Chapter 503 Back
In front of Nantian Gate, Guangmu Heavenly King, one of the Four Great Heavenly Kings, is holding a magic weapon of his own destiny and commanding a team of heavenly soldiers and generals guarding here to prevent any demons from breaking into the Heavenly Court and causing disaster. It never happened. After all, Heaven is not a place where you can come and go whenever you want.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the Nantian Gate without warning, which naturally attracted the attention of the Guangmu Heavenly King and the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals. At first glance, the aura around the person was completely restrained, like an ordinary mortal, without the slightest cultivation, but Can appear here, there is absolutely extraordinary.

As the guards guarding the Nantian Gate, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals naturally wanted to step forward and inquire. If it was a monster, they would have more responsibility to capture it. Before they could take any action, they saw Guangmu Heavenly King, one of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Heavenly Court. He stepped forward and bowed respectfully: "Guangmu, the disciple of Jiejiao Shangqing Saint, pays homage to His Majesty the Demon Emperor!"

Demon Emperor!

Hearing this, all the heavenly soldiers and generals couldn't help being horrified. They broke out in cold sweat and bowed down one after another. They didn't dare to look up at the Demon Emperor again. It's no wonder they were like this. I have to be afraid, let alone these little heavenly soldiers and generals, so naturally I fear them like demons and gods.

It was Di Jun who came. Di Jun looked at the familiar Nantianmen, and a look of nostalgia flashed in his eyes. In the past, he ruled the monster clan, based on the heavenly court, and competed with the witch clan for the position of the protagonist of the prehistoric world. He lost the Wu clan, but lost to the general trend, and the heavenly court was also lost. Now that he has returned to his hometown, he cannot help feeling a little bit emotional.

As for the Guangmu Heavenly King and the Celestial Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, Di Jun didn't pay any attention to it. He just glanced at it and stepped forward, directly entering the Nantian Gate. Can be as handsome as God, these prohibition circles can be completely ignored.

After Di Jun left, Guangmu Heavenly King and Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, especially Guangmu Heavenly King, when he felt Dijun's inadvertent glance, his whole body seemed to fall into a boundless hell, as if In an instant, his soul would be dissipated. This was the first time he felt such a terrifying feeling.

Looking at the direction where Dijun left, Guangmu Tianwang murmured to himself: "What a terrifying demon emperor, just one glance makes me feel like I'm going to be wiped out. I really don't know what kind of cultivation level that is. Now The demon emperor appeared in the Heavenly Court, he must be preparing to take back the Heavenly Court, I don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse for us!"

Above Lingxiao Palace
Haotian and Yaochi sit on top of it, and there are many immortals standing below, and Taibai Jinxing, who is the most trusted friend of Haotian, is naturally ranked first. Of course, this is only when the Taishang Laojun is not here, otherwise it will be regarded as Haotian. No matter how much God trusted him, he would not dare to stand in front of the saint's good corpse. Wouldn't that be courting death?

Taibai Jinxing looked at Haotian sitting on it, took a step forward, and said, "I report to the Jade Emperor that Tang Xuanzang has obtained the scriptures and established Mahayana Buddhism on his own. In the Great Tang Dynasty, the act of going west to learn Buddhist scriptures can be regarded as a complete merit, but now that the Demon Ancestor has appeared in Lingshan, I don’t know how my heavenly court should do it?”

Regarding what happened at Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, it is natural that they cannot escape the eyes and ears of Heavenly Court. The division of Buddhist luck is naturally a good thing for Heavenly Court. As for the Mahayana Buddhism established by Tang Sanzang, it is now just an empty shell. Based on Dongsheng Shenzhou, it will not have any impact on the rule of heaven in a short time.

And the Daoist Demon Master suddenly appeared in Lingshan, which is really weird. Although he took advantage of the golden cicada to lead the Buddhist army, the Demon Dao did not take Tang Sanzang under his command. Instead, he made Tang Sanzang and left Buddhism behind. The chances of the buddhism spreading to the east are, if calculated, at best a tie.

However, Tang Sanzang has already returned to the Eastern Land of Tang Dynasty, while Taoist Devourer is still staying in Lingshan. It can be seen that the matter is not over here. It is definitely not the style of Taoist Devourer to show up at Lingshan just to see the jokes of Buddhism. Come on, the Heaven Devourer Taoist must have a backup, and Heavenly Court, as an ally of Buddhism, naturally cannot stay out of it.

Although it is still calm at the moment, there is a feeling in Haotian's heart that the mountains and rains are about to come, and the building seems to be calm, but in fact there are turbulent undercurrents, especially the words of Taoist Devourer at the beginning, like a thorn in the heart. In his heart, he couldn't let go of it for a long time, even the title of Emperor Hongjun granted by Taoist ancestor Hongjun could not give him any sense of security.

Yaochi sitting next to Haotian seemed to feel Haotian's restless mood, a trace of tenderness flashed in her eyes, she naturally understood Haotian's feelings at the moment, but she could do nothing, all she could do was support Haotian silently, Advance and retreat together with him, as for the position of queen, she has already seen it.

After calming down, Haotian said: "The battle between the Buddha and the demons is imminent. As the emperor of heaven, I enforce the law on behalf of the heavens. How can I just sit idly by? When I rectify the heavenly soldiers and generals, I will go to Xiniu Hezhou at any time to fight against the demons. This battle will not only It's a plan for the prehistoric life, and it's also to show the majesty of the heavens, I..."

Before the words were finished, another person's voice sounded in the hall, directly interrupting Haotian's words: "Zhen? The emperor has been in the position for so long, and it is time for the property to return to its original owner, let this emperor come down!"

Before Haotian, Yaochi, and many gods above the Lingxiao Palace could react, they saw someone reach out and wave their hand, and Haotian and Yaochi were swept down from the throne of the emperor of heaven, and they were separated from the heavenly court. Appeared and stood together, and the person who came was sitting on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven in an instant.

The person who came was naturally Di Jun who had just entered the Nantianmen, and when he returned to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun couldn't help feeling a familiar feeling in his heart, as if the scene of the demon court in its heyday was still vivid in his memory, but now he is standing below It's not just his former servants of the demon court, but soon, the ancient demon court will reappear.

Haotian, Yaochi, and all the gods in the heaven saw that the person who came was Di Jun, they couldn't help showing horror, fear, hesitation and many other expressions in their eyes, especially Haotian, his eyes were full of unwillingness. Jun would make a move at this time, which caught him off guard.

According to Haotian's conjecture, it was supposed to be after this calamity that Di Jun would attack Heavenly Court. At that time, he should have proved Hunyuan together with Yao Chi, and losing Heavenly Court is nothing, but everything has changed now. His Hunyuan road will be full of ups and downs again, and he can't predict what will happen in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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