The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 539 Raising eyebrows and Hongjun

Chapter 539 Raising eyebrows and Hongjun

In the heavenly court, Di Jun was playing with a roulette-like object in his hand. This was the loot he got from killing the ancestor of reincarnation, and it was also the companion spirit treasure of the ancestor of reincarnation. It was called the reincarnation grinding disc. It is a rare and powerful magic weapon.

Speaking of which, this ancestor of reincarnation is also a pity. If he stays in the prehistoric and rushes ahead of Houtu, and uses this magic weapon to evolve the reincarnation hell, maybe he can be recognized by the way of heaven, prove the way and become a saint, and compete with Hongjun , After all, reincarnation is also a part of the way of heaven, which can be regarded as an alternative way of harmony.

It's a pity that the ancestor of reincarnation chose the wrong path, and now he has chosen the wrong enemy. He has cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, and once he died, he made wedding dresses for Di Jun. The source of the power of understanding the law of reincarnation was sealed by Di Jun into the reincarnation mill.

Over time, the wheel of reincarnation slowly absorbs and digests all of this, and there may be a chance to transform into an innate treasure. It will take a long time, and Di Jun can afford it, but this magic weapon is really tasteless to Di Jun. Tasteless to eat, but a pity to discard.

Although Di Jun is well-versed in the profound, he is not good at the way of reincarnation. In the prehistoric world, only Houtu is very proficient in this way. The reincarnation grinding wheel may be able to exert the strongest power in the hands of Houtu. It's a pity that Houtu and Dijun are not in the same way.

After thinking for a long time, Di Jun suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, with a smile on his face. He thought of the best place for the reincarnation millstone, then raised his hand, and threw the reincarnation millstone into the air. In the void, disappeared without a trace.

After dealing with this matter, Di Jun is also ready to continue his retreat. The immeasurable calamity is approaching, and a formidable opponent like Yang Mei has returned from the chaos.

Although Di Jun has stepped into the half-step realm of heaven and is even more of a chaotic demon god, he has to become stronger if he wants to gain enough benefits in the immeasurable calamity. After all, neither Hongjun nor Yangmei is easy. The younger generation, both of them are the reincarnation of the remnants of the Chaos Demon God, they are very mysterious, so it is best to be careful.

Before retreating, Di Jun scanned Honghuang again. After all, he beheaded the four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which was enough to provoke the nerves of all parties in Honghuang.

Buddhism stands still, human beings cut off the three religions to shake hands and make peace, the three Qings unite, and Styx and Houtu seem to have come and gone.

Fun, fun!
Di Jun was also a little surprised that a great show of power would change the prehistoric situation, but this is also reasonable, as immeasurable catastrophes are approaching, those who are weak and weak will eventually choose to join forces with others to seek a better future. Great benefits, that's normal.

Among these, only the Sanqing teamed up can make Di Jun care a little bit. After all, the Sanqing teamed up to evolve Pangu Yuanshen, and Sanqing also has the Tai Chi Tu and Pangu Banner in his hands. It is a treasure, so it is even more powerful, and it should not be underestimated.


Di Jun burst out laughing suddenly, his whole body exuded infinite fighting spirit. He was obviously looking forward to the immeasurable calamity, looking forward to the strongest battle.

Then Di Jun's figure disappeared, leaving only a little laughter and voice echoing in the heavenly court, making countless people puzzled.

In the chaos, a palace hangs high, and the surrounding chaos is extremely violent, but after passing through the palace, it becomes extremely peaceful. palace.

Since Hongjun joined the Dao, Zixiao Palace has disappeared in the eyes of all living beings. Unless Hongjun summoned him for a major event, it would be difficult for even a saint to find the location of Zixiao Palace.

But now, there is a visitor standing in front of the gate of Zixiao Palace. It is the ancestor Yangmei who returned from the chaos. My friend is back, don't you show up to see me?"

As soon as the words fell, the gate of Zixiao Palace opened suddenly, and countless golden lights shot out from it, heading straight towards the raised eyebrows. Each golden light was astonishingly powerful, like a sharp sword, full of infinite murderous intent, even a Hunyuan saint might not be safe and sound to take the attack.

Then he raised his eyebrows and just smiled lightly, and with a slight wave of his sleeves, the countless golden lights dissipated directly into the chaos, just like the chalk writing on the blackboard was wiped off by the blackboard eraser, leaving no trace. Raising eyebrows on the profound attainments in the law of space.

Raising eyebrows and smiling lightly, he said, "Hongjun, is this how you enjoy drinking with old friends?"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure appeared directly opposite Yang Mei, it was Hong Jun who hadn't shown up for a long time, Hong Jun glanced at Yang Mei, and said flatly: "Yang Mei, we are not old friends, we are just rivals .”

Yang Mei didn't care about Hongjun's words, and said instead: "Whether it's an old friend or an opponent, you and I have known each other for so many years. Now that I come back from chaos, I naturally want to visit you. It seems that you You have already suppressed the Dao of Heaven, so I would like to congratulate you."

Hongjun didn't answer Yangmei's words, but said directly: "Yangmei, what's the matter with you, I don't have time to chat with you here."

He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "The immeasurable catastrophe is approaching, this is a chance for you and me, and it is the same for Di Jun. Di Jun's cultivation base is not inferior to you and me, and he is the body of a chaotic demon god. It's a bit of a headache, why don't you and I join forces and defeat him first?"

After Hongjun heard this, there was finally a turbulence under his plain expression, but even after it disappeared, he looked at Yang Mei and said softly: "Joining hands? Yang Mei, are you joking? Even if Pindao agrees, you dare to believe that Got it?"

When Yang Mei heard this, the smile on his face faded, and he said in a deep voice: "Hongjun, you and I have been opponents since the time of chaos. This time, I hope we can win or lose."

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows and disappeared before Hongjun's eyes.

Hongjun glanced at the direction where Yangmei disappeared, and with a wave of his sleeves, he returned to Zixiao Palace. He understood that Yangmei came here not to join forces with him, nor to make fun of him, but to test his strength. Deep and shallow, even came to fight, to end years of grievances.

It's just that there is a sentence in the raised eyebrows, Hongjun thinks it is very reasonable, that is the body of Di Jun's Chaos Demon God, only because he has had it before, he knows very clearly the power of the Chaos Demon God, if the Innate Demon God is the darling of heaven, But the Chaos Demon God is the darling of Dao, and the horror in it is not enough for outsiders to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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