Chapter 533

For the prehistoric beings, the immeasurable calamity is a catastrophe of life and death. If there is no Hunyuan power to protect them, they will surely die. And even the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, if his cultivation base is not deep enough, may also fall, but for For Di Jun, the immeasurable calamity is a calamity, but also a chance. If the plan is right, one can go further.

Di Jun has been plotting the layout for so long in order to seek opportunities in this immeasurable calamity. Of course, not only Di Jun is like this, but Hongjun is also like this. Now that the news of the immeasurable calamity has spread, the saints and Zhen Yuan I am afraid that the newly promoted Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian like Zizi has also begun to prepare.

Di Jun didn't pay too much attention to this, neither old sages like Lao Tzu, nor new Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian like Zhen Yuanzi were qualified to be his opponents. Has entered a new level, the two are not the same.

What's more, he is not alone. Taiyi, Nuwa, Fuxi, and Kunpeng are all in the same camp as him. Naturally, it is better to work together to seize opportunities than to fight alone. Houtu and others, he can naturally let go and compete with real opponents.

Dijun's real opponent is of course only Hongjun. For Hongjun, Dijun still has some fears in his heart. After all, Hongjun has been hidden behind the scenes for so many years. He is not too far behind the level of cultivation. It is clear, but there is a guess in my heart, and I think it is almost inseparable.

In the short confrontation in the Heavenly Court last time, Di Jun also had a deeper understanding of Hongjun. Although he did not fight, he could also know a general idea. The progress is also quite fast, and the realm is probably closer to the heaven-level good luck realm than him.

Moreover, Hongjun's understanding of the way of heaven must be deeper than that of Dijun. Hongjun should also have a clearer goal for what to seek in the immeasurable calamity. It will also decay accordingly. At that time, Hongjun will be able to get out of trouble, and Dijun will also confront him head-on.

However, Emperor Jun is just jealous. Hongjun is in harmony with the way of heaven, and he is uniquely blessed, and he is not bad at all. , it depends on the means of the two.

As for when the immeasurable calamity will come, Di Jun is not clear. All he can do is to prepare as much as possible to deal with unexpected things. After all, no one knows the danger of the immeasurable calamity. , even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian may fall.

What's more, Di Jun doesn't want the immeasurable catastrophe to come so soon, he is not fully prepared yet, and the last link of his enlightenment is still missing. Without this link, the chance of success will undoubtedly decrease a lot, even if it is not absolutely necessary If there is a missing link, he can't take risks.

Thinking about how powerful the Demon Ancestor Luohu was when the Dragon Han was measuring the catastrophe, the demon clan under his command had accumulated a lot of money and surpassed the dragon, phoenix and unicorn clans in one fell swoop, and he seemed to be the biggest winner in the prehistoric world. Jun teamed up to break through, and even the backhand made a wedding dress for Di Jun's evil corpse.

Di Jun doesn't want to be the second Rahu. He can only win this battle in the immeasurable calamity. Liu, I don't know how many more years I have to prepare if I want to get the Dao.

Thinking of this, Di Jun straightened his expression and looked into the void, a small thousand worlds fell into his sight, that was the world transformed from fragments of the wilderness, where the earth and stars were located, and his self corpse was lying on the ground Sinking into the stars, I don't know when I will be able to escape from the endless cycle.

Suddenly, Di Jun frowned slightly, and when he pinched his fingers, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled lightly and said to himself: "Interesting! Interesting! Unexpectedly, there are secrets in this planet, heaven, What on earth are you hiding among the stars?"

I don't know when, the earth and the stars have been cut off by the way of heaven, and they want to figure out the secrets. Even Dijun didn't see all the secrets. It's not bad news, maybe this is the opportunity for self-death.

Of course, the way of heaven not only cuts off the secrets of the earth and stars, but also cuts off the connection between the prehistoric and the earth and stars. If you want to reincarnate to the earth and stars with the details of your previous life when a hundred schools of thought resonate together, it is already impossible. For the things that can be done, unless you give up everything, you can't enter the reincarnation channel of the earth and stars at all.

However, even if Earth Star has a great opportunity, I am afraid that few people will do it now. After all, Earth Star is not a blessed place for cultivation. Soon, who would give up this body of cultivation to take this risk?
As for his own body, Di Jun just smiled and stopped thinking about it. After all, the heavens have blocked the earth and stars. Unless he completely fights with the heavens, there is nothing he can do, and everything depends on his own fate.

At this moment, there was an undetectable whisper between the heaven and the earth, as if the heaven and the earth were telling something, the prehistoric beings didn't notice anything, but their hearts throbbed slightly, as if nothing had happened, they just felt It's just a little baffling.

But such visions cannot escape the eyes of many powerful people in the prehistoric world. This is a warning from the prehistoric world to all living beings in the prehistoric area. There was no such vision, but now it happened suddenly. Could it be that the immeasurable calamity has come?

Infinite robbery?

Do not!
Di Jun frowned and looked up at the sky. You must know that he is now living in the ancient starry sky. The sky above his head is the boundary between the wild and the chaos. Yes, what Di Jun is looking at is where the chaos is. The sky and the earth warn, not It is the immeasurable calamity coming, but the threat from chaos.

Chaos, for Di Jun, the Chaos Demon God, is the best place to practice, but because the prehistoric matter is not over, he can't give up everything to go to Chaos. In Chaos, everything is unknown, and he is only in Luohu. I found a little bit of incomplete information in the incomplete memory.

Today, the heaven and earth are warning, referring to the chaos. It seems that there are some secrets in the chaos. If the immeasurable calamity is not imminent, Di Jun really wants to go deep into the chaos to find out. Now that the chaos is changing, and the spearhead is directed at the prehistoric. It is a good opportunity to understand chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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