Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 32 6 ears eavesdrop, Hongyun accepts another disciple

Chapter 32 Six Ears Overhear

Hong Yun preached to Zhao Gongming and others so that they could speed up their transformation.His eyes were fixed, and his eyes pierced through the void to the front of the Lotus Palace: "Lantern!"

Ran Deng, who was dozing off from boredom, was taken aback!
Take a closer look


Burn the lamp and salute quickly.

A big hand traveled through countless billions of miles, grabbed the lamp, and the next moment, the lamp appeared in Wuzhuang Temple.

Feeling like a dreamlike travel, the burning lamp is almost drunk, this is the realm he dreamed of!

"Chaos is boundless. There are countless creatures in it..."

Hong Yun did not preach, but talked about some secrets in the chaos, the purpose is to open their eyes, broaden their horizons, and not stick to such a small place like the prehistoric.

If other people know that in the eyes of ordinary creatures, there is no boundless wilderness, but Hongyun says it is a tiny place, I don't know what they will think.

The prehistoric era does not remember the years, and 3000 years passed in the blink of an eye.

"Thus, if you don't become a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, you will not be able to escape Daluo after all, and you will be immortal." Hong Yun finished his speech.

"My lord, can't saints also be immortal?" Ran Deng asked a question in his heart.

"The saint is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he needs to be attached to the way of heaven to exist. If the way of heaven does not exist, how can the saint be attached?"

Ran Deng nodded, thoughtfully.

"It turns out that the way of heaven is not omnipotent!" Yun Xiao sighed.

"The way of heaven is so weak!" Bi Xiao directly said what was in his heart.

Heaven said: "!!!"

Am I shameless?I'm weak?Come come come!Let's fight for three hundred rounds!
In the void of Wuzhuang Temple, a dark cloud gathered, and within it were flashes of purple divine thunder, and the pressure penetrated hundreds of millions of miles.

Seeing this, Hong Yun waved his hand, and the dark cloud dissipated.

"Brother Tiandao, don't worry about the children's exits! Bi Xiao, don't admit your mistake!"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Bi Xiao knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

The coercion of heaven dissipated, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, it's okay, Master will take care of it!" Hong Yun comforted Bi Xiao.

"Old Ancestor, you are so kind!" Bi Xiao was so moved that it started to rain again.

"Okay, good boy, don't get the floor wet," Hong Yun said.

"Now let's talk about the breakthroughs of the major realms..."

Thousands of years are fleeting.

"This is the end of this sermon. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the teacher!" Hong Yun ended the sermon.

Everyone shook their heads, Hongyun's Taoism was easier and more detailed than Hongjun's, and none of them were stupid people.

"Little guy, I've been eavesdropping for so long, why don't you come and see Pindao?"

When Hong Yun preached, she didn't deliberately block the secret, but was overheard by a living being.

Hongyun's supernatural powers were in operation, and a creature was captured by him from the dark place in the North Sea.

This is a monkey, but it has six ears. It is the six-eared macaque!
"Six ears, did you understand what Pindao said?" Hong Yun looked at the six-eared macaque with a smile.

"Saints forgive sins! Saints forgive sins!" The six-eared macaques were terrified, and kowtowed one by one to admit their mistakes.

"Liu Er, you have a tenacious heart towards the Tao, but you also made big mistakes, do you know that?"

"Six ears don't know!"

"You are very talented. At the beginning, everyone in the prehistoric period went to Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon, but you did not go. Relying on your own innate supernatural powers, you eavesdropped on the Taoist preaching, but you didn't know that you did not teach it lightly. You are so disrespectful to the saint. The Taoist is broken!" Your path of practice should also be."

At the beginning, the six-eared macaque eavesdropped on Daozu's preaching and was noticed by Daozu. Therefore, Daozu said, "The law is not passed on to the six ears."

Because of these words, the six-eared macaque, even though he is very talented and has deep feet, has no great ability to dare to preach to him.

"The sage is merciful, please take him in!" The six-eared macaque didn't dare to argue, but just kowtowed.

Hongyun didn't intend to embarrass the six-eared macaque, but wanted to take him as his apprentice.

The six-eared macaque is based on the blood of the chaotic demon ape, and its talent and heels are stronger than that of the spirit stone monkey Sun Wukong.

Not to mention that he relied on himself to live from the Lich to the Westward Journey.In Journey to the West, just relying on his own groping and cultivation, he can fight inextricably with Monkey King who is practicing under the sage's sect, and even the Cihang Taoist who is the peak of the Da Luo Jinxian can't see through his magic.

"Liu Er, get up," Hong Yun said.

The six-eared macaque stood up tremblingly.

"I think you have a tenacious heart towards the Tao, which is not easy, so I accept you as a disciple, are you willing?"

Liu Er was apprehensive at first, thinking that his best fate would be to be expelled from Wuzhuang Temple, but he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

Hearing Hong Yun's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then became ecstatic, dancing, scratching his ears and cheeks, and became a wild monkey like a real one.

The six-eared macaque was excited for a while, and after realizing it, it quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times: "Disciple Liu Er pays homage to Master!"

"Well, get up, you look like a hozen, so your surname is Sun, and your name is Sun Liuer. This is the treasure of acquired merit and virtue, and it can be used as your weapon." The eared macaque gave him a name, and gave him the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

"Thank you, Master!" The six-eared macaque happily stroked the golden ruler in its hand.

Hongyun also took out a top-grade innate spiritual treasure Huntian Stick "Six Ears. You are only a Golden Immortal now, and you can't control the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler. This Huntian Stick can be used as your weapon for the time being, and you can use it after you reach the Daluo Golden Immortal. The power of the Primordial Measuring Ruler."

"Yes!" Liu Er took the Huntian Stick.

Seeing the master accepting disciples again, the four of Zhao Gongming gathered around and congratulated the six-eared macaque.

"Hey, Junior Brother Liu Er, I will be your senior sister from now on, and finally I don't have to be at the bottom!" Bi Xiao said happily.

"Congratulations, junior brother, we will be our family from now on." Zhao Gongming patted Liu Er on the shoulder.

Liu Er also responded one by one, "I have met the senior brother, the second senior sister, the third senior sister, and the fourth senior sister."

"Ah! How do you know our ranking? Do you know us?" Bi Xiao was very surprised. They didn't introduce who they were from the beginning to the end, but Liu Er was able to tell the difference.

"You don't know the origin of the six ears, do you?" Hong Yun stroked the non-existent beard on his chin, "The six ears are transformed from the origin of the Chaos Demon Ape, one of the four congenital spirit monkeys, the six-eared macaque, good at listening, Being able to understand the reason, knowing the front and back, everything is clear, and everything about the prehistoric world can be known at once, is one of the best life-saving magical powers in the prehistoric world."

"It's amazing!" Bi Xiao exclaimed.

The other three also knew that this supernatural power was very extraordinary, and they even felt a little envious of Ran Deng.

Thinking that his burning lamp is at least the first coffin in Honghuang. The coffin lamp is the companion spirit treasure, but he does not have the life-saving magic power like the six-eared macaque.

"Okay, you all go to retreat separately, Zhao Gongming, you four are not allowed to leave the closed door, and you are not allowed to come out unless you break through the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, Liu Er, you practice the rules of battle, and go to experience in the prehistoric Well, if you encounter a difficult problem that cannot be solved, report the name of the teacher."

"Yes" everyone agreed and left.

(End of this chapter)

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