Chapter 31

Zhun Ti comforted himself, what's wrong with being shameless?
Shameless for the rise of the West!
"Little girl, come with me. When I go to the west, I will definitely accept you as my personal disciple and accept my mantle!" Zhunti continued to seduce.

A little Taiyi Jinxian who has not yet transformed must have never seen anything in the world. She is simply a little lolita who can be tricked away with a lollipop.

"Accept your mantle? You don't even know how many years you have worn the tattered clothes that beggars don't want, so I don't want them!" Bi Xiao said disdainfully.

"Pindao is frugal, so I won't say much, little girl, you should come with me!"

Zhunti didn't intend to waste time with Bi Xiao, and flicked his tattered sleeves, ready to take Bi Xiao in.

"Do you know who my master is?" Bi Xiao suddenly said, and suddenly started the part of fighting father, no, fighting master.

"Your master? You, an unformed child, still have a master?" Zhunti expressed disbelief.

"My master is amazing. If you take me to the west, you will definitely not let me go!"

Zhunti was a little puzzled, and after counting his fingers, the sky was in chaos

"Hiss!" Could it be that this little kid really has a mighty master?

Zhunti felt uneasy, "May I ask your master's name? What is the Dao name?"

"Master's name? I, I, I don't know." Bi Xiao panicked, unable to remember what Hong Yun's name was.

"Hmph, a little kid has learned to tell lies, how can there be an apprentice who can't say the name of the master?" Seeing that Bi Xiao couldn't say it, Zhunti was relieved, thinking that the calamity was coming and the sky was in chaos.

Bi Xiao has a playful personality, when she met Hong Yun just now, she didn't listen to what Hong Yun said at the beginning, and now it's about to rain.

Seeing that Zhunti's cuffs were opened wide, and there was a huge suction force, Bi Xiao was anxious, trying to recall the experience of the first meeting.

"Ah, no, I remembered, what is my master's name Hong?"

Zhunti paused, "What is red? Where is the power called red? Can a random chicken and tile dog be your master?"
Is there a quasi-sage called Hong in the prehistoric world?No, but a saint But there is one, isn't it?impossible! "

Looking at the little cloud in front of him, the Red Cloud Saint was the first cloud in the prehistoric world, and he was the ancestor of this little boy.

Zhunti's voice became smaller and smaller, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, his lips began to tremble.

"Ah, I remembered, my master's name is Hongyun!" Bi Xiao finally remembered the name of her dearest ancestor.


Quasi kneeling!

He knew he couldn't run away.

The sage knows the world at a glance, running is useless, he can only wait silently for Hongyun to come, he knows that he will not die, he didn't do anything to Bi Xiao, but the price he paid may be a bit high.

At this time, Zhunti knelt on the ground, as if in mourning.

He was 100% sure that Hongyun was the master of this cloud.

Because the red cloud had already appeared in front of him.

"Ah! Patriarch, you're here! Big Brother, Second Sister, Third Sister!" Seeing Hong Yun approaching, Bi Xiao quickly hid behind Hong Yun, gloating at Zhun Ti.

Hong Yun looked at Zhunti with a smile: "Fellow Zhunti, last time we parted, we haven't seen each other for a long time, you look much better!"

"See the saint!" Zhunti saw that the red cloud had already appeared, but he was not afraid, but the price might be a bit heavy.

"Fellow Taoist Zhunti, what do you think of my newly recruited disciples?" Hong Yun seemed unaware of what happened just now.

Zhunti didn't believe that Hongyun didn't know what happened just now.

"Ah, your four disciples are really talented and have a deep foothold. If I had such talents in the West, I would have been very prosperous."

"Then did you prepare a meeting gift?" Hong Yun stared at Zhunti, with eyes that would make you look good if you don't give it.

Zhunti's face turned bitter, he gritted his teeth, and grabbed his heart, and four bodhi seeds appeared in his hand, "These four bodhi seeds have a better effect on enlightenment for monks below Daluo Jinxian, so I gave them to the four disciples of saints as gifts." .”

Zhunti's face turned pale. This is not an ordinary bodhi seed. This is the bodhi seed he condensed with the original source of his body. Ordinary treasures can't enter the red cloud's Dharma eye.

The bodhi tree was originally one of the top ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world. It has the miraculous effect of quickly enlightening people. Moreover, the ten innate spiritual roots and the other nine spiritual roots cannot give birth to spiritual wisdom. Only the bodhi tree takes form. It can be seen that the bodhi tree is extraordinary.

"That's it?" Hong Yun was not satisfied, he was always very happy with Keng Zhunti.

Zhunti's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and with his right hand, he took out four twigs emitting colorful halos from his cuff.

"This is the branch that fell when refining the Qibao Miaoshu. After refining, it can be compared to the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao, and can be used to drop treasures below the high-grade Xiantian Spiritual Treasure."

The Qibao Miaoshu claims to have everything. Although it is a bit exaggerated, except for the top-grade innate spirit treasure, other spirit treasures really can't stop his seven-color divine light, which is much more powerful than Kong Xuan's five-color divine light.

In the prehistoric world, there are not many top-grade spirit treasures that can be both offensive and defensive. Therefore, if you want to be omnipotent when facing the enemy, you must have more magic weapons. The more magic weapons, the more you can cope with complex combat situations.

Unless you have treasures such as the Chaos Clock or the Fortune Green Lotus, you can eat it all over the world with one move.

"I still don't thank your Uncle Zhunti, he is a divine saint!" Hong Yun said to Zhao Gongming and the others with satisfaction.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhunti!"


Zhunti was crying and bleeding profusely. What is the matter?
"Fellow Daoist Zhunti, I'll leave first. Pindao is going to move the Lotus Palace to Penglai Island." Hong Yun waved his hand.

"Farewell to the saint!" After Zhunti finished speaking, he quickly ran away. The Eastern routine was too deep, and he wanted to return to the West.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Senior Master Zhen Yuanzi!" Hong Yun rolled up his hands, put the four of them away, stepped out to the sky above Wuzhuang Temple, and released the four of them.

Qingfeng Mingyue, the gatekeeper, had a spirit grass in her mouth, and was chatting without saying a word, when she suddenly saw Hongyun coming, followed by three clouds.

The two hurried forward to greet them, Qingfeng grabbed Hongyun's sleeves and acted like a baby, "Master Hongyun, you are here, you haven't been to Wuzhuang Temple for a long time, I thought you forgot us both."

"How could you forget our little boy? Come on, these two fruits are a gift for your meeting." Hong Yun pulled out two yellow plums from his sleeve.

"What kind of fruit is this? Such ample aura, what a mysterious dao rhyme!" Mingyue asked in surprise.

"This is Huang Zhongli, one of the top ten innate spiritual roots. After eating it and retreating, you can break through the Da Luo Jinxian." Hong Yun touched Qingfeng's ball head.

"Thank you, master! I know that master loves us the most!" Qingfeng was very happy when he heard that.

"Hmph! That's not true, the ancestor loves me the most!" The little Yunduo Bixiao behind Hong Yun heard Qingfeng say that Hong Yun loved her the most, so he quit immediately and opened his mouth to refute.

"Wow! Master, where did you find the talking cloud? That's great, we don't have to water the ginseng fruit trees ourselves!" Mingyue said surprisingly.

"Ahem, you two made a mistake. These are my new disciples, Mr. Zhao Gongming, Yun Xiao, Qiong Xiao, and Bi Xiao. It's just that they haven't taken shape yet." Hong Yun coughed twice, pointing to Zhao Gongming and the other four. Said.

"I'm sorry, four senior brothers and sisters." Mingyue blushed and felt that she was very ignorant. "Master, Qingfeng and I are going to retreat first."

Qingfeng Mingyue quickly slipped away.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi is in retreat, he has already broken through the pinnacle of quasi-sage, and he is trying to see if the three corpses can be combined into one.

Hong Yun was not in a hurry, and took advantage of this time to give lectures to his disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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