Chapter 532 The Last Prosperity
The Journey to the West is over, and the prehistoric world has returned to a peaceful and peaceful scene. Xiniu Hezhou, which has experienced the battle between the Buddha and the devil, has gradually calmed down. Even if there is still friction between the Buddha and the devil, it is just a small fight, and those Ordinary creatures also took the opportunity to enjoy the joy of survival.

In today's Xiniu Hezhou, the magic way occupies most of the area, and the Buddhist sect occupies the rest of the area. On top of the Buddhist area, there is still a part of the land assigned to Haotian and Yaochi, allowing them to have a foothold with the remaining forces of the former heaven. , the three parties maintained an inexplicable tacit understanding, but they lived in peace.

Compared with the strange tranquility of Xiniu Hezhou, Dongsheng Shenzhou is bustling. Buddhism is advancing eastward. Tang Xuanzang abandoned Western Buddhism and founded Mahayana Buddhism. He returned to the Eastern Tang Dynasty. Mahayana Buddhism based on Dongsheng Shenzhou and gradually It has developed and grown, and its teachings of crossing people first and then crossing itself have also been recognized by the Kyushu people.

The rise of Mahayana Buddhism in Dongsheng Shenzhou naturally attracted the attention of the three religions of human interpretation. Since then, the influence of the Three Religions in the human race has weakened a lot, and most of the disciples of the Three Religions have also left the land of Kyushu.

Today, people explain that the foundation of the three religions in the human race is no longer one-tenth of what it was before the God Conferred Calamity, and the rise of Mahayana Buddhism has naturally affected the only remaining foundation of the three religions in the human race. How can the disciples of the three religions Many disciples of the three religions returned to the human race in an attempt to revive the great religion and suppress the development of Mahayana Buddhism.

Since then, the human race has reappeared the scene of people explaining and intercepting the four religions of Buddhism. Coupled with the hundreds of schools of thought that cannot be ignored among the human race, the land of Kyushu seems to have a scene of great controversy. Little by little, more and more disciples of the Chanjie Three Sects were involved, and even second-generation disciples such as Xuandu, Guangchengzi, and Duobao also participated.

For a while, the momentum of the rise of Mahayana Buddhism was also suppressed, but such days did not last long. Western Buddhism, headed by the three Bodhisattvas Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra, and Manjusri, turned to Mahayana Buddhism, which greatly expanded the influence of Mahayana Buddhism. Strength, breaking the blockade of human interpretation and three religions.

What is surprising is that such sectarian disputes are not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also hinder practice, and cause karma, which is not good for practice. In order to improve, I didn't suffer from it at all, but benefited from it, and my cultivation base went to a higher level.

Such a strange situation makes people think about it, as if the prosperous age of cultivation has come to the prehistoric world again, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is just the last flashback before the immeasurable calamity. For the realm, this is also the last ray of life for all living beings in the wild.

There are only two paths before the prehistoric beings, either to prove the Hunyuan before the immeasurable calamity, or to be blessed by others, to escape the immeasurable calamity, there is no other way, but the first road is too difficult, In today's prehistoric times, there are probably very few who can do this.

As for the second path, people explain that the four religions of Buddhism are all protected by saints. The monster race and the demon race have Emperor Jun and Taiyi, the witch race has Houtu, and the human race has Nuwa, Fuxi, Styx, Zhenyuanzi, etc. , it can be said that most of the creatures in the wild have the opportunity to survive the immeasurable calamity, but escaping the immeasurable calamity's strangulation does not mean the end.

If you want to protect these weak creatures, you must first have a space magic weapon that can accommodate them. This is not difficult for the saints, Styx, Zhen Yuanzi and others, but it is difficult to feed these creatures. This is an easy task, but the spiritual energy and even the most basic physical needs required for practice are big problems.

If these problems cannot be solved, even if these creatures survive the immeasurable calamity, they will gradually perish in the boundless chaos. After all, there is no ordinary aura in the chaos to supply the souls to practice, unless it is the great power of Hunyuan or the Chaos Demon God. Otherwise, it is impossible to survive in the chaos.

It's just that these are not issues that the prehistoric creatures need to consider, nor are they problems that they can solve. All of this depends on the means of those who protect them, and today's peaceful days are also the deadline for their preparations. Maybe one day the immeasurable calamity will come, and at that time, everyone will be in the calamity, no one will be an exception.

In the heavenly court, in the depths of Yaochi fairyland, a strange array has enveloped a space, the space is full of chaotic air, and there is a huge black hole in the center of the big array, and the chaotic air is continuously drawn from this black hole , compared to the rage in the chaos, the chaos here is extremely peaceful.

And Di Jun sat in the big formation, surrounded by the power of the law of time, and the energy of chaos was sucked into his body at an extremely fast speed. I'm afraid that the chaotic energy in this space will be exhausted in just a moment.

After a long time, Di Jun finally stopped practicing, opened his eyes, a strange color flashed in his eyes, his brows were also slightly frowned, and he muttered to himself: "It seems that unless the immeasurable calamity comes, there is no way Breakthrough, no matter what, just wait for the opportunity to appear, and everything will come naturally."

Today's Emperor Jun has reached an extremely terrifying state of cultivation. His soul, mana, and body have all reached the half-step realm of creation (the realm of creation is equal to the realm of heaven), and he is only one step away from breaking through to The realm of good fortune, which is the same as the prehistoric way of heaven, has become the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Good Fortune.

However, it seems that it is due to the unforeseen relationship, or the suppression of the prehistoric way of heaven, Dijun has never been able to break through this realm. Even with the blessing of the law of time, he has spent thousands of times of effort and failed to break through. Dijun feels in his heart , I am afraid that only when the immeasurable calamity comes, can he break through.

Di Jun also expected this kind of situation, so he started preparations early, but he still lacks a key key to break through to the Creation Realm in one fell swoop, although he is now [-]% sure of using the previous preparations Able to break through, but this is not enough, what he wants is [-]% certainty, after all, even he can't afford to gamble.

Di Jun raised his head to look at the ancient starry sky, and his eyes swept across the demon clan sites such as Tianting, Beiju Luzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, and Four Seas one by one. Seeing the demon clan orderly completing his pre-retreat orders, his face was slightly There was a hint of a smile, the preparations that should be done have been done, and now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

And this shareholder wind is immeasurable calamity!
(End of this chapter)

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