remains, or the demon court reappears, this is beyond my reach, after all, I have been thrown too far away..."

In the heavenly court, the golden light rolls red, and the auspicious aura sprays purple mist. It is a peaceful and solemn scene. Since the Lich War, it has been granted by Hongjun Taoist ancestor. The heavenly court has become the orthodoxy of the prehistoric. It is growing day by day, and its power has already surpassed the three religions explained by others, and it is equal to the Western Lingshan.

Nantian Gate, where the facade of the Heavenly Court is located, is held by the four heavenly kings Chiguo, Zengzhang, Guangmu, and Duowen all year round. It is difficult for non-celestial beings to enter. Today, a special guest is ushered in here.

"After a long time, the emperor is back!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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