Chapter 526
Compared with Fuxi, Minghe, Zhenyuanzi, Kunpeng, and Taishang Laojun's crossing catastrophe, the catastrophe facing Xing Tian is much smaller, and his power is at most half a step of Hunyuan level. For Xing Tian who specializes in physical training For quasi-ancestral witches who are proficient in the laws of standing and comprehend the laws of space, they are nothing at all.

Holding a relative, both offensive and defensive, under the blessing of the law of standing, Xing Tian became stronger as he fought, and although he had initially comprehended the law of space, he used it as offensive and defensive precautions, but Xing Tian did not block all the thunderstorms. Under the tempering of Jie Lei, he began to transform into the body of the ancestor witch.

In Yaochi Wonderland, Dijun, Xihe and Taiyi looked at the people in the lower realm who were crossing the catastrophe, their eyes swept over, and finally they focused on the Taishang Laojun. As for the others, there was nothing to pay attention to. Fuxi, Minghe, Zhenyuanzi and Kunpeng are almost sure of crossing the catastrophe, and basically there will be no accidents.

As for Xing Tian, ​​although the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan were enemies of life and death in the past, even if Xing Tian really became the ancestor witch and led the Witch Clan to re-emerge, it would be almost impossible to catch up with the Monster Clan. What's more, the next amount of calamity is the immeasurable calamity, and there is not much time left for the Wu Clan.

But the Taishang Laojun is different. As the good corpse of Lao Tzu, the elder brother of the saints, and he is about to prove the Hunyuan, he is indeed qualified to be paid attention to by Dijun and the others, not to mention that now Taishang Laojun suddenly took out Lao Tzu. Of course, they should take this opportunity to observe the mysteries of these two magic weapons. Knowing themselves and the enemy can also take advantage of them.

As the most mysterious of all saints, Lao Tzu's strength should not be underestimated. Even Di Jun couldn't ignore his existence. In the immeasurable calamity, perhaps Lao Tzu could become a powerful opponent, so Di Jun naturally respected Lao Tzu. If you are interested in these two magic weapons, if you can find a weakness, that would be great.

Tai Yi stared at the white jade and golden bridge under Taishang Laojun, frowned slightly, and then said: "Brother, the power of this Tai Chi diagram seems a bit strange, I am afraid it is not just as simple as defending Wushuang, this white jade and golden bridge is built on the void. , but it can exude inexplicable power and help Taishang Laojun to comprehend the Dao of Hunyuan, which is really extraordinary."

After hearing this, Emperor Jun smiled faintly: "Tai Yi, didn't you realize that the white jade and golden bridge transformed from the Tai Chi Diagram is connected to the Dao of Void and Heaven. Although it is only a little bit, it is enough to show the supreme power. It is nothing at all to help Taishang Laojun understand the Dao of Hunyuan, and this is probably the reason why Taishang Laojun's realm has improved so quickly."

When Tai Yi heard this, there was a hint of contemplation on his face, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "It is such a treasure, and the virtuous live there, big brother, should we take it away by hand? With this treasure, It will definitely be of great help to you, big brother, to comprehend the Creation Realm, and it will also help our Yaozu elite break through the Primordial Realm, killing two birds with one stone."

Good Fortune Realm, also known as Good Fortune Daluo Golden Immortal, corresponds to the realm of heaven, which is a realm above saints and Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. Now that Dijun has removed the real body of Chaos Demon God, his own realm has reached half-step Good Fortune Realm. It is also one of the reasons why he can deter Tiandao Hongjun.

Although Hongjun is in harmony with the Dao with his body, his own realm has not broken through to the same realm as the Dao of Heaven. He can only borrow part of the power of the Dao of Heaven. Concession is not only because Dijun talked about some secret relationships.

Regarding Tai Yi's proposal, Xi He showed approval on his face. After all, Di Jun is his husband and also the leader of the demon clan. If he can have the Taiji diagram in his hand, it will be a big deal for Di Jun and the demon clan Of course, Xi He also thought about Lu Ya and Wang Shu. They are on the same path as Di Jun, so they naturally need the help of Tai Chi Tu. After all, they are not Di Jun.

But Di Jun didn't show any sign of agreement, nor did he refuse, but said directly: "Tai Chi Diagram is really good, but even if you want to do it, now is not a good time, if you act rashly, it will easily disrupt my deployment. When it comes to immeasurable kalpas, if there is an opportunity, it is not too late to do it."

After Taiyi heard this, the fierce light in his eyes subsided, and his fighting spirit disappeared without a trace, he just said: "I listen to the eldest brother, even if I have an extra Hunyuan good corpse, he can't make any waves." , let the Taiji diagram stay in his hands for a while longer, this treasure will belong to the monster clan sooner or later."

After hearing this, Di Jun didn't continue to say anything, instead, he turned his eyes to his own evil corpse devouring Taoist, and after looking at him for a long time, he suddenly said in a low voice: "It's time to end, the next is the Hunyuan Prosperity, I don't know How many more people will be able to step into the realm of Hunyuan before the immeasurable calamity is really exciting!"

Under the most terrifying Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, the Heaven Devourer devoured the power of the Heavenly Dao with impunity. Even though the power of the Heavenly Tribulation had nearly doubled, he still failed to hurt the Heaven Devourer at all, instead he was constantly devoured by the Heaven Devourer With the power of Jielei and the shackles of heaven, the realm of cultivation has been continuously improved.

If this continues, I am afraid that the Heavenly Tribulation is not over yet, and the Heaven Devourer has already broken through to the realm of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. But Hongjun, who is well-versed in his body, has seen this clearly.

At this moment, the Heaven Devourer Daoist who had turned into a black vortex suddenly stopped, dispersed the black vortex, and showed his real body. Looking at the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation above his head, there was a hint of sarcasm on his face, coldly Said in a low voice: "Come when you want, leave when you want, how can it be so easy, let me stay completely!"

The inexplicable fluctuations in the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation naturally cannot escape the eyes of the Heaven Devourer Taoist. The Heaven Devourer is going to leave, and he will also take away the origin of the dozen or so Heavenly Dao that was blessed on the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation. It is wishful, as for why Tiandao behaved like this, I also know that it was Hongjun's tricks, otherwise Tiandao, who is unconscious, would not easily evacuate.

Immediately, the Taoist Heaven Devourer directly sacrificed his natal magic weapon, the Heaven Devouring Gourd. The Heaven Devouring Gourd was the first to show its full power in front of the prehistoric beings. Countless black chains were shot from the mouth of the gourd, directly killing the entire Hunyuan. The catastrophe is shrouded in it, and the huge pulling force seems to want to swallow the whole catastrophe into the gourd.

(End of this chapter)

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