Chapter 528 Small talk
In contrast, Xing Tian's crossing the catastrophe is relatively simple. There is no magic weapon, no supernatural powers, and he relies entirely on his relatives and physical body to defend the catastrophe. The body of the ancestor witch, and it is still the ancestor witch of space. From then on, the Wu clan once again possessed the existence of the ancestor witch.

Of course, Xing Tian not only transformed into an ancestral witch, but also broke through the limit of the quasi-sage peak with the help of Heavenly Tribulation, and stepped into the half-step Hunyuan realm physically. Only the former Emperor Jun, but there is still a big difference between Xing Tian and Di Jun.

Di Jun pursues the way of the Chaos Demon God, and although Xing Tian has the half-step Hunyuan ancestral witch body, it is impossible for him to embark on the way of the Chaos Demon God. One way is to prove the Tao with strength like Pangu, there is no other choice.

Xing Tian was born in the prehistoric, and if he wanted to prove the Dao with strength, he needed to break the Dao of Heaven. This required the accumulation of mana of countless Huiyuan, and he had to use his own laws to a limit. Maybe Xing Tian could do it, but it would take too much time. It's been a long time, but the immeasurable calamity is just around the corner, and there is not so much time left.

But no matter what, Xing Tian became an ancestor witch, which is a great joy for the Wu clan. Even Houtu had a happy smile on his face, but no one noticed that she looked at Xing Tian with deep eyes. And mysterious, as if she had some plans in her heart, she seemed to see a better future for the Wu clan.

In the Heavenly Court Yaochi, Di Jun looked at Xing Tian who had transformed into an ancestor witch and stepped into the realm of half-step Hunyuan, and there was a hint of contemplation in his eyes, and after sensing the huge change in the luck of the Wu clan, his face was even more There was an inexplicable smile on his face. Obviously, his guess was right, there was definitely some secret hidden in the body of the ancestral witch.

Tai Yi also felt the huge change in the luck of the witch clan, so he said suspiciously: "Brother, just one ancestral witch came out, and the luck of the witch clan has almost doubled, and it seems to be still growing. This is really strange, is it possible that the Zuwu is not just the leader of the Wu Clan?"

Di Jun smiled lightly and said: "Perhaps, ancestor witches have a special meaning to the Wu clan, and the key secret should be in the Pangu Temple. Unfortunately, even with my current state, it is still difficult to pry into the secrets in the Pangu Temple. A feeling of heart palpitations, it seems that the biggest secret of the witch clan is in the Pangu Palace."

Hearing Di Jun's words, Tai Yi showed a hint of surprise, then looked at the Pangu Palace, and said in a deep voice: "Even the eldest brother can't spy on the secrets of the Pangu Palace, it seems that this Pangu Palace is definitely not ordinary, is it left by the Great God Pangu?" Of the Wu Clan, perhaps it also contains the backhand left by Pangu Great God to the Wu Clan."

After hearing this, Emperor Jun smiled lightly, and didn't take Tai Yi's words to heart. Although he was curious about what kind of backhand Pangu left for the Wu Clan, he didn't want to get to the bottom of it. In the face of immeasurable calamity, he has no interest in continuing to entangle with the Wu clan.

Seeing that Dijun was speechless, Tai Yi said again: "Brother, this Xingtian's aptitude is really good. With just this drop of Dijiang's ancestral witch's blood, he has transformed into a new ancestral witch, and even took half a step in his physical body." The Realm of Hunyuan is indeed extraordinary, but it is a pity that it was born at an untimely time, and I am afraid that it is hopeless to prove the Dao with strength."

To prove the Tao with force in the wild, you only need to break the way of heaven, but if after the immeasurable calamity, the flood is destroyed, and you want to prove the Tao with strength, you have to face the Tao with half a step like Pangu in the past. Facing the Dao in the Hunyuan Realm, no matter how long the power has been accumulated, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Di Jun shook his head slightly, and then said: "Taiyi, what you said is too absolute. The next calamity will be immeasurable calamity. There is really not much time left for Xing Tian, ​​but under the law of heaven, Everything has a glimmer of life, if he can find a tricky way, Xing Tian may not be unable to succeed."

Hearing this, Tai Yi was silent for a while, his eyes revealed a pensive look, and after a while, a look of horror flashed in his eyes, he looked up at Di Jun, and when he was about to speak, he saw Di Jun looking at him with a smile on his face. Looking at him, he shook his head slightly, and then said: "Brother, I'm really willing to give up this post!"

Di Jun said with a smile: "If you are willing to give up, if you are willing to give up, you will get something. If you don't give up, how can you get it? Between one willingness and the other, it depends on which benefit is greater. Obviously, it is better for Xing Tian to prove the Tao with strength." It's a good deal, but it's also an opportunity for me, but this opportunity will be applied to my self-dead body."

After hearing this, Taiyi regained his usual calmness. Although he guessed Xingtian's tricky method of proving the Tao with strength, he never thought of stopping it. His strength, at best, is just stepping into the realm of Hunyuan, and it does not pose a threat to him.

But when Di Jun mentioned his self-dead body, Tai Yi was also slightly taken aback. Di Jun's self-proclaimed true spirit had already sunk into the cycle of reincarnation. Even Di Jun could not find his existence at all. However, he revealed his confidence in self-proving the way, how could this not make Tai Yi stunned.

It seems that Dijun's own corpse sank into reincarnation at the beginning, it seems that it is not what he saw, and Dijun's plan may be hidden in it. As for the specifics, Taiyi didn't care. Seeking the three corpses to prove Hunyuan, Taiyi was also puzzled.

With Di Jun's current strength, even if the three corpses are in the realm of Hunyuan, it will not help him much. At most, he can compete with a few saints, but compared to Di Jun's plan, the saints are not really taken into consideration by Di Jun In fact, his goals have always been Hongjun and Tiandao, and even if the three corpses are all in the Hunyuan realm, they will not be of much use.

Di Jun seemed to be aware of Tai Yi's thoughts, so he said: "The self-dead has its own fate. When the time comes, he will naturally escape. I don't need to bother God. At the beginning, he voluntarily fell into reincarnation. Yes, otherwise he might have already proved the Tao by now, but it is not a pity, if you give up today, you will gain it someday, and it is fate!"

With Di Jun in mind, Tai Yi naturally wouldn't worry about anything. As for Di Jun's specific plans, he didn't ask too much. As a brother, he just needs to follow Di Jun firmly, whether it is the prehistoric or the chaos of the future, As long as their brothers are of one heart, there is no problem that cannot be solved.

(End of this chapter)

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