Chapter 521 Six people?

After sensing the change in the sky above the ancestral land of the human race, Shennong couldn't help but a hint of envy flashed in his eyes. When he was the ancestor of Hongyun in the past, he had also obtained the primordial purple energy needed for sanctification, but unfortunately his strength Insufficient, unable to grasp this great opportunity, and finally ended up in a reincarnation.

Not only that, in order for him to return from calamity, return to the peak, and get a human emperor, Zhen Yuanzi even made a deal with Di Jun with his companion Lingbao Dishu. It can be said that Zhen Yuanzi paid for him. Shennong didn't know how to repay him, and now he can only come to protect the law for him and express his heart.

Hong Yun looked at Zhen Yuanzi who was ready, and said in a deep voice: "Zhen Yuanzi, now several people are going through the tribulation together, greatly sharing the power of the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, and even the Demon Ancestor has attracted the attention of Heavenly Dao, you too Don't worry about crossing the tribulation, as for the others, you don't have to worry about it, with me here, no one will disturb you."

Although there may not be man-made disasters, but be careful, Fuxi is guarded by Nuwa, and Styx is surrounded by the Shura clan. As for Zhen Yuanzi, he is alone, and only Hong Yun can protect him.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled lightly, and said: "Thank you very much, Shennong, with you as my guardian, I will be safe. As for the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, the poor Taoist is still sure. Yes, now that I understand the mystery of Hunyuan, it is thanks to the on-demand broadcast of the former Demon Emperor."

At the beginning, in order to accumulate merits for the Yaozu, Di Jun exchanged Zhen Yuanzi's accompanying Lingbao Dishu with the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Xuanhuang Turtle Spirit Shield and Human Emperor Daoguo that he carefully refined, and established the Earth Immortal Dao to bless the Yaozu. Although it seems that Zhen Yuanzi is at a disadvantage, it is actually not a good thing for Zhen Yuanzi.

The three books of heaven, earth and human have their own responsibilities. The book of heaven is in charge of the heaven, the palm of the gods, the book of the human is in charge of the underworld, the ghosts and gods, the book of the earth is in charge of the mountains and rivers, and the fairy of the earth. It was Zhen Yuanzi's responsibility, but Zhen Yuanzi had no intention of fighting for hegemony, so naturally he would not do so.

The so-called Book of Success and Book of Failure, Zhen Yuanzi can use the Book of Earth to comprehend the law of the earth and the law of imperialism more quickly, but if Master Zhen Yuan does not establish the immortal way of the Earth, then the Book of Earth will become his in turn. The shackles of the Earth Immortal Dao cannot return to its place, which is tantamount to the karma owed by Zhen Yuanzi to the flood. If the karma is gone, how can we see Hunyuan.

Although there is no book from the ground now, Zhen Yuanzi has a deeper understanding of the law of earth and the law of imperialism, and the black and yellow tortoise spirit shield traded to him by God Jun is by no means an ordinary top-grade innate spirit treasure. It not only incorporates some mysterious and yellow energy from the beginning of the opening of the sky, but also incorporates some sky-replenishing merits, unparalleled defense, and extraordinary mystery.

With a face full of confidence, Zhen Yuanzi took a step forward and came to a group of mountains. This is the place he carefully prepared for himself to cross the catastrophe. Unlike Fuxi and others, he is good at soil The law and the law of control, it is naturally impossible to go to the sky to survive the calamity, and only by standing on the ground can he have an advantage.

On the battlefield of Buddha and demons, after Kunpeng realized that Fuxi, Minghe, and Zhenyuanzi were all beginning to cross the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, a smile appeared on his face. The thoughts of these people were also his thoughts. Attracting the attention of the Dao of Heaven, if several people go through the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation together, they will surely weaken the power of the Heavenly Tribulation they are facing.

This is also the reason why Kunpeng is eager to repel Haotian and Yaochi, but is unwilling to continue chasing them. What is more important than him proving the Hunyuan? This is his long-cherished wish all along. We must also seize this rare and good opportunity to fulfill our long-cherished wish for many years.

Thinking of this, Kunpeng no longer suppressed his half-step Hunyuan aura, and immediately attracted the vision of heaven, and the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation began to condense, but the speed of this Heavenly Tribulation was much slower than that of the Heaven Devourer. Not much, obviously today's Dao can't allocate extra power to deal with other people who have crossed the catastrophe.

Facing the Primal Primordial Tribulation that was beginning to condense, Kunpeng had no fear on his face. He was already fully prepared, and he also had a set of magic weapons given by the Heaven Devourer Taoist, combined with the Devouring Law he had comprehended, It is definitely a great weapon to deal with the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation. If it fails like this, it can only show that Kunpeng has no destiny with Hunyuan.

As for the guardian of the Dao, Kunpeng doesn't need to worry about it. After all, he is under the command of the Demon Emperor, and there are not many people who dare to attack him. Besides, now that the Demon Emperor is in full swing, who would dare to do this under the Hunyuan Saint? When the time comes to attack him, it is also a good thing for the Demon Emperor to have one more Hunyuan combat power, who dares to destroy the good deeds of the Demon Emperor!

Fuxi, Minghe, Zhenyuanzi, Kunpeng, together crossing the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, together with a Heaven Devourer Taoist, is simply a great event in the prehistoric era. Then there will be five more Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians. Although they can't compare with the saints for the time being, they can still have the right to speak, and the prehistoric pattern will also be affected.

Of course, for the five people who crossed the catastrophe, not many people seemed to think that they would fail. Needless to say, Taoist Devourer, crossing the catastrophe is like a game, and Kunpeng leaned on the demon emperor to enjoy the cool. See his posture, Obviously very confident to survive the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, who will let the Yaodi's family have a great career.

As for Fuxi, as one of the three emperors of the human race appointed by Tiandao as the protagonist of heaven and earth, he has the luck of the human race. Naturally, it is impossible for Tiandao to kill him wholeheartedly. After all, if Fuxi falls, the luck of the human race will definitely be damaged, and it will only be cheaper at that time Yaozu, at that time, it is still a question whether the protagonist of the human race world can be kept.

What's more, he also has a saint sister, with the support of Nuwa, the king of the demon race and the saint of the human race, it is not difficult to survive the Hunyuan catastrophe, not to mention the friendship between Fuxi and Dijun is extraordinary, and Dijun will never It's okay to sit and watch his former friend fall into the Primordial Tribulation.

As for Zhen Yuanzi and Ming He, both are old-fashioned powers in the prehistoric world. They were born as innate demon gods, and they are all cultivated to the profound. Now that they have taken this step, they are obviously well-prepared, and it should not be a problem to survive the chaos In this way, it is a foregone conclusion that there will be five more Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians in the prehistoric world.

Wait, five Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians, how could there be six Hunyuan catastrophes coming, is there still someone who wants to prove Hunyuan?
(End of this chapter)

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