Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 22 Explaining the Method of Proving the Tao

Chapter 22 Explaining the Method of Proving the Tao
At this time, Taiyi and Fuxi, who were waiting for Dijun and Hongyun to come in, were puzzled when they saw Dijun coming in alone.

"Brother, where is Fellow Daoist Hongyun?" Tai Yi asked.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun went to Zixiao Palace and was ordered not to participate in the Lich War by Taoist Ancestor. He has already returned to Huoyun Cave!"

"What? Why? Why did Daozu do this? Fellow Daoist Hongyun is a member of my demon clan, why can't he join the battle?"

Tai was very puzzled.

"Why? What can we do with Daozu's decision? Let's prepare for the battle with peace of mind! For 1 Yuanhui, we will grow the army of monsters to 1000 billion yuan, and when the 1 yuan meeting is over, we will wipe out the Wuzu!" Jun cheers up.

"Yes, at this time we can't build up our spirits. Without fellow Daoist Hongyun, our strength has indeed plummeted, but we have to start a war with the Wu Clan. We should let the Yao Clan develop at this time!" Fu Xi agreed.

"Well, I'll leave it to Taiyi to rectify the monster army!" Di Jun nodded and told Taiyi.

"Don't worry, big brother! I guarantee that after 1 Yuan Hui, our monster clan will be more than ten times stronger than it is now!" Tai Yi patted his chest and promised.

Fu Xi suddenly thought of something.

"Fellow Daoist Emperor Jun, when I was studying Hetu Luoshu in retreat, I accidentally discovered that there is a great formation in the book, which is called Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation.

This array needs to be combined with the prehistoric Zhoutian stars to activate it. It has infinite power and can be used as the trump card of my monster clan!This formation is extremely complicated, and it is slow for me to comprehend it alone, so fellow Taoists can comprehend it perfectly with me! "


Hongyun came to Huoyun Cave, took out the Chaos Orb as a reward for participating in the battle, and refined it.

Ten years later, Hongyun refined the first restriction of the Chaos Orb.

As the treasure of chaos, the restrictions in it are naturally not innate restrictions, but chaos restrictions, a total of 49 chaos restrictions!
There are fifty great avenues, except for one. Among all the magic weapons, there are only 49 restrictions at most. Unlike the innate spiritual treasures in the prehistoric world, the restrictions of chaos treasures are chaos restrictions.

The Chaos Spirit Treasure has 48 Chaos Restrictions.

Ordinary innate treasures, the first restriction, with Hong Yun's current peak quasi-sage strength, can be refined in a single thought, even the first restriction of innate treasures can be refined in just one breath.

As for the chaos restriction, even if it was the first one, it took Hongyun ten years.

"As expected of the treasure of chaos, even the prohibition is so difficult to refine. It is rumored that there is a chaotic world in the chaos orb that is not weaker than the prehistoric world, and it is true!"

Hongyun's primordial spirit entered the interior of the Chaos Orb, and indeed found a vast chaotic world. With Hongyun's current powerful divine sense, it was impossible to ascertain its boundary.

It's just that the world is full of chaos now, and life cannot be born.

"Do you want me to open the sky like the Great God Pangu? How is it possible? I don't want to do such thankless things. The Great God Pangu is so powerful that he has disappeared. With my small body, even if I break through the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, I'm afraid it will be too late." Can't stand it."

Hong Yun shook his head, getting rid of Kai Tian's unrealistic thoughts.

After initially refining the Chaos Orb, Hong Yun could enter the world of the Chaos Orb. With a thought, he disappeared from the Huoyun Cave.

The Chaos Orb has the function of shielding the secrets of heaven. It is rumored that the Chaos Orb can also shield the Dao. Hong Yun does not believe it. The Dao is supreme and everywhere. As long as you exist in this chaos, the Dao can sense you. Neither will exist.

However, it is easy for the Chaos Orb to shield the Dao of Heaven. At this time, Hong Yun wants to shield the Dao of Heaven, because he wants to break through the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

The reason why he wants to shield Tiandao is not to prevent Tiandao from finding out that he has broken through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but to prevent Tiandao from knowing how he broke through.

There are also many ways to prove Dao Hunyuan. The most difficult thing is to rely on yourself to comprehend the laws of the Dao and rise all the way until you break through the Dao Realm, which is to prove the Dao with strength.But it's too difficult. It is still possible for a chaotic creature with a deep foothold to prove the Dao of the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian by himself, but it is a good idea to rely on himself to break through the Hunyuan Infinity Luo Jinxian and the Hunyuan Infinity Dao Jinxian!Don't mention it.

The easier method of proof,

One is to use the avenue Hongmeng Ziqi to break through.

One is to open up the world to prove the Tao like Pan Gu, which is called opening the sky to prove the Tao. However, at the beginning, Pan Gu proved the Tao with strength, and he carried the mission of opening the sky. It was too difficult, and finally failed.

Another way is to use the already existing world, replace the way of heaven in that world, and create the way of heaven yourself. From then on, the way of heaven in that world is you, and you are not the way of heaven. The way of heaven is your avatar.

Hongjun is an alternative way of proving the way on behalf of the heavens, but when he became a saint, the way of heaven had already had a complete consciousness, and it was impossible to replace the way of heaven, so he could only fall back to be the spokesperson of the way of heaven.

This kind of world generally exists in Chaos Lingbao, such as Chaos Orb.

After the latter two kinds of proofs, and as your strength increases, you will be able to mobilize more power in the world, until you control the entire world, your own strength will be able to break through to the realm of heaven, but it takes a very powerful world to support you To break through the realm of heaven, at least not weaker than the prehistoric world.

Moreover, the two methods of proving the way by opening the sky and proving the way on behalf of the sky have a disadvantage, that is, your strength basically comes from the world you control. When the world evolves and becomes stronger, you will go further.

And the world basically doesn't evolve by itself, or it evolves too slowly.

Because you and the world you control complement each other, the more the world evolves, the more world power you can mobilize.

Then when your strength reaches the limit, which is the limit of strength that the world you control can support you to reach, your strength will stagnate.

And the evolution of the world itself is too slow, maybe a million kalpas can only take you up a small step.

Then you will be like the prehistoric way of heaven, running around every day to make the world stronger, running counter to the unfettered practitioners.

What is truly unrestrained and comfortable is to prove the Tao with the great way of purple qi, but it is difficult for ordinary creatures to even obtain the great way of purple qi, so there is no need to think about the great way of purple qi, thinking about it is just a fart!

After receiving the reward, Hong Yun suddenly found that his comprehension of the law had reached [-]% in an instant, a mysterious aura erupted, his strength skyrocketed, and the last prohibition of several great treasures he had mastered was instantly refined and fully controlled.

An unprecedented powerful breath filled the whole body, the surrounding space was oppressed, shattered, and then restored.

Hong Yun's comprehension and use of space has reached an unprecedented peak!

At this time, as long as Hongyun moves his mind, the body of the ancestor witch at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage will be stirred into nothingness by Hongyun's space power, and even the true spirit cannot escape.

Hong Yun's primordial spirit also completely merged into the Dao Primordial Purple Qi, and then the Dao Dao Primordial Purple Qi flew out of Hong Yun's mind, regarded the Chaos Orb as nothing, passed through the Chaos Orb, then passed through the prehistoric, and entered the depths of Chaos.

At this time, Hong Yun felt that her soul had merged into Dao, and she didn't feel anything special, she just felt that her identity had changed, that she had been registered by Dao, as if she had a household registration!It was recognized by Da Dao, and he was a black household before.

And be able to ignore the obstruction of heaven and the wild, and mobilize a trace of the power of the avenue and the spiritual energy in the chaos for his own use.

"Sure enough, it's free, as long as you don't point your nose and scold Dao, you won't bother me, and you will be free in the prehistoric world from now on!"

Hong Yun felt it for a while, and couldn't feel any restraint at all.The whole person was much more relaxed. Before he made a breakthrough, he could feel the restraint of the Dao of Heaven, and felt that he was being stared at by the Dao of Heaven all the time.

Not only Hong Yun, other people as long as their strength exceeds a certain limit, they will be stared at by the Dao of Heaven to prevent them from doing things that affect the general trend of the prehistoric or causing huge damage to the prehistoric.

(End of this chapter)

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