Chapter 508 Aftermath
Heaven changed hands, shocking the prehistoric world!
Seeing countless monster races fly away from the clouds, go straight to the sky, and head towards the Nantian Gate together. At this moment, other creatures in the wilderness were shocked by the power of the monster race. Originally, in their cognition, the strength of the monster race It is indeed the strongest among the many powerful races in the wild, but they don't have a definite cognition.

But at this moment, with the appearance of countless golden immortals, Taiyi golden immortals and even Daluo golden immortals from the Yaozu, other creatures in the prehistoric world really realized the power of the Yaozu. Well, except for the monster race, the total number of Da Luo Jinxian among other creatures in Honghuang may not be able to keep up.

More importantly, among the figures of many monster races, there are more than 20 figures that are particularly eye-catching, because these more than 20 figures all exude a powerful aura of quasi-sage, which shows the strength of the monster race. , It can be seen that after millions of years of recuperation, the strength of the monster clan has surpassed the peak of the lich's calamity.

This undoubtedly shocked the forces of all parties in the prehistoric world and even casual cultivators. If such a powerful monster race really wanted to dominate the prehistoric world, who could resist it in this era where the saints are not out?Especially the human race, which occupies the position of the protagonist of the world, but has no corresponding strength. It is far from enough to be close to the fourth ancestor of the human race, the three emperors and five emperors.

For a moment, a tense atmosphere pervaded the prehistoric world, as if a world-shattering war might break out in this prehistoric world at any time. After all, the reappearance of the ancient demon court has really affected the hearts of countless creatures, especially those in the In the midst of calamity, it is inevitable to worry in my heart.

Human Holy Land
Suiren clan, Youchao clan, Ziyi clan, Cangjie, Fuxi, Shennong, Xuanyuan, Zhuanxu, Diku, Yao, Shun, and Dayu gathered together. It is not a trivial matter for the four ancestors of the human race, the three emperors and five emperors to gather together, although they all sit in town. The holy land of the human race, but they often retreat and practice, and rarely get together, let alone not all.

This time they got together, apparently for the reappearance of the ancient demon court, Suiren looked at everyone, finally set his eyes on Fuxi, and said: "The reappearance of the ancient demon court is menacing, brother Fuxi , In the past, you were Emperor Xi of the Yaozu, and you were the elder brother of the Holy Mother of Nuwa, so you can know the intentions of the Yaozu."

Fuxi smiled and said: "You don't need to panic. Your Majesty the Demon Emperor regained the Heavenly Court and rebuilt the ancient Demon Court. There is no need to worry that the monster race will attack the human race."

Hearing Fuxi's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Fuxi is the former Emperor Xi of the Yaozu and the elder brother of the Saint Nuwa. He obviously knows the situation of the Yaozu better than anyone else, but even so , but everyone still maintains a sense of vigilance in the hearts of the Yaozu. After all, the heart of defense is indispensable!

But at this time, Youchao spoke up: "Let's not talk about the monster race, we just wait and see what happens, but brother Fuxi and brother Shennong, you two are the most hopeful people in our human race to prove the Hunyuan. You Both of them have reached the half-step Hunyuan state, and I don't know when they will be able to prove the Hunyuan, our human race really needs a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to sit in the town."

After hearing this, Shennong was silent for a while, and said quietly: "Although I have returned from the catastrophe and reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage in one fell swoop, and now I have realized the mystery of Hunyuan, but I want to go through the catastrophe of Hunyuan and prove the Tao Hunyuan still lacks some background, and I am afraid that it will take a calamity to accumulate before he can prove the way."

After Shennong finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to Fuxi again, and Fuxi said, "My situation is similar to that of Brother Shennong. If I want to prove Hunyuan on my own, I'm afraid I have to wait for another calamity. But with a secret left by my sister and the demon emperor, I can prove the truth at the end of this calamity."

Hearing Fuxi's words, everyone couldn't help showing some anticipation in their eyes. Although Fuxi is now the emperor among the three emperors of the human race, he has a saint sister like Nuwa after all, and has a close relationship with Dijun. With the help of Emperor Jun secretly, Fu Xi's hope of proving the Tao is much higher than others.

Compared with what the human race cares about, what the Sanqing, the Second Saints of the West, and Houtu care about is what Emperor Jun said before the Heavenly Court was completely banned. The information contained in it is so amazing that even the saints would It was unavoidable that they were shocked, and they were eager to know everything that was hidden by Hongjun.

The most direct way is to ask Hongjun, but Hongjun has already joined the way, even if it is a saint, without Hongjun's summoning, it is impossible to find his trace. Of course, they can also be like Dijun, Taiyi and Nuwa. Ask, all three of them belong to the monster clan, and Di Jun will definitely tell them the secret.

However, based on their relationship with Di Jun and others, Di Jun will not tell them in all likelihood, and they can only figure out the secrets through their own guesses. With the wisdom of the saints, they want to explore a secret from Di Jun's words. The possible result is naturally not difficult, but this result makes them a little unbelievable.

The position of the protagonist of heaven and earth will soon come to an end, what does this mean?
If the way of heaven is not destroyed and the general trend remains unchanged, the human race will naturally be able to enjoy the position of the protagonist of the world forever, and Di Jun has clearly stated that he has no intention of taking the protagonist of the world, but he also said that the position of the protagonist of the world will not be long. There is only one possibility, that is The way of heaven will be destroyed soon, which means that immeasurable calamity is coming.

Immeasurable calamity after Journey to the West?

This conclusion does not intend to make the saints feel horrified. The immeasurable calamity, the destruction of the flood, and the dissipation of the heavenly way mean that these saints will also be affected. , and breaking away from the way of heaven means that they are no longer saints, and their cultivation will naturally be greatly affected.

What's more, even a saint may fall into the immeasurable calamity, not to mention the countless creatures in the prehistoric world. I am afraid that it is precisely because of this that Di Jun made such a big move. First, the demons wanted to regain In the west, it was Emperor Jun who then took the initiative to retake the Heavenly Court. Everything seemed to be preparing for immeasurable calamity.

And where should they go?Leaving the way of heaven and losing the position of saint, even if they can still have Hunyuan cultivation base, I am afraid it will be reduced, not to mention that they are not alone, so they have more preparations. If they want to survive the immeasurable calamity, Absolutely have to be prepared to be foolproof, otherwise, if you make a careless move, you will lose everything!
(End of this chapter)

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