Chapter 535 Di Jun's Power

Half-step luck!

The patriarch of reincarnation obviously didn't expect that Dijun would reach such a state. According to his prediction, Nuwa became a saint with the help of the primordial purple energy. For fear of being limited.

But he didn't expect that Di Jun not only surpassed him in cultivation and reached the realm of half-step good luck, but even his physical body broke the restriction of the innate demon god and transformed into a chaos demon god, which is simply unbelievable.

How could Tiandao and Hongjun allow Dijun to become the new Chaos Demon God? At the beginning, when the three thousand Demon Gods were extinct, Pangu did it, but it was Dao’s instruction, and the birth of Tiandao was not inferior to the contribution of the Chaos Demon God’s remnant soul. Jun, the spokesperson of the way of heaven, and the rest of the remnants of the Chaos Demon God disappeared without a trace.

As soon as Di Jun appeared, the four ancestors of Samsara stopped their hands immediately, guarding the whole body with magic weapons, and looked at Di Jun with a look of wariness. It’s really amazing to reach this step, and what surprised me the most is that you have transformed into a Chaos Demon God.”

Di Jun took a cold look at the four reincarnated patriarchs, and then waved his hand, and the infinite fresh air fell into the heaven of Emperor Wa, all the scenes of destruction disappeared, and countless lives were resurrected from the dead, just like the good fortune of heaven and earth. This hand really surprised everyone.

"Time...the law of time, reverse time and space!!!"

The patriarch of reincarnation looked shocked. He never thought that Di Jun would comprehend the law of time to such a level. You must know that the law of time is one of the most difficult laws to comprehend, and it is also the most powerful law. one.

After dealing with Wa Huangtian's matter, Di Juncai turned his attention to the four ancestors of Samsara, and said coldly: "Samsara, you and my monster clan have no enmity at all. If you have been living in peace, this emperor won't bother to talk to you." These noble guests from Chaos, but now, this emperor wants to use the blood of the four of you to defend the supreme majesty of the Yaozu, can you accept it?"

Every word and deed showed Dijun's domineering and self-confidence, which made the ancestor of Samsara angry. Dijun's words did not take him seriously at all, and he was completely humiliating him. How could the ancestor of Samsara Swallow your breath.

The ancestor of reincarnation suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "Di Jun, don't be too rampant, even if your cultivation base is stronger than this seat, but if this seat wants to leave, you still can't keep it, but if you let this seat escape, Then your monster clan will never have peace, are you sure you want to live forever with me?"

Di Jun smiled lightly, and said: "Is that so? Immortal? That's right, you're dead, and everything has been introduced. How can I let my monster race never have peace? If you haven't reached the realm of this emperor, you will never understand the meaning of this emperor." powerful."

At this moment, Dijun's aura suddenly soared, and even Nuwa in the distance was taken aback. Although she was only affected and not targeted, Nuwa could still feel the suppression of the realm and the incomparably clear sense of crisis.

Dijun's aura continued to skyrocket, which made the four ancestors of Samsara feel a lot of pressure. The ancestor of Samsara was fine, after all, he was at the peak of Hunyuan, but the other three were different, Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian In the mid-term, no matter their cultivation base or background, they were inferior to the ancestors of reincarnation. At this moment, they felt the breath of death completely.

In an instant, the three of them reached a consensus, and when Di Jun focused most of his attention on Patriarch Samsara, the three of them fled towards the depths of the chaos together, leaving Patriarch Samsara alone to deal with Di Jun , They are also helpless, they don't have to reincarnate their ancestors, if they stay, there is a high probability that they will die, so it is better to just leave.

For this situation, the patriarch of reincarnation was also very angry. Although these three people are not as good as him, they can hardly pose any threat to Di Jun, but at least they can restrain Di Jun a little bit, and guard Nuwa by the way. help.

Di Jun glanced at the three who had fled, and snorted coldly: "The remnant soul of the Chaos Demon God is reincarnated? That's all, but do you think you can escape this way? Then you underestimate this emperor too much. Momentary fragrance!"

In an instant, the entire chaos seemed to be still. The three people who had fled were still there. Although their thoughts, eyes, and mana were all there, they couldn't move, as if... time had been stopped.

The patriarch of reincarnation suddenly shouted violently, the mana in his body surged crazily, and the surrounding space was fluctuated. With a sound like glass breaking, he was finally able to move. He looked horrified at the fleeing man who left him For the three of them, fear immediately surged into their hearts.

Seeing that the three of them had already turned into blood mist, and the primordial spirit was also scattered, Di Jun held a black gourd, and put everything of the three of them into it. With Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian as nutrients, the origin of the Heaven Devouring Gourd can be improved a lot, and even the evil corpse with him will also improve greatly.

After doing all this, time seemed to return to normal again, and the energy of chaos continued to surge and wreak havoc, but the figures of the three people completely disappeared in this world, and there was no chance of reincarnation. Hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, They all became the wedding dresses of Dijun's evil corpse.

At this moment, the patriarch of reincarnation could no longer maintain his composure. He understood that if Dijun had shot at him just now, he would be seriously injured now, and it would be tantamount to wishful thinking to leave at that time. More importantly, seeing Dijun relax He was not sure if Dijun could still use this trick.

When time stops, the law of time can only be used after comprehension to a high level. Think about it, even Emperor Jun can use time to go backwards, so how can it not be used when time stops.

After finishing all this, Di Jun turned to look at Patriarch Samsara, and said lightly, "Samsara, it's your turn!"

The voice resounding like a urging voice reverberated in the chaos, and the patriarch of reincarnation could no longer remain calm, so he could only force himself to speak calmly and said, "Di Jun, you are very strong, but some of the people who left us thought that they were not inferior to you. existence, he will not let you attack me."

Hearing the threat of fox pretending to be powerful in the words of the ancestor of reincarnation, Di Jun smiled lightly: "Samsara, you really disappointed this emperor, have you fallen to the point where someone else threatens this emperor? It's really unbearable eye."

Faced with the humiliation and disdain in Dijun's words, the ancestor of Samsara could only bear the humiliation in his heart. The most urgent thing is how to get out of here. As for these, it will be settled in the future.

Seeing the expression of the reincarnated patriarch, Di Jun shook his head slightly, turned to a certain direction of Chaos, and said, "Raise your eyebrows, do you want to protect him?"

(End of this chapter)

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