Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 23 Proving the Dao Hunyuan, All the Immortals Come to Congratulate

Chapter 23 Proving the Dao Hunyuan, All the Immortals Come to Congratulate

Hong Yun looked at the Chaos Orb, and the world contained in it could also create a strong man in the Dao of Heaven.

At this time, the Red Cloud Realm is at the second level of the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, directly breaking through from the pinnacle of the quasi-sage to the second level of the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

However, Hong Yun has already proved that he doesn't need this world.

"It's not bad for Nuwa. When Nuwa proves the Tao, give this to her."

As Hongyun's pre-determined woman, Nuwa's strength can't be low, even if Nuwa doesn't like fighting, it's not a bad thing to have strong strength.

Moreover, Hong Yun, the sage of Heavenly Dao, really doesn't like him, he's too weak!

A sage of the Dao of Heaven can mobilize a trace of the power of the Dao of Heaven for his own use, but this trace is really too little.

Compared with Hong Yun, the Heavenly Dao Saint is far inferior to anything.

Compared with mana, what Hongyun absorbs is chaotic aura, while the sage of heaven absorbs innate aura.

Compared with the magic weapon, the Red Cloud Chaos Orb is in hand, and the sage of heaven is overjoyed to have the innate treasure.

Comparing the law, what Hongyun understands is the law of the great way of space, while the sage of the way of heaven understands the law of the way of heaven.

Compared with survival, the Hongyun Primordial Spirit rests on the Dao, even if the body is destroyed, it will still be immortal, unless there is a power far superior to him, using a special method of tracing the source, killing the Hongyun Primordial Spirit entrusted to the Dao, otherwise it will be won't die.

But this approach is undoubtedly slapping Dao in the face. You can do whatever you want in the chaos.
Therefore, there is no relationship of immortality, and ordinary powerful people will not use this method to kill a small character whose strength is lower than their own.

And the sage's primordial spirit entrusts the way of heaven to be immortal, but is the way of heaven and the way of heaven comparable?

Hongyun left the Chaos Orb and appeared in the Huoyun Cave.

The momentum of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian radiated, and Tiandao sensed it instantly.

In Zixiao Palace, Patriarch Hongjun opened his eyes, and a trace of surprise flashed in his indifferent eyes.

"Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian! Hongyun has proved the Tao! What method did I use? Did I go the wrong way?"

Daozu muttered to himself.

Today's Dao ancestor is a bit uncomfortable. Heaven's restraint and control over him are getting bigger and bigger, and even his personality has gradually merged with Heaven's law and become more ruthless.

As a Chaos Demon God of the same era as Pangu, Hongjun had no choice but to merge with the Dao of Heaven.

Although he is the Chaos Demon God, he has no access to the Dao, and the Dao is not passed on lightly. Hongjun doesn't know the way to prove the Dao with strength.

All he knew was the Open Heaven Proof that Pan Gu had walked through.

But as strong as Pan Gu, he still failed. When he broke through to the Heavenly Dao Saint, he knew that if he didn't have the way to prove the Dao, he would never be able to move forward and stay in the Heavenly Dao Saint realm forever.

He was naturally not reconciled, so he could only settle for the next best thing, and pursue a higher realm with his body in line with the way of heaven. Now his goal has been achieved. He has reached the fifth level of saints from the second level of saints when he proved the Tao, and Still improving steadily, but the price he paid was unprecedented, he was almost assimilated by the Dao of Heaven!

Now that Hongyun has proved the Dao, he is not yet a sage of heaven, because Hongyun does not have the primordial purple energy.

Hong Yun has not only proved the Tao, but judging by his aura, his realm is not low, at least not weaker than him.

That's right, Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian Erzhong, who can mobilize the power of the Dao and the aura of chaos, can rival Hongjun as the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven!

"At this time, I should go to ask for advice!"

At this time, Hongjun already regards Hongyun as an existence equal to himself.

When a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian appeared in Honghuang, Tiandao naturally would not fail to express it.

Surrounding the Huoyun Cave, the purple air is coming from the east for hundreds of millions of miles, flowers are falling from the sky, golden lotuses are springing up from the ground, and the whole world celebrates together.

Auspicious birds and beasts such as real dragons, phoenixes and kylins appeared one after another.

All the living beings in the entire prehistoric world felt Hong Yun's awe-inspiring saintly aura.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun proved to be holy?"

Di Jun turned pale with astonishment, not long ago he was sitting and discussing, but now he is suddenly sanctified, how can it not be surprising.

Fuxi next to him was also surprised, but turned into ecstasy.

"Your Majesty, fellow Daoist Hongyun's sanctification is of great benefit to my monster clan! Congratulations!"

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Hongyun has become a saint, and my monster clan has a saint to back him up, and his strength has greatly increased. Fellow Daoist can follow me to congratulate!" Di Jun reacted and was ready to go to congratulate.

Kunlun Mountains

Sanqing also looked stunned, thinking that his heels were no weaker than anyone else's. As the destined saints, they did not expect that someone would be sanctified before them.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun has become a saint! How did he become a saint without the primordial purple energy? Could it be that he proved the way with strength?" Tong Tian murmured.

"It should be, let's prepare a gift and go to congratulate."

Feeling the sanctification of Hongyun, those powerful people who have been famous for a long time and can get on the stage of the wild have prepared gifts and are ready to come to congratulate.

At this time, Nu Wa was also extremely happy, her sweetheart became a saint!
At the beginning, Hongyun said that after she became a saint, she would propose to her face to face, and asked the heavenly dao as a witness to become a Taoist couple.

Nuwa blushed, without any hesitation, she left Buzhou Mountain and rushed to Huoyun Cave.

Zhen Yuanzi woke up from seclusion, his face was quite relieved
"Old friend Hongyun, you have finally proved the Dao, so the crisis you mentioned should be resolved, I am very pleased! Qingfengmingyue, beat thirty ginseng fruits, and go with me to congratulate Fellow Daoist Hongyun on his enlightenment and sanctification!"

Where the West meets the East.

Zhunti, with a sallow and distressed face, was calling to stop a tiger demon.

"Fellow Daoist, I see that you have a destiny with me in the West!"

Tiger Demon: "..."

At this time, the tiger demon is in the heart of his mother's criticism.

Can you show some face?

You, a late quasi-sage superpower, can call me a little Taiyi Jinxian as a Taoist friend. If you want me to join the West, just tell me, you make me flattered like this, my little heart can't stand it!
The tiger demon has long heard that there is a beggar monk in the land of two worlds who is very powerful, he plunders living beings everywhere, and forcibly transports them to the west. When he meets him at this time, how can he resist?

Zhunti didn't wait for the tiger demon to resist. With a wave of his sleeve, he used the technique of the universe in his sleeve to put the tiger demon away, and was about to look for the next target.

Suddenly, he felt the information from the Heavenly Dao and the powerful fluctuations of the saint's breath.

Zhunti was surprised at first, and then distressed, why?
Because it's a gift!To congratulate the saint without giving gifts?

No matter how shameless you are, you can't do this kind of thing, but the West is too barren.

It was not the time of Journey to the West at this time. At that time, after the management of Zhunti and Yingyin, plus Hongjun's compensation, although he was still very poor, he could occasionally encounter spiritual veins and grow some spiritual roots.

And now the west can be said to be a scene where you can see thousands of miles of red land at a glance. The entire western land area is one-half of the prehistoric land, but the number of creatures is only one ten-thousandth of the prehistoric!Moreover, some creatures with low qualifications came here because they couldn't get along in the east.

The lack of spiritual veins made the west lose the ability to give birth to living beings, so they could only be extradited from the east.

"Go back and discuss it with senior brother! It can't be too good or too bad, there are only so few treasures in the hands of the poor and the poor, it's hard to make a choice!" Zhunti was quite helpless.

 Thank you for your recommendation votes, especially the two big guys who voted nine and ten votes. Your support is my motivation. Let me explain: If some readers feel that the protagonist is sanctified too early, he will soon be invincible. Head, I can only say that you don’t have to worry, because I can’t spoil it, so please read it with peace of mind.


(End of this chapter)

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