Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 34 1 Maid, ready to get married

Chapter 34 A Thousand Maids, Ready to Get Married
Yuan Feng's eyes lit up when he heard Hong Yun's words, and then dimmed instantly.

"The sage has great supernatural powers, so he can naturally eliminate the karma on my body, but the way of heaven continues to drop karma, and as time goes by, this karma will reappear on me."

Hong Yun smiled slightly: "The poor are disdainful of using this kind of method that treats the symptoms but not the root cause. My method is once and for all."

Yuanfeng's eyes radiated hope again, "Please let the sage speak clearly!"



At the back of Hongyun's head suddenly appeared two golden wheels of meritorious deeds that shone with golden light.

"So many merits!" Yuanfeng's small red lips parted round.

"Can this kind of merit be given as a gift?" Yuanfeng was a little puzzled. She had obtained merit before and used it to improve her strength, but this merit was bestowed by heaven, and she had never heard of giving it to others.

"Others can't do it, but I can do it!" Hong Yun smiled slightly, and the 500 million heavenly merits could completely eliminate Yuan Feng's karma.

Now Hongyun has more than 1000 million Heavenly Dao merits and 500 million Great Dao merits. He will not give away Dao merits to others, but the Heavenly Dao merits are of no use to him, at most they can be used to make a few meritorious treasures.

"There is another way, use the karmic fire on the karmic fire red lotus to burn away the karma. Fellow Daoist Styx and I have an old relationship, so I can borrow the karmic fire red lotus from him. You can choose between the two options!"

"I chose to eliminate the merit." Yuanfeng couldn't wait to answer, she really wanted to eliminate this damn karma.

With a little finger, Hongyun let the system split 500 million heavenly merits into Yuanfeng's body.

In an instant, the red karma surrounding Yuanfeng was instantly eliminated.

"Okay, I've already solved your problem for you. Now let me tell you about my request. I need you to choose a thousand beautiful women from the Phoenix clan to follow me to the Lotus Palace as maids." Hong Yun said.

"Phew! That's no problem. I'll immediately select a thousand talented and intelligent clan members. They stay here and are affected by karma. No matter how talented they are, they can't break through. It's a relief to leave here." Yuan Feng let out a sigh of relief. Tone, I thought that Hong Yun had some excessive demands, but I didn't expect to choose a maid.

It is also good to select some talented disciples to enter the Hongyun sect. Entering the Hongyun sect means leaving the Feng clan and joining the Lotus Palace, cutting off the luck and connection with the Feng clan, and the karma will naturally disappear.

"Yuan Yu"

Yuanfeng called a woman in.


"Go and pick the [-] most talented members of the younger generation of our clan, and let the saint take them away." Yuanfeng ordered.

"Ah?" Yuan Yu was a little puzzled.

"Why are you in a daze? Leaving this cage will do them no harm! Go!"

This Nanming Volcano is a prison. Back then, Yuanfeng kept the remnants of the Feng Clan and made an oath to Tiandao that the Feng Clan would forever town Nanming Volcano.

Soon, Yuan Yu came in with a thousand women of different looks but charming.

The Feng Clan is worthy of being a race rich in beauties in the wilderness. The form of the creatures in the wilderness is the innate Taoist body. This physique is most suitable for cultivation and comprehension of the law. Because of the practice, most of the women in the wilderness are extremely beautiful. Feng clan women, even if they are caught by a lot of beauties, they will still make people amazed.

Hongyun took them away. When Hongyun took them away from Nanming Volcano, they found that the karma like tarsus maggots had disappeared, and instead, a wave of luck enveloped them, preventing them from advancing for a long time. The cultivation base was loosened, and the cultivation base began to grow slowly.

Back at the Lotus Palace, Hongyun released them.

"Go get ready!"

"Yes, sir." All 1000 people answered in unison.

On the way, Hongyun told them the news that he and Nuwa were about to get married, and asked them to arrange the Lotus Palace as a wedding venue from now on.

A thousand maids began to get busy.

Hong Yun put away the Lotus Palace, stepped out to Penglai Island, and placed the Lotus Palace on Penglai Island.

Penglai Three Islands, as the top paradise in the prehistoric world, has countless spiritual roots and spiritual treasures. Last time, Hongyun only collected those spiritual treasures above innate, and he still let those spiritual roots grow in place.

On the three islands of Penglai, the top spiritual roots include Huangzhong plum, fairy apricot, and five-needle pine among the top ten innate roots.

Hongyun came to the position of Huangzhong Li on Penglai Island. First, he collected all the fruits that had matured on the tree and had fallen on the soil of Nine Heavens for countless years. There were actually two thousand of them. If there is a fall.

Then I came to the location of the fairy apricot on Yingzhou Island. Like the ginseng fruit, the fairy apricot blooms every 3000 years, bears fruit every 3000 years, and matures every 3000 years. Only 49 fruits grow each time. Achievement Golden Immortal.

Under the fairy apricot fruit tree, there is already a thick layer of mature fairy apricots. In Sanxian Island, where the concentration of spiritual energy is so high that it is almost liquefied, there is no need to worry about the loss of spiritual energy after these fruits fall off. Hundreds of thousands of fruits have been stored for countless years.

Together with some high-grade spiritual roots, the spiritual fruit for this banquet has been prepared.

Hong Yun is quite satisfied, this Penglai Island is really a blessed place for immortals, this time the wedding banquet is much richer than last time.

After Hongyun finished these, he announced his happy event with Nuwa to Hong Huang, "I, Hongyun, will become a Taoist couple with Nuwa in a thousand years, and hold a wedding banquet in the Lotus Palace. Welcome all fellow Taoists to come to the banquet!".

If others say that, all the big figures in the prehistoric world will definitely dismiss it, and it’s fine if they don’t come to invite them in person. If they don’t even send someone to send an invitation letter, who cares about you?
However, Hongyun is a sage with privileges, no one dares not to show face, even Yuanshi Tianzun has no temper, and what Yuanshi Tianzun looks down on is nothing more than the monster race born from wet eggs.

Unexpectedly, not long after Hongyun Shengsheng held a banquet, he had a big banquet again. This time it was a marriage, and he had to prepare gifts again.

The most miserable thing at this time was nothing more than receiving Zhunti and Zhunti, especially Zhunti, who was brutally slaughtered by Hong Yun, and had to prepare gifts, which had to be better than last time.

"Senior brother, Hongyun sage is getting married and is going to give another gift. I am poor in the west, and I really can't afford this gift. What should I do?"

Zhunti asked helplessly with a bitter face.

"Hey! Why don't we give a gift together? I think the Hongyun sage will understand our poverty in the west." Jieyin also had a bitter face, thinking for a while and said.

"That's fine, but if you only give one gift, then the gift shouldn't be too bad. The only ones I can get are the top-grade innate spirit treasure, the seven-treasure tree, the blue gourd, and the top-grade innate spirit treasure to bless the divine pestle." Zhun Ti Said.

"I have the top-grade congenital spiritual treasure, the twelfth-grade golden lotus of merit, the Qinglian treasure-colored flag, and the top-grade congenital spiritual treasure, the Qiankun Ruler," he said.

"I can only choose one of the best innate spirit treasures," Zhun Ti thought for a while and said.

"Well, how about a blue gourd as a congratulatory gift?!"


(End of this chapter)

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