Chapter 531
Xiniu Hezhou, Lingshan

Today's Lingshan is no longer the prosperous scene of Buddhism in the past. During the battle between Buddha and demons, Buddhism suffered heavy losses. More than half of the vitality of Buddhism was lost, and most of the land was lost. Even Lingshan was affected by the war between Buddha and demons, so it had to be destroyed. Moved to the current location, the aura of heaven and earth here is not as good as the previous area.

The aura of heaven and earth is still second. After all, Lingshan is where the two sages of the West are present. With a little care, it can restore the rich aura of the past. In contrast, the heart of Buddhism is the key now. Another tragic defeat, today's Buddhism can be said to be lax.

The Mahayana Buddhism founded by Tang Xuanzang, based on the Kyushu of the human race, was supported by the Tang Emperor Li Shimin, and developed rapidly. Although compared with today's Buddhism, which has lost a lot of luck, it is still the light of rice grains, but its luck is booming. As long as Tang Xuanzang is given some time, Mahayana Buddhism will surely shine.

At the same time, the decline of Western Buddhism has also brought a great opportunity for the development of Mahayana Buddhism. Now in Xiniu Hezhou, the demons are powerful and completely suppressed the Buddhism. , Turned to Mahayana Buddhism one after another, all of them are practicing Buddha, it is not the same where they practice.

Although these people who switched to Mahayana Buddhism are insignificant existences in Western Buddhism, they are a new force that cannot be ignored for the newly established Mahayana Buddhism, which has greatly accelerated the development of Mahayana Buddhism in Dongsheng Shenzhou. In a short period of time, Mahayana Buddhism has grown several times.

Such behavior, in the eyes of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of Western Buddhism, seems to be an act of apostasy. These Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are so high up, it is naturally impossible to notice the insignificant existence below, but now that Buddhism is weak, these people Turn to Mahayana Buddhism, although They are all Buddhist, but they were established by Tang Xuanzang, a traitor to Buddhism.

Although there is resentment in their hearts, there is nothing they can do. Nowadays, Buddhism is suffering from external and internal troubles. All they can do now is to rectify the internal and external and gather people's hearts, so as to stabilize the luck of Buddhism and prevent it from being gradually eroded by demons. , As for Mahayana Buddhism, they have no time to pay attention to it for the time being.

Under the bodhi tree, Jieyin and Zhunti both had bitter expressions on their faces, and there was nothing they could do. They thought that Buddhism could prosper in this calamity, but in the end it turned out that the way of demons prospered and Buddhism suffered greatly. As people say, Buddhism does not yet represent the West, and the prosperity of the West is not the prosperity of Buddhism.

Jieyin looked in the direction of the Demon Race and the Heavenly Court, and the bitterness on his face became more intense, but as a saint, he couldn't do it himself, and there was no good way to reverse the decline of Buddhism, so he could only sit under the bodhi tree and participate Understand the way of heaven to relieve the distress in your heart. After all, the plan for hundreds of millions of years is ruined, even a saint can hardly accept it for a while.

But Zhunti is different, the bitterness on his face hides more resentment, the resentment towards Dijun, since the Long Han Liang Jie, after he and Jie Yin took over the West, he has worked hard for hundreds of millions of years. , has just developed the West to the point where it can counter the enemy's elucidation and interception of the three religions, but now, once it returns to before liberation.

Thinking of this, Zhunti's eyes filled with resentment, and he said angrily: "Brother, this emperor is really too hateful, not only took away the heaven, but also occupied my Buddhist territory, ruined the opportunity of my Buddhist sect's rise, and split us The luck of the Buddhist sect is always against my Buddhist sect, if I don't take revenge, I will not be relieved."

Jie Yin sighed slightly, and said: "Junior Brother, of course I know what you said, but now that Emperor Jun is in a great position, even if you and I join hands, there is nothing we can do to him, not to mention the Taoist prohibition there, We can't take action personally, and under such a situation, it is very difficult for us to turn things around."

After Zhunti heard this, his expression paused, and his face gradually calmed down, but there was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Brother, now our Buddhist sect is weak, and it is difficult to compete with the monsters and demons under Dijun's command." However, there are still people who explain the Three Religions and the Witch Clan, and the Emperor Jun is so powerful, I am afraid that they are not expecting it?"

Jieyin pondered for a while, and then said: "In the past, it might be possible to unite them to fight against Emperor Jun, but now it is impossible. The next calamity is the immeasurable calamity. I am afraid that Sanqing and Houtu have already begun preparations." Back road, if we fight against Emperor Jun in the wilderness now, I'm afraid there won't be much gain."

Immeasurable calamity!

Mentioning it, Zhunti didn't say anything anymore. The immeasurable calamity is the calamity of the entire prehistoric world, even Tiandao, Hongjun, and the saints are no exception. They are all in the calamity, so they can't help but start preparing early, and Di Jun has already done so. I know, I'm afraid I've been preparing for a long time, and such a big movement this time may be to prepare for the immeasurable calamity.

In order to ensure the continuity of Buddhism, he and Jieying must also start preparing. When the flood is destroyed, at least to ensure that the remaining Buddhists can survive under their protection. There are too many things that need to be prepared If there are too many, it is not easy to improve your cultivation as much as possible to ensure that you can survive the immeasurable calamity safely.

After calming down, Zhunti said again: "Senior brother, the immeasurable calamity needs to be prepared early. It is necessary for a small world to accommodate the creatures under the current Buddhist sect, and... how to deal with the Mahayana Buddhism established by Jin Chanzi, When the catastrophe comes, shall we collect it into the Buddha Kingdom?"

Jieyin said in a deep voice: "Isn't Mahayana Buddhism? Isn't it also a Buddhist gate? How can we ignore it? Although it has split the luck of Buddhism, this is not an opportunity. Now Xiniu Hezhou, Buddhism has been unable to develop and grow, but Mahayana Buddhism is based on the human race, but it has unlimited possibilities for development.”

After Zhunti heard it, his eyes lit up: "Brother means to vigorously support the development of Mahayana Buddhism, so as to improve the luck of the entire Buddhist sect. This can find another way to develop and strengthen the power of the Buddhist sect. However, Mahayana Buddhism is newly established and there are too few people. , maybe we can let the disciples reincarnate into Mahayana Buddhism, maybe we can reproduce the heyday of Buddhism."

Jieyin nodded, this is indeed what he thought in his heart, now the luck of Buddhism in Xiniu Hezhou is greatly damaged, and many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and arhats share this luck. There are too many monks and less porridge, which affects the speed of disciples' cultivation in their eyes, and the lack of luck With blessings, it will be more difficult for Western Buddhism to recover.

But if some Buddhist disciples are reincarnated into Mahayana Buddhism, there will be fewer Western Buddhists, and the luck they share will naturally increase. The development and growth of Mahayana Buddhism will naturally help those disciples step into a higher level. It can also strengthen the luck of the entire Buddhist sect, feed back the two saints, and kill two birds with one stone.

Fomen may have the opportunity to regain its former glory!

(End of this chapter)

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