Chapter 534

Di Jun was still thinking, when two figures instantly appeared in his retreat, it was Di Jun's wife Xi He and brother Tai Yi, the two of them had reached the Hunyuan realm, so they could naturally detect the warnings of the heavens and the earth and the chaos in the chaos. mutation.

When Taiyi saw Di Jun, he asked, "Brother, the heavens and the earth are warning, chaos is changing, something big is about to happen, and at this time, the next calamity will be immeasurable calamity. I don't know if it's good or bad?"

Di Jun smiled lightly, and said, "Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. On the contrary, it might be a good thing for us. After all, if the weather is calm, Tiandao, Hongjun, Sanqing, and the two sages of the West will all return to the soil." They're just staring at us."

Xi He suddenly frowned slightly, and said, "Husband, Sister Nuwa's dojo is set up in the chaos, and she may be the first to be the first to take part in the changes of the chaos. Shall we also go first..."

Before Xi He could finish speaking, Di Jun interrupted him directly, only to hear Di Jun shout coldly: "You're looking for death! Even the Emperor Wa of my monster race dared to do something. It seems that Hongjun didn't clean up you. This time Let me do it!"

After finishing speaking, Di Jun waved his big sleeves, and his breath exploded instantly, and he disappeared in front of Tai Yi and Xi He.

Seeing this, Tai Yi and Xi He were also taken aback for a moment, and then they realized that Wa Huangtian was strange in the chaos, Tai Yi sneered and said: "These people really don't know how to live or die, thinking that if they get some opportunities in the chaos, they will have the capital and the demon clan to help them." Are you an enemy?"

Xi He didn't care, and just smiled: "I can't, it's not a bad thing to use the blood of a few Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians to increase my husband's prestige. Isn't it a good thing to kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, and now the chickens come to the door by themselves!"

After Tai Yi heard it, he also laughed, and then he said: "Let's go too, let's go play, then there is no need to play, and it happens that my hands are itchy, so it's really good to use them to practice."

In the chaos, in the heaven of Emperor Wa

At this moment, Wahuangtian, which was originally like a paradise and a paradise, is already a doomsday scene. There are many deaths and injuries, mountains and rivers are broken, and bloody air and resentment are floating between heaven and earth.

In the sky, Nuwa stands proudly, with the green lotus flag fluttering in the wind behind her, protecting Nuwa well. The map of mountains, rivers and shrines hangs high in the air, and with the blessing of Nuwa's magic power, it resists the attack from chaos.

Nuwa stared in the direction of Chaos, with a cold expression on her face, and asked in a cold voice: "Who are you guys? Why did you attack me, Emperor Wa, for no reason?"

In the chaos, the four figures looked at Nuwa in Wahuangtian with different expressions. The aura in each body had reached the state of Hunyuan, and they obviously did not come from the prehistoric, so Nuwa was a little puzzled.

Originally, Nuwa was practicing in seclusion, and she wanted to break through to the peak of the saint, but she didn't expect that the dojo was suddenly attacked by these four people, which caught her by surprise, but fortunately, Nuwa reacted quickly, otherwise Wa Huangtian might be destroyed in four hands.

These four people are headed by the black-robed Taoist, and only the black-robed Taoist can make Nu Wa feel threatened. His cultivation base may have reached the peak of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the remaining three are all Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's middle stage. The combination of the four is enough to suppress Nuwa.

Fortunately, Nuwa is not an ordinary Hunyuan realm, but a sage of heaven, who can borrow the power of heaven, and is not completely at a disadvantage for a while.

Seeing that Nuwa blocked their attack, the leader of the black-robed Taoist said: "Nuwa, my name is Samsara Patriarch, you may not have heard of my name, but I know you. You and Fuxi are two brothers who follow Emperor Juntai, and they are quite famous in the prehistoric world.

This seat is not as lucky as you. You have to be careful of the way of heaven and guard against Hongjun and Luohu. There is no chance to compete for the chance and luck in the prehistoric wilderness. You can only look for opportunities in the chaos and experience nine deaths before you have today's success realm. "

After Nuwa heard this, she frowned slightly, and said, "Ancestor of Samsara? It's really not easy to be able to solve this problem in the chaos. What's the purpose of returning to the prehistoric world now?"

The ancestor of reincarnation smiled and said: "It's okay to tell you, anyway, it's not just the four of us who return, the immeasurable calamity is approaching, the chaos becomes extremely terrifying, and the prehistoric destruction, this is also a chance for us , naturally come to snatch it."

After hearing this, Nu Wa's expression became a little dignified, and she said in a deep voice, "So you first set your sights on our demon clan?"

The patriarch of reincarnation laughed: "No way, whoever made you monster clan have long luck, just cutting a piece from you will be of great benefit to us, but you are hanging alone in the chaos, and you are living in the monster clan Wahuang The position is naturally the best target."

Seeing the look of the reincarnated patriarch holding the winning ticket, Nuwa suddenly smiled: "Yes, if you want to attack the Yaozu, you have to make sure you have the strength first, and you have to ask the emperor of our Yaozu."

Hearing Nuwa's words, the expressions of Patriarch Samsara and the other three people suddenly changed. At some time, Di Jun's figure appeared not far behind them, with a terrifying aura accompanied by a chilling murderous intent, making the four of them I felt a chill in my heart.

The four reincarnated patriarchs did not expect Dijun to come so quickly. According to their original plan, before the support from the demon race arrived, they destroyed Nuwa's dojo, Wahuangtian, and plundered Wahuangtian's world origin and part of Nuwa's world. Yaozu luck, and then left.

But after just chatting with Nuwa for a few words, Di Jun rushed over and appeared behind them without anyone noticing. With the cultivation they have shown, they will be seriously injured even if they don't die.

Di Jun looked at the four reincarnated patriarchs with murderous intent, and said in a cold voice: "You are so courageous, you were able to escape from the prehistoric world, and gained a chance in the chaos. Idea, have you figured out how to die?"

The four ancestors of Samsara looked at Di Jun, and their expressions became dignified, especially the ancestor of Samsara, who was at the peak of Hunyuan, he couldn't see the depth of Di Jun's cultivation, and what surprised him even more was , Di Jun exudes the authentic aura of Chaos Demon God.

A living Chaos Demon God appeared in front of them. As the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God's remnant soul, the ancestor of reincarnation deeply understood the power of the Chaos Demon God, not to mention that Di Jun's cultivation seemed to have surpassed the realm of Primal Chaos, and he had come into contact with a deeper realm. realm.

(End of this chapter)

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