Chapter 530 Ahead?
Heavenly Court, Wonderland of Yaochi

Dijun and Taiyi looked down at the prehistoric land, and everything in Xiniu Hezhou fell into their eyes. Xiniu Hezhou was the center of this calamity. The result of the war between the Buddha and the devil was related to the situation of the entire prehistoric land. Now Di Jun's evil corpse Both Kunpeng and Kunpeng have proved the Dao Hunyuan, and the war between the Buddha and the devil should also come to an end.

After being silent for a long time, Di Jun suddenly sighed slightly, and said softly: "It's a pity, maybe the Buddhism should not be destroyed, anyway, the Buddhism has been severely damaged, and it is almost impossible to recover its vitality. Yin Zhunti is desperate, but there may be trouble."

Taiyi smiled coldly: "Brother, let's just destroy the Buddhist sect. Even if we accept the lead and make the move, why should we, the monster race, be afraid? It happens that I haven't made a move for a long time, and I feel a little lonely. If I want to find someone to practice, I'm afraid of them." If you don’t have the guts to disobey Hongjun’s prohibition, it would be rather boring.”

Di Jun shook his head slightly: "It's not that I don't want to, but it's meaningless. The Buddhism has been severely damaged, and the calamity is about to end. There is no time to continue to destroy the vitality of the Buddhism. If it continues forcibly, it will not be of any benefit to the devil. That's it. Now, rest assured and prepare for immeasurable calamity!"

The calamity is over?

Tai Yi was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses in an instant, and snorted coldly: "Huh! It's good luck to receive the lead and the accurate mention, but I didn't expect that this calamity would be ended early by mistake. It's good luck for them, big brother Now that the Measurable Calamity is over, I will go to retreat, and I still have to make good preparations for the Infinite Calamity."

Di Jun nodded. Journey to the West is just an appetizer, and the immeasurable calamity is the most important thing. Everything he has done in this calamity is just preparing for the arrival of the immeasurable calamity. At that time, even Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian and Saints will have to walk on thin ice, and that will be an unprecedented catastrophe.

At the same time, the brand-new Xiniu Hezhou is still devastated after a terrifying battle, but the terrifying atmosphere of the war between Buddha and demons still shrouds the heads of all the creatures in Xiniu Hezhou, making them breathless. Be careful, you will be involved, and you will be killed.

Just when all living beings in the prehistoric world were concerned about whether there would be another battle between the Buddha and the demons, the evil spirit between the heaven and the earth suddenly began to dissipate, and the heavens were no longer in chaos, and gradually showed a clear appearance. Such a scene can only be passed by It will appear only when it is over, which is beyond the surprise of many people.

Although this calamity only involved both sides of the Buddhist sect and Hezhou in Xiniu, its danger is not at all worse than that of the lich in the past, especially in this calamity, six Hunyuan great Luo Jinxian, such a magnificent scene, is almost no less than the scene of the saints preaching the Tao one after another in the past.

But now Measuring Calamity seems anticlimactic, and it passed inexplicably, which is naturally very puzzling, and the only people who understand the real reason are those great powers and saints. For those ordinary creatures, Measuring Calamity has passed It's great news, at least they don't have to worry anymore.

The calamity has passed, and the war between the Buddha and the demons has ceased. If the fight continues, it will only cause karma. However, in the brand-new Xiniu Hezhou, the strength of the Buddhism has been greatly damaged due to the defeat, and the current territory is only occupied. It's only one-fifth of the entire New Xiniu Hezhou, and a little bit of land is allocated to Haotian.

It can be said that Buddhism suffered a crushing defeat during this calamity. Tang Xuanzang’s journey to the west achieved Mahayana Buddhism, and the luck of Buddhism has been divided since then. However, on the other hand, Mahayana Buddhism has gained a foothold in the human race, and it can be regarded as the success of Buddhism’s eastward expansion, but it only benefits Tang Xuanzang is the only one.

The luck of Buddhism has been greatly damaged, which has a great impact on the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti, not to mention that they blew up their respective good and evil corpses and the incarnations trained in the dream to prove Dafa. It's so big that it's hard to put it into words, which makes them hate Di Jun to death. If it wasn't for Di Jun, how could they have ended up in such a situation.

The calamity suddenly ended early, and Buddhism was able to breathe, but the people who caused the calamity to end early were not happy.

In the boundless sea of ​​blood, Styx looked at the sea of ​​blood that had shrunk by nearly one-third, and a hint of distress flashed in his eyes from time to time. The sea of ​​blood is the foundation of Styx, and now it has suddenly shrunk by one-third. Injury to the origin of the blood sea, as the master of the blood sea, how could Styx turn a blind eye.

However, Styx also understands that this is also a helpless move. Everything is for the purpose of proving Hunyuan. Almost completely lost, that's a total of 8000 million Blood God Sons!
Of course, the greater the loss, the more benefits Styx will get. This time, Styx directly used his own body to fight against the Primordial Tribulation, and shared the unbearable part with 8000 million blood god sons and blood seas. , so as to temper one's own origin, so as to increase the upper limit that may be achieved in the future.

Styx was born from the sea of ​​blood, and it can be said that he can succeed in the sea of ​​blood, and he can also lose in the sea of ​​blood. Although he has the powerful supernatural power that the sea of ​​blood will not dry up and Styx will not die, he himself has also been affected by the sea of ​​blood, and his origin also brings With some characteristics of the sea of ​​​​blood, it is messy and impure, so he used the Primordial Tribulation to complete the purification of the original source.

No madness, no survival, Styx succeeded. Although the price made him very distressed, the harvest was enough to offset everything, but there was one thing that made Styx a little depressed. The fall of most of the blood god sons actually equaled the killing of this calamity. Otherwise, the amount of robbery would not end in such an anticlimactic manner, and the Buddhism was cheap for nothing.

Speaking of which, Buddhism and Styx also have a lot of enmity. Buddhism established eight dragons, and Asura was among them. For this reason, Buddhism has forcibly saved the Asuras from the sea of ​​blood, and divided the luck of the Asuras. , Styx did not take many shots against Buddhism, but they were all blocked back by Zhunti's good and evil corpses.

Now that the fall of the Blood God Son has turned out to be an opportunity for Buddhism to save his life, how can Styx not feel depressed, but seeing the current end of Buddhism, Styx feels relieved a lot, it is a fait accompli, no matter how much entanglement is It is useless, it is better to practice with peace of mind, stabilize the realm of Hunyuan, and prepare in advance for the arrival of immeasurable calamity.

As for the Buddhist sect, it is suppressed by the demonic way. With the demonic way in Xiniu Hezhou for one day, it may be difficult for the Buddhist sect to turn around. Even if the Heaven Eater and Kunpeng have both proved the Hunyuan, they can no longer make a move. The quasi-sage masters in the demonic way alone , is also enough to suppress Buddhism, and today's Buddhism is in decline.

(End of this chapter)

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