Chapter 540
The return of the reincarnation of the remnant souls of the ancestor Yangmei and other chaotic demon gods did not cause any waves in the prehistoric world. Except for the great powers of all parties, most of the prehistoric beings did not know the existence of Yang Mei and others, and apart from appearing in the chaos, They never showed up again, but the forces of all parties could not ignore their existence.

Originally, Tiandao Hongjun and Dijun were above the forces of all parties, but now there is another raised eyebrow. The appearance of the raised eyebrow makes the situation in the prehistoric desert become weird. All the forces seem to have begun to prepare, and there are not a few alliances. , and more is to devote himself to the sect of the saints and seek blessings. After all, there are immeasurable calamities, and it is difficult to resist non-hunyuan.

And the Sanqing teamed up again, and the three religions also temporarily let go of the previous grievances. After the three religions united, their strength suddenly increased. But the effect is not good.

In today's human race, there was Fuxi, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the past, and the Kunyuan Jiuding Great Array to suppress Kyushu. Dividing up the luck of the human race is not as easy as before.

It's just that no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. No one would think that luck is too much. Naturally, the same is true for the three religions. In addition to the three religions, there is also a Western Buddhism that is not to be outdone.

As the news of the immeasurable calamity slowly spread in the prehistoric world, many small prehistoric forces became panicked. After all, they did not have the protection of saints. Once the immeasurable calamity came, they had only one way to die.

If you want to find a glimmer of life, you need to at least find the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian or a saint to bless you. People who interpret the Three Sects have great achievements and think highly of themselves. Possibly, and this is especially true for the Yaozu. If they are not Yaozu, if they have no ability, how can they be accepted.

But at this time, the Western Buddhism opened its door wide open, and any living beings are welcome to join it. This undoubtedly gave many small forces the hope of survival. A dead camel is bigger than a horse.

Compared with the human interpretation of the four religions of Buddhism, the movements of the Wu Clan are relatively large. The number of Wu Clan members continues to grow rapidly, and there are many powerful witches among them. , the fortune of the witch clan is growing rapidly.

The monsters living in Nanbuzhou are basically expelled by the witches. After all, these monsters are just new and weak monsters. It is difficult to resist the witches. Yaozu didn't respond to this, which really didn't match Yaozu's past dominance.

But after thinking about it, it's not surprising that Emperor Jun regained the Heavenly Court, and the elites of the Monster Race gathered in the Heavenly Court. Shanbuzhou.

What's more, the immeasurable catastrophe is imminent, and it will not be of much benefit to the Yaozu if there is another dispute at this moment. The senior officials of the Yaozu are now retreating, trying to peek into the realm of Hunyuan, and they are at a loss.

I also don't like the small area of ​​Nanbuzhou, so naturally I don't care.

Hong Huang spent one Huiyuan after another in such a strange calm, and Hong Huang seemed to have ushered in a prosperous age similar to the beginning of the sky, golden immortals sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and there were not a few Da Luo Jinxians. There are not a few disciples of the four Buddhist religions who have broken through to the realm of quasi-sages.

And these are nothing, after all, these are not enough to see in front of Hunyuan who is proving the Dao. In today's prehistoric world, I am afraid that only Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian can be regarded as the top combat power. After all, there is Emperor Jun

Hongjun and Yang raised their eyebrows, and the Hunyuan sage was no longer the pinnacle of the prehistoric world.

Among the three emperors of the human race, the Hongyun reincarnations Shennong and Xuanyuan were the first to prove the Hunyuan thanks to the Kunyuan Nine Cauldrons formation. Since then, there have been two more Hunyuan warriors in the human race. , but also lived up to the name of the protagonist of the Heavenly Dao.

Then there was Xihe's younger sister, Chang Xi, who, with the help of the Yaozu's Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, easily survived the Hunyuan Thunder Tribulation and became the King of the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. From then on, the Yaozu had another Hunyuan combat power.

Finally, Haotian and Yaochi, with the help of Jieyin and Zhunti, survived the Hunyuan Thunder Tribulation in a thrilling manner, and proved the Hunyuan. This can be regarded as the fulfillment of their long-cherished wish for many years, and it also gave Western Buddhism two more statues The allies of Hunyuan combat power have strengthened the momentum of Buddhism.

In such a prosperous age of Hunyuan, many sages were quite moved. They retreated and understood the way of heaven with one mind, trying to pry into the mystery of Hunyuan. Among the four teachings of Buddhism, a few talented disciples took this step. They are more qualified than others. After all, there are saints preaching for them, and the threshold of Hunyuan is lower for them.

Of course, this seems to be the benefit of the prosperous age. The laws of heaven are easier to comprehend, and those with better understanding are more likely to enter the state of epiphany. This is how this prosperous age of practice has come, especially for those innate creatures. .

After millions of Huiyuan, the Great Desolation seems to have reached an extreme at this time. The so-called prosperity and decline is probably referring to the current situation of the Great Desolation.


The heavens and the earth cried out in mourning, blood-colored clouds covered the entire prehistoric desolation, a sense of killing swept the entire prehistoric desolation, and countless creatures trembled. Their instincts told them that destruction seemed to be in front of them. Landing.

The immeasurable calamity has officially begun!

In the heavenly court, Di Jun, who was in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes. With a movement of his body, he came directly to the top of the Lingxiao Palace. Ya, Wangshu and many monster saints gathered in the main hall.

Di Jun glanced at the cultivation of the monsters, with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes, and then turned his gaze to the prehistoric world. The immeasurable calamity has begun, and the evil spirit is gradually growing, which contains the aura of destruction, which is far more dangerous than any calamity. Compared with the immeasurable calamity, the previous calamity seems to be nothing more than pediatrics.

With such a calamity, even a quasi-sage would feel frightened. This is an instinct, and many demon saints in the Lingxiao Palace are like this, but Di Jun didn't care. His preparations for many years were just to meet this Moment?

Moreover, there is still a period of time before the immeasurable calamity erupts completely, and there is still one thing that Di Jun is more concerned about, that is, his own corpse has not yet returned from the calamity, and when Di Jun glanced at the prehistoric, his face suddenly revealed A smile.

The source of this immeasurable calamity turned out to be the earth and star where Dijun's own corpse sank into reincarnation, what a twist of fate!
(End of this chapter)

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