Chapter 522
In the sky above Shouyang Mountain, a figure stands in the void. It is because of him that the vision of Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation arises here. All parties in the prehistoric world searched for traces and looked at them, and their hearts were full of surprise and shock. This person is none other than the saints The good corpse of the elder brother Lao Tzu and the sage is Taishang Laojun, but Taishang Laojun is going through the catastrophe at this moment, which is really surprising.

When Sun Wukong was making troubles in the Heavenly Palace, Taishang Laojun took advantage of Sun Wukong, the son of calamity, to fire the three corpses of Emperor Jun, condense independent fate, and obtained the opportunity to prove Hunyuan, but no one thought that Taishang Laojun actually He will successfully condense his own fate so quickly, and also realize the mystery of Hunyuan.

Such a speed is unbelievably fast. It is the three corpses of Emperor Jun. How much time and hardships have been spent before the two corpses of good and evil have successfully condensed their destiny. The corpse is going through the catastrophe, but the self-corpse is still sinking in the samsara.

As for the good corpse of Laozi, the Taishang Laojun, firstly, he did not reincarnate, and secondly, he did not spend much time to successfully condense his fate so quickly, and he also realized the mystery of Hunyuan, which is really confusing, but This is definitely Lao Tzu's method. It can be seen from this that this elder brother of the saints is really unfathomable.

Originally, Emperor Jun was outstanding and coerced all the saints, but now Lao Tzu suddenly came to such a trick, and he was already a half-step Hunyuan good corpse. Such a method is really a bit terrifying. There is an extra Hunyuan combat power in the teaching, and its impact is naturally immeasurable.

In addition to being surprised and shocked, one thing also attracted the attention of all parties in the prehistoric period, that is, the Hunyuan aura on the Taishang Laojun. His Hunyuan breath is not only a little disordered, but also extremely weak. Judging from its state, it seems to be a bit counterproductive.

This Taishang Laojun obviously just broke through to the half-step Hunyuan realm, and the realm has not yet stabilized, so he hastily crossed the catastrophe. If it were other top powers in the prehistoric world, I am afraid everyone would think that this is courting death, but Taishang Laojun is different. He is the benevolent corpse of the saint Lao Tzu, and with the help of the saint Lao Tzu, even so, he may not be unable to survive the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation safely.

Heavenly Court, Yaochi Wonderland, Dijun, Xihe, Taiyi and others returned to this place, filled with emotion in their hearts. After the calamity of the Lich, Di Jun was forced to abandon the Heavenly Court. After two calamities, Di Jun finally Recaptured the Heavenly Court, and all this is based on Dijun's powerful strength.

However, the movement of Shouyang Mountain broke the tranquility in the fairyland of Yaochi. Xi He looked at the Taishang Laojun who was going through the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation above Shouyang Mountain, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked Di Jun, "Husband , this old man's method is really powerful, he can make his good corpse break through to such a point so quickly, is there any shortcut?"

Xihe is also a person who has survived the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation. Although he has proved the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation now, he is a little startled by the original Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation. If Di Jun hadn't prepared everything for him, otherwise, with her strength, he might not It was because of this that she was puzzled by Lao Tzu's behavior.

Taishang Laojun's realm is not enough, even if Lao Tzu handed over his innate treasure Taiji diagram to Taishang Laojun, it may not be able to exert the power of Taiji diagram. Under such circumstances, the Taiji diagram that cannot exert its power may not be able to preserve Taishang. Laojun, but since I have done this, I must have a backup.

It's just how Laozi made Taishang Laojun come to this step so quickly, which is what Xi He is most puzzled about. After all, Dijun is also like this, but the process is much more difficult than Laozi. What even Dijun failed to do, Laozi actually did. How could Xihe not be puzzled, so he naturally wanted to find out and solve his doubts.

Hearing Xi He's question, Di Jun smiled slightly, and said, "I don't know about this, but I'm afraid the price to be paid for this step is not small. It is not surprising that the Tai Chi Diagram, one of the Three Treasures of Kaitian, has some tricks."

Tai nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Brother is right, Lao Tzu is indeed the most difficult to deal with among the saints, although he was only in the middle stage of the saint when he became a saint, but judging from the last time he made a move when he was conferred the gods and measured the calamity." , His cultivation is improving so fast that even I dare not say that I can overwhelm him."

In the past, Taiyi proved the Dao in the late stage of saints. He cultivated to stabilize the saints and practiced hard for several eons. Now he has reached the peak of saints, but Taiyi is not the only one who has improved. Nuwa has also reached the stage of late saints. As for The rest of the saints, although they haven't made a move yet, are probably all about the same, and Lao Tzu may be even better.

Di Jun smiled and said: "Taiyi, what you said is reasonable. I really should not be underestimated. If I guessed correctly, even if his current cultivation level is not as good as yours, I am afraid it will not be much worse. As for this Taishang Laojun, If I want to protect him from the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, it is not necessary to use the Taiji Diagram, but he has another treasure."

Above Shouyang Mountain, under the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, although Taishang Laojun's half-step Hunyuan aura was unstable, there was no worry on his face. Instead, he looked calm and looked at the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation. If there is nothing, this appearance is very similar to the Heaven Devourer Taoist who is crossing the catastrophe. It can be seen that he definitely has the most powerful hole card in his hand.

This kind of guessing didn't last long. With the formation of the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, the Taishang Laojun finally showed his hole card, and saw a golden pagoda suddenly rising above the Taishang Laojun's head, and the pagoda hung down. Daoist Xuanhuang Qi enveloped the Taishang Laojun, protecting it extremely well.

The most precious treasure of acquired merit and virtue, the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, finally appeared in the prehistoric for the first time. Even in the past when the gods were conferred and the calamity was measured, Lao Tzu did not take it out, but now in order to keep his good corpse safe. After going through the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, he finally took out this treasure that even Emperor Jun was very coveted.

The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth is formed by combining the innate merits of Pan Gu and the Qi of Xuanhuang at the beginning of the opening of the sky. Although it is only the treasure of acquired merits and virtues, its power is not inferior to the innate treasure. Its defense is unparalleled. , the same level of cultivation is already in an invincible position.

Such a precious treasure, the former Emperor Jun would not be greedy, but it is a pity that it fell into Lao Tzu's hands at the beginning of the sky. Even if Di Jun wanted to snatch it, he has never been able to do so. Now that he can see it, he no longer has the desire of the past. To today's Emperor Jun, it is nothing more than tasteless, it is tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it.

(End of this chapter)

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