Chapter 509 The Saints Respond
Shouyang Mountain

Lao Tzu stared at the heaven for a long time, and murmured to himself: "Di Jun, you are indeed walking in front of us. All living beings envy the lofty status of saints like me, but they don't know that success is also a saint, and failure is also a saint." , the current Holy Throne has become a constraint for us, no wonder you were so dismissive of the Holy Throne in the past."

After a brief moment of emotion, Lao Tzu suddenly burst out with a powerful aura. Although it only passed away in a flash, it has already reached the level of a saint in the late stage or even higher. There was a burst of waves, but then it fell silent again, and the tranquility of the past was restored.

Kunlun Mountains

Yuanshi Tianzun sat on the cloud platform, his eyes were slightly closed, and his face showed a contemplative look. Obviously, the changes in the heavenly court and the speculation of the immeasurable calamity shocked him, especially the power of Dijun, which made him Unable to calm down, he and Di Jun were proving the Tao at the same time, a Hunyuan, a saint, and even at the beginning he thought he was a little stronger than Di Jun.

But now, Dijun has been able to compete with the Heavenly Dao. Even if he regained the Heavenly Court and brought out the Daoist Hongjun, he can survive smoothly, and even the Heavenly Dao cannot sanction him. It can be seen that Dijun's current strength has reached Entering a very terrifying situation, even Tiandao is very afraid.

If not, if Dijun regained the Heavenly Court, how could the Dao of Heaven allow Daoist Hongjun to retreat so easily? If Dijun was not strong, Dao of Heaven would probably directly choose to suppress him. What did he talk to Di Jun after he sealed off the Heavenly Court? Is there a more shocking secret than the immeasurable calamity?

Yuanshi Tianzun had no way of knowing this, but he recalled the past and saw how Emperor Jun became stronger step by step, while he himself was obsessed with fighting for the fate of the human race, only taking what was hard to give up, and finally the brotherhood of hundreds of millions of years It vanished into thin air, and Chanjiao failed to become stronger as he hoped.

All kinds of battles are nothing but nothingness in the end. At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to have a feeling of great enlightenment in his heart. You will realize your mistakes, and even if you realize it, you will never admit it in your heart.

With one thought, everything is over, dissatisfaction with Lao Tzu, hatred for Tongtian, and many other thoughts seem to have become insignificant now. Yuanshi Tianzun seems to have overlooked it all at once, and his cultivation base that was originally diligent and slow seems to have suddenly opened up. Breach, the realm of the saint's later stage, is achieved in an instant.

Jinao Island

Facing the powerful strength displayed by Emperor Jun, the leader of Tongtian showed infinite fighting spirit. He sat on the white lotus of Jingshi, as clear as a mirror, while the god-killing spear beside him was just the opposite, bursting out infinite killing Qi, one white and one black, one yin and one yang, seem to be opposites, but they are perfectly combined together.

The Master Tongtian looked at the direction of the heaven and said to himself: "Di Jun, you really see farther than we do. The immeasurable calamity is approaching, and the Holy Throne will not benefit us much anymore. It is time to prepare to abandon it. Yes, but I am afraid that there is no difficulty for you and the teacher for the immeasurable calamity, and you have a bigger plan than you, when the time comes... hey!!"

Hou Tu looked at the overwhelming demon clan flying towards the heaven, and sighed slightly: "Di Jun, Di Jun, you always see farther than us. Today's demon clan is stronger than before, but my witch clan We haven't recovered to the peak period, and the gap between us is really getting bigger and bigger.

The immeasurable catastrophe is approaching, what should my witch clan do?It seems that we have to make preparations in advance. Although it is no longer possible to compete with your monster clan, I will never let you focus on the beauty of the front. For my witch clan, this may be a challenge. Opportunity, a chance to bring the Wu Clan back to the top. "

After finishing speaking, as soon as Houtu stretched out her hand, a set of flags and flags appeared in her palm. There were twelve flags and flags in total. They were the twelve gods and devil flags used by the witch clan in the past, and they were also her ten flags. Her elder brother and an older sister left her only thoughts, but now this set of Dutian gods and demon banners has become the key to the resurgence of the Wu clan.

Jieyin and Zhunti both showed bitter faces. They originally thought that this calamity would be a major test for Buddhism, or even a major crisis, but now that they know that the next calamity will be the immeasurable calamity, it is obviously even more important. I am worried, after all there are immeasurable kalpas, let alone Buddhist disciples, even the two saints are also in kalpas.

How to deal with the immeasurable calamity, Jieyin and Zhunti obviously have some ideas in their minds, it is nothing more than refining a space treasure, which contains a complete world, so as to protect Buddhist sentient beings, but the space treasure that contains a complete world does not happen overnight It can be refined, and I don't know how much effort it will take to complete it.

Of course, these are things for later. Now that the battle between Buddha and Demon is imminent, if the foundation of Xiniu Hezhou is lost, not only will the luck of Buddhism be greatly damaged, but it will also be detrimental to the refining of the space treasure that can protect all Buddhist creatures. Therefore, this battle is extremely critical, and it can only be won, not defeated.

Having said that, regarding the current situation of the war between Buddha and demons, Jieyin and Zhunti obviously don't have much confidence. After all, the way of demons is coming fiercely, and Buddhism really has no advantage, especially before the war, Di Jun directly abolished them Heavenly Court, the original ally of Buddhism, made things worse.

With the current strength in the hands of Haotian and Yaochi, it is obviously not enough to play a big role in the battle between Buddha and Demon, unless Haotian and Yaochi personally take action, but is that possible?They who have already lost the Heavenly Court may not have the guts to put all their eggs in one bet. It is still possible if they are evenly matched, but with the current situation, it is obviously impossible.

Could it be that the great prosperity of Buddhism will eventually come to naught?

Is my Buddhism really going to suffer this catastrophe?

The two saints, Jieyin and Zhunti, looked sad, constantly thinking about various possibilities in their hearts, trying to find a way out for Buddhism.

(End of this chapter)

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