The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 505 Forbidden Heavenly Court

Chapter 505 Forbidden Heavenly Court
A faint voice echoed in the Lingxiao Palace. Although the words sounded soft and weak, they were full of supreme coercion, making people feel extremely oppressed. Haotian, Yaochi and the gods in the heavenly court heard it, and their expressions changed. It's different, most of them are the color of joy appearing on the face, the backer of the heaven is here.

Hongjun's figure slowly appeared in the Lingxiao Palace, attracting the attention of countless people, even the saints who had been in seclusion for a long time were shocked, everyone's eyes fell on Hongjun and Dijun, Throughout the history since the birth of the Great Desolation, apart from Pan Gu opening up the sky, this is undoubtedly the most peak confrontation between the Great and the Desolate.

When Haotian saw Hongjun appearing, he felt much less worried. Facing Dijun, he had no countermeasures. The only thing he could count on was Hongjun. Haotian led Yaochi and the gods of heaven to kneel down to Hongjun Said: "The disciple pays homage to the master, and begs the master to be the master for the disciple, with the majesty of righteousness!"

Hearing Haotian's words, Hongjun glanced at Haotian slightly, and then set his eyes on Dijun, his eyes were deep and inexplicable, as if he wanted to see through Dijun at a glance. After a long time, he said: "Dijun said Friends, do you really want to regain the Heavenly Court? You don’t seem to need the Heavenly Court anymore, do you?”

Di Jun looked at Hongjun, with a smile on his face, and said: "Friend Hongjun, Ming people don't talk dark words, you have your way, this emperor has my own way, and this heaven has been my emperor's way since ancient times. Due to the situation in the past, the emperor had to give in, but now it is time for the property to return to its original owner."

After Hongjun heard this, a strange color flashed in Gu Bo's calm eyes. It was fleeting and no one noticed it, but it did not escape Di Jun's eyes. Hongjun took another look at the kneeling man. On the side, Haotian, Yaochi and the gods in the heavenly court sent them all out of the heavenly court with a wave of their hands.

In an instant, only Dijun and Hongjun were left in the heavenly court, while Haotian, Yaochi, the gods of the heavenly court and even the heavenly soldiers and generals who appeared outside the heavenly court could not help but look in the direction of the heavenly court. Dijun challenged God, Hongjun will definitely not give in, if they stay, I'm afraid they can't even bear the aftermath of the fight between the two.

But at this time, among the gods and heavenly soldiers and generals who left the heavenly court, many people became concerned, ignored Haotian, and left in small groups, obviously to escape the control of the heavenly court. After all, the list of gods has been broken. I have returned to freedom, if I don't leave now, when will I wait?
All of these naturally fell into the eyes of Haotian. These departed gods were all people who interpreted the four teachings of Buddhism. Now that they have lost the restraint of the list of gods, they will naturally no longer obey Haotian, and Haotian has nothing to do with them. After all, these people are backed by saints. In the current situation, there is no need for Haotian to go against the four religions.

What's more, from now on, whether he can continue to sit on the position of Emperor of Heaven depends entirely on whether Hongjun Daozu can repel Di Jun this time. As for the others, Haotian doesn't care anymore. , he naturally does not have that name to envoy the gods in the heavenly court, and by then, there will probably be very few people who can continue to be loyal to him.

Thinking of this, Haotian couldn't help looking at Tianting with serious eyes, as if there was a huge boulder hanging high in his heart, and if there was no result in Tianting for a moment, this boulder could not be put down for a moment, and a faint sense of fear arose spontaneously, he He was afraid that Hongjun would lose, and that he would lose everything.

Although Haotian himself does not quite believe this possibility, after all, Hongjun has joined the Dao of Heaven and surpassed the realm of the saints, and his strength is comparable to the Dao of Heaven, but since Di Jun dared to challenge the Dao of Heaven at this time, with Di Jun's character, he absolutely It is impossible to be unsure, maybe even have a lot of certainty, after all, that is Dijun.

Yaochi on the side can naturally see Haotian's heavy thoughts at the moment, she can only comfort softly: "Haotian, you don't have to think too much, this matter is beyond our control, since the master has already appeared, presumably There is bound to be an end to this matter, and we can only resign ourselves to the fate of the outcome."

Hearing this, Haotian couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart. He clenched his fists and said bitterly: "Yaochi, I understand what you said, but I am not reconciled. Our efforts for so many years were subverted by others in an instant. I can't even control my future in my own hands, I'm not reconciled!"

Listening to Haotian's narration, Yaochi naturally understands the powerless unwillingness contained in it, and power is second, but heavenly luck is very important to Haotian and her, after all, it is related to whether the two can live together At the end of this calamity, they will prove Hunyuan, without the help of heavenly luck, they don't know how long they will have to wait to prove Hunyuan.

Everything depends on the result of the confrontation between Di Jun and Hong Jun.

A strong fluctuation emanated from the heavenly court, and the heavenly court's prohibition was activated, instantly isolating most of the interested people who peeped into the situation in the heavenly court, even the innate demon gods such as Zhenyuanzi and Styx who had reached half a step of Hunyuan. It is also impossible to continue to spy on the situation in the heaven. Only the saints can break through the restriction of the heaven and find out.

But the more this is the case, the more curious the forces of the Great Desolation are. Originally, they were only curious about the strength of Dijun and Hongjun, and wanted to get a glimpse of the depth of the two's confrontation, but now the court directly banned it, cutting off everyone's prying eyes. , which is really intriguing.

If it's just Dijun and Hongjun fighting, they can decide the outcome in the chaos instead of staying in the heavenly court. It seems impossible to completely resist the aftermath after opening the heavenly ban.

However, the restriction of the heavenly court has just been opened, and there is an unusual weirdness in it. Although the restriction of the heavenly court is powerful, it is far from as powerful as it is now. What's more, there is still some faint power of heaven in the restriction.

The Heavenly Court is transformed by the power of the Dao of Heaven, and naturally contains some power of the Dao of Heaven, but it is not something ordinary people can do to fully display its power in such a huge Heavenly Court, at least Haotian can't do it, and can do it Perhaps only Hongjun, who is in harmony with Taoism, or Dijun, the former master of the Heavenly Court, can do this.

No matter which of the two sealed the Heavenly Court, it can be seen that everything that happened in the Heavenly Court afterwards is not wanted to be known by anyone other than the saints. On the contrary, it may involve a secret that is more important than the amount of calamity , and may even affect the entire prehistoric world, that's why the Heavenly Court was banned.

Helpless, the inside story is only known to the person concerned and the saints. For all sentient beings, this is a mystery.

(End of this chapter)

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