The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 529 The Secret of the Witch Clan

Chapter 529 The Secret of the Witch Clan
The witch tribe, Pangu Hall, only two people walked into it, naturally Houtu, the former ancestor witch, and Xingtian, the new ancestor witch. Those who are not ancestor witches or have been summoned by ancestor witches, the rest of the witch clan are not allowed to enter. This is the inherent rule of the witch clan.

Houtu and Xingtian came to the Pangu Palace, and as they walked, Houtu said: "Xingtian, now you are the new ancestor witch of our Wu clan, and the only ancestor witch, and it is time for you to share some core secrets of the Wu clan." Got it, you must have sensed it too, the luck of my Wu Clan has nearly doubled since the moment you successfully crossed the catastrophe."

After Xing Tian heard this, he nodded: "Master Houtu, I sensed it, and I have also guessed that when I transform into an ancestor witch, the luck of the witch clan will increase, but I never expected that luck will increase." It has nearly doubled in size, and it seems to have a long history, presumably this has something to do with the secret your lord mentioned just now?"

Houtu smiled lightly, not talking too much, but brought Xing Tian to the depths of Pangu Palace. Although Xingtian had also entered Pangu Palace, it was only summoned by Zuwu, and he had no chance to enter the depths of Pangu Palace , the more he walked in, the more Xing Tian felt a strange feeling that he couldn't explain clearly.

After a while, Houtu brought Xing Tian to a secret room. There was only a pool of blood in the secret room. When Xing Tian saw the pool of blood, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. He naturally recognized this place, and this was Xing Tian. The place where many witches were born, but since the ancestors of witches all fell, Xing Tian has never seen the newborn witches walking out of the Pangu Temple.

There used to be a speculation among the witches that the energy of this blood pool was exhausted, so no new witches could be born, but at this moment, Xing Tian had other ideas in his mind. When he came here, it would definitely not be as simple as revisiting the old place. This is probably where the core secrets of the Wu Clan lie.

Hou Tu looked at the blood pool, a flash of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "Xing Tian, ​​you must have realized something in your heart, this blood pool is the origin of the witch clan, and it must be determined with the blood of the ancestor witch. It can be opened, after all the ancestors of the witch clan fell, this blood pool has been covered with dust, and now is the time for it to be reopened."

Xing Tian is also very excited. The re-emergence of the witch clan will reappear in his hands. How can he not be excited? , but the Wu Clan didn't recover much vitality. As the Wu Clan God of War, he was naturally anxious.

Now that the key key to the revival of the witch clan is already in his hands, Xing Tian naturally couldn't wait any longer. He stretched out his right hand, and he forced out a drop of ancestral witch blood from his fingertips, slowly falling into the originally silent pool of blood In an instant, the blood pool rioted and the blood water rolled, just like the scene when he was born.

Feeling the aura of the newborn witch clan bred in the blood pool, both Houtu and Xing Tian showed joy on their faces. The blood pool has been silent for two calamities, but now it is opened, and nine people have been born at once. A newborn great witch is a great joy for the entire Wu clan.

In today's witch clan, most of the great witches survived the calamity of the liches. There are very few ancestor witches who really rely on their talents and hard work to be promoted to great witches. But now that the blood pool is restarted, every time a new witch is bred It is possible for any tribe to give birth to a new great witch, which will greatly enhance the strength of the witch tribe, and even the fortune of the witch tribe will also increase accordingly.

Hou Tu looked at the newborn Wu Clan that was being bred in the blood pool, nodded in relief, and then said to Xing Tian: "Xing Tian, ​​from now on, the Wu Clan will be handed over to you. This blood pool will be opened every hundred years. I hope you can borrow it. This is an opportunity to lead the development and growth of the Wu clan, and if the underworld still needs me to sit in charge, I will go back first."

After all, Houtu bowed towards the depths of the Pangu Palace, and then disappeared into the Pangu Palace, while Xingtian felt the pressure. Now that he is an ancestor witch, Houtu entrusted the important task of the development of the Wu clan to In his hands, this pressure is naturally not small, but he will not back down, and the witch clan will surely rise again from then on.

The luck of the witch clan has suddenly skyrocketed, and it is still increasing. Naturally, such a huge change cannot be hidden from the eyes of all parties in the wild. The newly born great witch among the witch clan did not escape their eyes and ears.

The nine great witches, that is, the nine Da Luo Jinxians, and they are not ordinary Da Luo Jinxians. Each of them has the opportunity to break through to the quasi-sage cultivation base. As long as they are given a little time, the Wu Clan will definitely produce a few more quasi-sages Combat strength, in the long run, the Wu clan may even recover the strength of its former heyday.

The Yaozu regained the Heavenly Court, announcing that the Yaozu returned to the prehistoric stage, and showed the strength of the Yaozu, and now the Wuzu has begun to rise again. A sense of oppressive wind and rain is coming, even the amount of calamity seems to be a little insignificant.

Not only the two clans of liches, but also the newly-promoted Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians have also attracted the attention of all living beings in the prehistoric world. It's okay for the Taishang Laojun. There was no movement in the mountains, even the Renjiao did not move at all as usual.

The same is true for Zhen Yuanzi. After entering the realm of Hunyuan, Zhen Yuanzi did not open the gate of the mountain and expand it wantonly. Instead, he lived in the Wuzhuang Temple as usual. The only thing that has changed is the Wuzhuang Temple. The change in the terrain is just that Zhen Yuanzi moved the mountains and terrains he carefully prepared for Dujie to Wuzhuang Temple.

As for Styx, he has more killing spirit after stepping into the realm of Hunyuan, but he can't calm down like Zhenyuanzi who is obsessed with the law of killing. They gathered an army of the Shura tribe, although they didn't expand outwards, they seemed to be preparing for something.

Looking at the human race, Fuxi achieved the Hunyuan Daoguo. For a while, countless human seekers went to the ancestral land of the human race to worship. Huang shared his experience and provided some convenience for them to preach in the future.

Compared with the above few, the demon ancestor Taoist Devourer and the magician Kunpeng are obviously more attention-grabbing. After all, the Buddha and the devil are the protagonists in this calamity. Stop, the demon ancestor has the advantage, as long as he takes advantage of the victory and pursues, he will have the potential to drive the Buddhist sect to extinction.

(End of this chapter)

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