Chapter 504
Looking at Di Jun who is sitting on the throne of Emperor of Heaven, Haotian's mood is extremely complicated. For him, the position of Emperor of Heaven is extremely important, at least it is like this before proving the Hunyuan. , This is undoubtedly a great help for him to prove Hunyuan Dao, after all, Hunyuan Dao is not so easy to comprehend.

More importantly, the Heavenly Court is transformed by the rules of the Dao of Heaven, so it has such a lofty status in the prehistoric world. If he loses the Heavenly Court, his situation will become extremely dangerous when he goes through the Primordial Tribulation in the future. He is [-]% sure that he can survive the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, and if he loses the Heavenly Court, he is probably not even half sure.

Under the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, if you succeed, you will prove the Hunyuan, and if you lose it, you will be wiped out in ashes. This is obviously not what Haotian wants. The opportunity to prove Hunyuan, after that, I don't know how many thousands of years it will take to prove Hunyuan.

Such a result is naturally not what Haotian wants, but it is obviously impossible to get Di Jun to stop based on the ban of Hongjun Daozu. It has become clear that the name of Daozu Hongjun may no longer be able to suppress Dijun.

As for the saints, Haotian doesn't even count on it. Since the proclaimed gods, the Sanqing has never appeared again, and the three religions have also shrunk their influence. In the grand occasion of the past, it was basically impossible for Sanqing to take action. Besides, Sanqing was not something that Haotian could just invite.

As for the two saints of Buddhism, Jieyin and Zhunti, Haotian didn't have much hope. Although Buddhism and the Heavenly Court formed an alliance to fight against the demons, since Di Jun appeared in the Heavenly Court, he must have a complete arrangement. Zhunti's two saints have no chance to leave Lingshan, after all, there are Taiyi, Nuwa and Di Junshan's corpses in the Yaozu!
There is only one Houtu left, so Haotian doesn't count on it. The Heavenly Court and the Wu Clan don't have any friendship at all, and there are even a lot of grievances. It is undoubtedly a fool's dream for the earth to help the heaven, and the only one who can count on now is the Taoist Hongjun who is right.

Thinking of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, Haotian couldn't help but settle down. No one knows how strong Hongjun is, and he is the emperor of heaven who was proclaimed by Hongjun on behalf of heaven. Now Dijun wants to regain the heaven and abolish him This is tantamount to provoking the way of heaven, Hongjun Daozu will never remain indifferent.

Looking at the restrained but domineering Emperor Jun, Haotian said in a deep voice: "Demon Emperor, after the Lich's calamity, I was conferred by Hongjun Daozu and became the Lord of the Heavenly Court, acting on behalf of the Heaven. Back then, the Demon Emperor also The Taoist ancestor and the saints reached an agreement to give up the Heavenly Court, so what reason is there to force the Heavenly Court now?"

Di Jun glanced at Haotian, and there was a smile on his face. This smile fell on Haotian's eyes, which was undoubtedly full of ridicule and contempt, which made Haotian very angry. But after all, he was also the Emperor of Heaven proclaimed by Daozu Hongjun, but Di Jun didn't take him seriously at all.

Yaochi on the side was nervous, looking at Haotian who seemed calm but angry, her eyes showed a trace of worry, she was afraid that Haotian would be impulsive and anger Di Jun, if Di Jun made a move, Haotian He would definitely be beheaded in an instant, without the slightest chance of reincarnation and rebirth, and it would really be empty after hundreds of millions of years of practice.

Di Jun restrained his smile, and then said lightly: "Haotian, don't talk about these useless nonsense, since the emperor is here, do you think the emperor still cares about this? You are just a pawn of Hongjun. Everything can be given up, and what the emperor wants to do is not something you can stop.

What's more, this emperor gave you a chance, but you missed it again and again, and even dared to plot against this emperor. Do you really think that this emperor dare not kill you?If it weren't for the fear of affecting the layout of the emperor, you would have died long ago, but the death penalty is inevitable, and the crime of living is inevitable. Don't you want to prove the Dao Hunyuan? ? "

After all, Dijun waved his hand, and a celestial law fell directly on Haotian. Haotian didn't react at all, and saw a scroll flying out of his body, flying directly towards Dijun. Seeing this, Haotian couldn't help but His expression changed drastically, and he wanted to take back the scroll, but his body couldn't move at all.

The scroll fell into Dijun's hands, and all the gods in the heavens changed their expressions, because that scroll was nothing but the list of gods used to seal the gods in the past, and the true spirits of the gods in the heavens were sealed in it. Haotian used the magic weapon to control them, otherwise, with the character of the disciples of the Four Religions, how could he obediently obey Haotian's orders.

Before Haotian, Yaochi, and the gods of heaven could react, Dijun smiled coldly, and the list of gods held in his hand slowly began to deform with the force of his palm, and cracks appeared directly on the list of gods , Just overnight, the list of gods was shattered.

The fragments of the list of gods overflowed and scattered, and countless true spirits flew out of it, hovering in the heavenly court, and finally, as if they had received a call, they sank into the eyebrows of their original owners, and the original owners couldn't help but follow the return of the true spirits. A look of surprise appeared on their faces, and some even burst out laughing, celebrating the rare freedom.

The list of gods was destroyed, and all the true spirits on the list were freed, and when the true spirits returned, those on the list would naturally be free. From then on, they could abandon the way of gods and rebuild the way of immortality. In the sky, you can return to the teacher's gate or the cave, and live freely between heaven and earth from then on.

And this is undoubtedly another heavy blow to Haotian. According to his worst plan, even if the Heavenly Court is really recaptured by Di Jun and the Demon Court is rebuilt, as long as he has the list of gods in his hand, he can still fight in other places. Rebuilding the heavenly court in the land boundary can still retain a part of the heavenly court's luck, which is also of great benefit to his practice.

But now that the list of gods has been destroyed, and the gods in heaven have regained their freedom, how can they be willing to obey him, especially the disciples of the four teachings of Buddhism, who will definitely return to the teacher without hesitation. For fish and shrimp, the strength of the Heavenly Court will be greatly damaged, and the luck will naturally be greatly reduced. Even if the name of the prehistoric orthodoxy is retained, it is only in name only.

Facing Dijun's behavior, even though Haotian was furious in his heart, he couldn't say anything at all. Dijun's strength made him helpless. Now he can only hope that Taoist Hongjun will appear soon. I don't know what Dijun will do next, and he can't stop him from doing anything.

"Fellow Daoist Dijun, you finally made a move!"

(End of this chapter)

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