Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 35 The guests come together, Taoist ancestor appears

Chapter 35 The guests come together, Taoist ancestor appears

On the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun is going to take his newly recruited big disciple Guangchengzi to the banquet. Taiqing Laozi is still a bachelor, and Tongtian is also bringing the newly acquired treasures, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit and the Holy Mother of Wudang. go.

All over the prehistoric area, many big and famous figures are ready to go, and Hongyun is going to search for prehistoric treasures again, so they are very helpless and unable to bear it.

The whole Lotus Palace was busy, and as the parties, Hongyun and Nuwa were at ease. The two were bored together, and Hongyun would tell jokes from time to time, which made Nuwa giggle.

One day, Hong Yun, who was watering Huang Zhongli, suddenly felt a powerful wave coming from the Chaos Orb. He took out the Chaos Orb, and a huge coercion came from the Chaos Orb. Hong Yun was overjoyed, Zhenyuanzi is about to succeed!

There are many dangers in the prehistoric world, so the general monks are relatively low-key, and generally only when the testimony of heaven is required will the whole prehistoric world know about it.

For example, Di Jun, he married Changxixi and Zhengtian, all the big figures from the whole prehistoric era were present, even the saints sent their disciples, and Nuwa was there in person, because this marriage requires the testimony of heaven, and when the Golden Crow Ten The birth of the crown prince was just a celebration within the Monster Clan.

Even the disciples of the great powers are only known to themselves, so when they meet for the first time, they will say: "I am a disciple of xxx" or "My master is xxx".This is called notifying the name and origin, so as not to offend people who cannot be offended.

Thousands of years passed in a blink of an eye, and soon the Lotus Palace was completed, and the guests were about to arrive.

Hongyun was wearing a big red robe, and was standing at the entrance of the Lotus Palace with a smile on his face to welcome the guests.

Sanqing was still the first to arrive, and these three buddies strive to be the first in everything.

"Three friends, welcome!" Hong Yun cupped his hands.

"I have met a saint, congratulations on his wedding, such a small gift is not a respect!" The three hurriedly bowed and offered their gifts.

"Thank you three fellow daoists, please come inside! Yuan Qing, please sit down three seniors!" Hong Yun greeted a maid standing beside her.

"Yes! Three seniors, please!"

Not long after Sanqing entered, Emperor Jun Taiyi also came.

"Congratulations to Saint Hongyun and Fellow Daoist Nvwa for their wedding! Congratulations!"

Di Jun said congratulatory words to Hong Yun with a flattering face, almost on his knees.

"Same joy, same joy. I think that you are the emperor of the demon clan, and now you are single. You should also choose a talented, virtuous and virtuous woman as the demon queen to stabilize the harem!"

"Ha, what the sage said is that it is indeed time for the poor to be elected. I wonder if the sage has any suggestions?" Di Jun agreed with Hong Yun's words.

"I think Changxixi on the lunar planet is the most compatible with the two fairies and fellow Taoists. If the yin and yang are in harmony, the luck of the demon clan will reach perfection." Hong Yun expressed his thoughts.

Just as the two were talking about the mountains, Nuwa came out: "Brother Hongyun!"

Nuwa was originally beautiful, but now she was wearing a festive red wedding dress, and she looked even more charming in her youth, which made Di Jun feel a little crazy. Fortunately, he soon felt that he was a little rude, so he looked back. God came.

It's not to blame for Di Jun's pig-like appearance. After all, when Sanqing entered, he also saw Nuwa, and even Sanqing, who had never been close to women, was slightly taken aback, let alone Di Jun.

"I've met Fellow Daoist Nuwa!" Dijun Taiyi hurriedly greeted.

"Meet two fellow Taoists!" Nuwa also returned the gift.

Then Nuwa gave Hongyun a blank look, and said to him via voice transmission: "Brother Hongyun, how can he be so black-bellied? The outcome of the Lich War is unknown, and it was just a trip to muddy water. Changxixi and the two younger sisters did not offend brother, why Are you going to drag them both into the water?"

Hong Yun smiled slightly and replied: "Sister, there is no need to worry. The combination of Emperor Jun and Changxixi is the general trend of heaven. If the heavenly court is not perfect, it cannot compete with the witch clan. Moreover, the battle of the lich is over, and I will take action to save the demon clan." , they can serve as vanguards in conquering other worlds!"

Emperor Jun Taiyi also entered the Lotus Palace to take his seat, and then the top people in the prehistoric world also came one after another. All the great powers brought their disciples to the banquet, some of which were the main force of the Conferred God War.

For example, Yun Zhongzi, Duo Bao, the Three Great Virgins, the Ci Hang Taoist, Manjusri and Samantabhadra, and so on.

Everyone took their seats one after another. To their surprise, Hongyun and Nuwa didn't sit in the first place, but sat on the futon to the left of the first place.

Everyone guessed who this position was, and soon they came up with an answer: Daozu!

Sure enough, before long an illusory figure condensed on the main seat.

There was a sudden silence in the hall, and everyone's heart trembled, and they straightened up and bowed to Daozu: "See Daozu, Daozu Wan'an!"

Daozu nodded in satisfaction: "Get up!"

Daozu is living a good life now. After meeting with Hongyun last time and discussing cooperation matters, Heavenly Dao no longer assimilates and controls him.

With a smile on his face, Daozu arched his hands towards Hongyun: "Hongyun, congratulations to you and Nuwa's lover who finally got married. There is nothing good for a teacher. This Renshui flat peach tree is a congratulatory gift for you and Nuwa! "

After Daozu finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a flat peach tree appeared next to the chaotic spiritual root of the candle in front of the hall.

Hong Yun straightened up and cupped his hands at Taoist Ancestor: "Thank you teacher!"

Daozu was like a chat stopper. As soon as he arrived, the people below did not dare to talk much, and the scene suddenly became deserted.

Hong Yun is also speechless, why is the originally festive scene the same as mourning?

Helpless, he had no choice but to organize topics by himself to make the scene lively.

"Dear friends, it has been tens of thousands of years since I preached in Zixiao Palace, and most of the three thousand listeners in those years have also fallen. Quite a few, don’t you guys introduce your own disciples?”

After hearing Hong Yun's words, everyone echoed. They are all talented creatures who can be their disciples. Therefore, they also have a heart of comparison in their hearts. They compared each other when they were in Zixiao Palace.

Everyone looked at Laozi one after another, even Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at him. Among the audience in Zixiao Palace, Sanqing, as the first disciple of the Taoist ancestor, was always headed by the three of them. It needs to be compared with them.

Lao Tzu found that everyone was looking at him, and his face turned black. He has always been quiet and inactive, and never thought of taking disciples. Moreover, he has calculated that his big apprentice and only apprentice has not yet been born.

I had no choice but to say: "Poverty Dao has no disciples yet! Please forgive me!"

Seeing that Lao Tzu was a little embarrassed, Tong Tian opened his mouth to help him and said: "My elder brother has always been quiet and inactive, and he doesn't like excitement, so he will not accept disciples for the time being."

Everyone nodded, they also knew Lao Tzu's character, he was the most temperless of the three Qings.

(End of this chapter)

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