Chapter 525
In the ancestral land of the human race, the fourth ancestor of the human race and many human emperors were also relieved to see this scene. Originally, they saw that Fuxi's situation was not good enough to cross the catastrophe. The situation was reversed, and with the help of the large formation and corpse left by the former demon emperor Shanshi in order to avoid the cause and effect with the human race, he immediately turned the crisis into safety.

Of course, they also understand that this is just Fuxi. After all, Fuxi was the emperor Xihuang of the demon clan in his previous life, and he has a good relationship with the demon emperor, and he also has a saint sister, Nuwa. Same, even if Shennong can control the Kunyuan Nine Cauldrons array, I'm afraid he can't control the former human corpse of Junshan, the inner emperor of Nine Cauldrons.

The power of the Kunyuan Nine Cauldrons formation is due to the luck of the human race on the one hand, and the Hunyuan corpse in the Nine Cauldrons on the other hand. After all, he was contaminated with the Hunyuan aura of Emperor Jun Shanshan's corpse, and had the luck of the human race accumulated for many years, so the power he could display was extraordinary.

With the protection of the Kunyuan Nine Tripods Array and the Hunyuan Corpse, coupled with the luck of the human race and the blessing of the belief of the Kyushu Human Race, Fuxi's Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation is a sure thing. Guardian of Luo Jinxian, the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth is a little bit worthy of the name.

More importantly, the immeasurable calamity is approaching, and the human race has to leave a way out for itself. Although there is Nuwa, the saint of the human race, it is not as peaceful as the human race having its own Hunyuan power. Even though Nu Wa helped the human race through the immeasurable calamity, for the era after the immeasurable calamity, there is still a Hunyuan master who can reassure the entire human race.

At the junction of east and west, in the boundary of Wuzhuang Temple, among the continuous mountains, Zhen Yuanzi is facing his Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation. Although the power of the Heavenly Tribulation is getting stronger and stronger, Zhen Yuanzi is still calm and composed, maintaining his style The demeanor of Xiaoyao Sanxian, no matter how fierce the robbery is, Zhen Yuanzi is as stable as Mount Tai, unshakable.

When the robbery thunder fell, before it got close to Zhen Yuanzi's body, a formation appeared, and the power of the robbery thunder was divided into countless parts and scattered among the mountains. Even if it caused a small wave, it did not shake the formation Basically, a dark yellow shield stood around Zhen Yuanzi's body, blocking the remaining power of the tribulation thunder.

Zhen Yuanzi stared at the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation that had passed through most of it, and a smile flashed in his eyes. Although he lost one of the three books, the book from the ground, the power of the black and yellow tortoise spirit shield that Di Jun traded to him is really amazing , not inferior to the defensive power of the Book of the Earth, but it can only be used for defense, and the function is a bit monotonous.

However, the large formation used to match his comprehension over the years complements each other perfectly. This formation is the result of Yuanzi Zhenyuan's careful study for many years, using the power of the earth to gather the mountains. It contains one yuan, two instruments, three talents, four images, Five Elements, Liuhe, Seven Stars, Bagua, Jiuyao and many other formations are mysterious, and a peerless defensive formation has been realized.

Although these mountains don't look very good, and any fairy can break them apart, in fact, these mountains are formed by the condensed leylines. After Zhen Yuanzi has been taking care of them for many years, they have formed their own formations with extraordinary power. Now with the black and yellow tortoise spirit shield as the eye of the formation, Zhen Yuanzi personally controls it, and its power is greatly increased. It is no longer a problem to help him survive the catastrophe.

In contrast, Kunpeng's situation is somewhat similar to Fuxi's, or even worse. After all, Fuxi has Nuwa's Kongtong Seal and Qinglian Baose Banner, two top-quality innate spiritual treasures to protect him, and Kunpeng has Emperor Jun The carefully refined magic weapon bestowed, but it is still much inferior to the best innate spirit treasure.

But fortunately, Kunpeng is good at devouring the law. Although the realm is not as good as that of the Heaven Devourer, he can also devour part of the tribulation thunder and turn it into his own power. There is no danger for a while, but as the power of the catastrophe becomes stronger and stronger, Kunpeng The speed of devouring and refining can no longer keep up with the speed of the catastrophe falling. If this continues, Kunpeng will be in danger.

Faced with this situation, Kunpeng no longer hides his clumsiness, and directly shows his trump card, and Jiujiu 81 black flags fly out from the magician's hall, forming a strange and inexplicable large formation in the air, which is similar to Kunpeng's. The laws of devouring coincide, like a bottomless black hole, devouring everything around.

This is the Heaven Devouring Spirit Formation created by Taoist Devourer, and it is also Kunpeng's hole card. Because he is also good at the law of devouring, Taoist Devourer taught him this array, and personally refined it for him. Although the set of array banners is not as good as the one used by the Taoist Devourer of Heaven, it is also extremely exquisite. Combined with Kunpeng's devouring law, the power is even more infinite.

As soon as the Heaven Devouring Soul Formation came out, Kunpeng's crisis was immediately resolved, and the violent energy of Jielei was swallowed and dispelled by the formation, and turned into the purest energy to feed back to Kunpeng, so that Kunpeng's cultivation base continued to improve, even with some Jielei's power It was not devoured, and it fell on Kunpeng. With the protection of the magician hall, it could not hurt Kunpeng at all.

Compared with the previous four people who crossed the catastrophe, the Taishang Laojun seemed more leisurely and contented. No matter how much the catastrophe fell, it was completely blocked by the mysterious and exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth above his head, and he could not hurt the Taishang Laojun at all. , It can be seen from this that the defense of this Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is unparalleled in the world, and it is not much better than the innate treasure.

What is even more unexpected is that in addition to the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Taishang Laojun even sacrificed Lao Tzu's housekeeping magic weapon, Tai Chi Picture, which turned into a golden bridge, piercing through heaven and earth, standing on the void, Taishang Laojun sitting upright On the golden bridge, with closed eyes and enlightenment, the half-step Hunyuan aura in his body began to slowly improve and gradually stabilized.

In the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, no one will be able to do so, considering the tribulation and thunder as nothing, and concentrate on comprehending the Hunyuan Dao. Naturally, it is 100% able to survive, but the method of crossing the catastrophe like him is really a bit provocative to the way of heaven.

It's just that at this moment, Tiandao's attention has been attracted by the Heaven Devourer Taoist, and he can no longer control the old gentleman, and during the calamity, the power of Tiandao seems a little weak. In addition, Tiandao has no consciousness, it just operates instinctively, Naturally, we must concentrate our efforts on dealing with the Heaven Devourer Taoist who seems to be more threatening.

(End of this chapter)

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