Chapter 523
Di Jun no longer cares about acquired treasures such as the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, but others may not be able to do this. Even the saints are very greedy. The earth enhances their strength, especially in the face of immeasurable calamity, which is obviously more sure.

It's just that the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth is in the hands of Lao Tzu, the elder brother of the saints. If he wants to snatch this treasure from Lao Tzu, I am afraid that no one except Di Jun will be able to do this. Even at the risk of being punished by the Dao of Heaven, the saints would probably personally take action to snatch it.

However, some envy and jealousy are unavoidable. After all, Lao Tzu already had the innate treasure Tai Chi diagram bestowed by Hongjun, and now there is more such a supreme defensive treasure as the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. Some saints who have proved the magic weapon and one or two top-grade innate spirit treasures are envious and jealous.

It is natural to say that the two saints of the West, when Hongjun divided the treasures in the past, the two of them obtained a total of one top-grade innate spirit treasure and two top-grade innate spirit treasures. Compared with other saints, the gap is not small. Holy, the worst thing is that there are two top-grade innate spirit treasures for one person. After that, these two saints have been relying on their own magic tools to prop up their appearance.

Of course, apart from the two saints of the West, there is another saint who is also jealous, and that is Yuanshi Tianzun. Although Laozi is his elder brother and his senior brother, Yuanshi Tianzun, who is naturally competitive, always wants to surpass Laozi. Surpassing all saints, he has always wanted to be No.1 under the Dao of Heaven.

It's just that in terms of cultivation, Di Jun, Tai Yi, and Lao Tzu have always been pressing him. In terms of magic weapons, the only things he can really get out are the innate treasure Pangu Banner and the best innate spiritual treasure Wuji Xinghuang Banner. Teaching is not as good as others explaining the three teachings of Buddhism, and several disciples apostate, which makes the face of the good-looking Yuanshi Tianzun dull.

Now that Lao Tzu has brought out another Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda that can be compared to the innate treasure, Yuanshi Tianzun is naturally in a worse mood. This Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is the fusion of Pangu's heaven-opening merit and virtue, and should be inherited by Pangu's descendants, but As one of the orthodox Sanqing of Pangu, why did Lao Tzu get this treasure.

In contrast, Master Tongtian's reaction was extremely flat. Although he had severed his brotherhood with Lao Tzu when he conferred God's Tribulation, he was neither sad nor happy when Lao Tzu suddenly took out such a treasure. In his heart, With the God Killing Spear and the White Lotus by his side, it was enough, no matter how strong the opponent was, he would dare to fight.

In front of the treasure, everyone has different attitudes, and other creatures can only envy. The top magic weapons in the prehistoric are basically in the hands of Emperor Jun and the saints, and most of the remaining magic weapons are in the hands of Yaozu and the disciples of the Four Sects , There are basically few good magic weapons that really fall into the hands of casual cultivators.

The six Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulations descended one after another, and the terrifying aura emanating from the Heavenly Tribulation permeated the entire prehistoric desolation, making all living beings in the prehistoric desolate very depressed. Such a terrifying aura is not something some weak creatures can bear. It was only a little prestige, otherwise after this incident, Hong Huang would have killed or injured many lives.

Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation is still going on, Heaven Devourer Taoist and Taishang Laojun have a relaxed look, one devours the robbery thunder, the other is not afraid of robbery thunder, while Fuxi, Minghe, Zhenyuanzi, and Kunpeng are all showing their magical powers to resist the catastrophe , although they were a little bit embarrassed, they were fine for the time being, and if it really came to a critical juncture, they would definitely show their cards.

The prehistoric place became very lively because of the six Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulations, and the Pangu Temple of the Wu Clan is not far behind at this moment. The saint Houtu and the Emperor Fengdu light the lamp. The two live in the underworld all the year round, almost He would go out, but now he came to the Pangu Palace, and even the great witches of other witch clans came, obviously something big was about to happen.

Hou Tu's expression was dull with a hint of solemnity, and what he saw was the depths of the Pangu Temple, as did the other great witches. Obviously, there was something in the depths of the Pangu Temple that they were extremely concerned about, otherwise they would They will not gather here, and Houtu will not leave the underworld and return to Pangu Palace.

As for the burning lamp, although he is also concerned about the existence in the depths of the Pangu Temple, he is not as eager as Houtu and the great witches. After all, he is not a member of the witch clan through and through. The Great Emperor has ties with the Wu Clan, and the prosperity of the Wu Clan is also good for him.

Compared with the changes in the depths of the Pangu Temple, Ran Deng is more concerned about the location of the six Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulations. That is the path he wants to take. After he became the Emperor of Fengdu, he enjoyed the luck of the underworld, and his cultivation improved rapidly. , now that he has reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage, even Hunyuan Xuanmiao has touched a little threshold, half a step of Hunyuan is only a step away.

Looking back on the past, Ran Deng regretted that he had cast himself under Yuanshi Tianzun's sect. If he had joined the underworld earlier, I am afraid that he would already be half-step Hunyuan at this moment. Although he might not be as good as Ming He, Zhen Yuanzi and others, at least he would not How much is the difference between Haotian and Yaochi, if you make a wrong step, you will fall behind step by step.

Now that the six Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulations are falling together, Randeng is also a little excited, as if he is facing the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation at this moment. This is also the road he will take, but this road will take some time. No more than those who are going through the tribulation now, they naturally need to save a little bit more to ensure that they can survive the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation safely.

boom! ! !
Suddenly, a powerful aura erupted from the depths of the Pangu Temple, and the berserk aura went straight to the sky, attracting the attention of countless people. After all, six Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulations have come one after another, and if someone crosses the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, the prehistoric The parties will not be surprised, but this time it is a little different.

Although this violent momentum has attracted the attention of Heavenly Dao, and the black clouds of robbery have begun to gather, but the power is much worse than that of Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, and it seems that it is not on the same level at all. Obviously this time it is not Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, but it is inevitable that people will be curious if they rush to have fun at this time.

I saw a figure soaring into the sky from the Pangu Temple of the Wu Clan, holding an ax in one hand and a shield in the other, with a fighting spirit, soaring straight into the sky, just like the god of war coming to the world, he is the strongest witch among the Wu Clan, Xing Tian, With relatives in hand and the law of standing with him, the terrifying physical body of the pinnacle of the quasi-sage gave him amazing combat power.

It's just that at this moment, Xing Tian's state seems to be a little different. The original aura of great witches seems to have become stronger. It's coming towards Xingtian, what's going on, you'll know immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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