Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 36 Three Heavenly Transformation, Expel Kunpeng

Chapter 36 Transformation into Three Heavens, Expel Kunpeng

"My eldest brother has no disciples, so let me introduce my few incompetent disciples!"

Tongtian was straightforward and helped Lao Tzu out of the siege.

Yuan Shi next to him glanced dissatisfiedly at Tong Tian, ​​and frowned. I have no apprentices, and as the second brother, he should be the one.

Others didn't pay attention to Yuanshi's expression, but Hongyun saw it. It can be said that the separation of the three Qings was completely caused by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Just when Tongtian wanted to call out his four major disciples to make a public appearance in front of everyone, Hongyun said: "It would be too boring to come out one by one, why not come out all of them, fellow Taoists have sharp eyes, let everyone choose one How about Hong Huang's first disciple?"

Seeing that the marriage banquet was about to go off the rails, Hongyun was in the draft, he was not in the mood to appreciate other people's disciples, female disciples were nothing more than a group of middle-aged Taoist priests with beards, he just wanted to be active Daozu made the atmosphere cold, so he hurriedly stopped Tongtian's irrational behavior and suggested that all disciples go together.

Well, after Hong Yun's suggestion, it really became a talent show, and thousands of disciples stood in the middle of the hall in a chaotic manner.

Nuwa felt a headache when she saw this, rubbed her forehead, and looked at her master Hongjun resentfully.

Hongjun was also a little embarrassed.

Seeing Nuwa's resentful gaze, Hongyun was a little embarrassed, so he quietly sent a voice transmission to Nuwa and said, "Zhenyuanzi Taoist friend is about to become a saint. When he comes out, we will ask him to marry us. My newly received The four disciples are about to transform, and our wedding will be held after they arrive."

Then he coughed and said: "Let's choose quickly, everyone express your opinions first, I will make a request first, you are not allowed to choose your own disciples!"

First of all, I stroked my beard, and said with a proud face: "My second brother's eldest disciple, Guang Chengzi, has the mid-stage strength of the Taiyi Golden Immortal in his transformation form, and the accompanying magic weapon is the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao, which is almost invincible in the same realm. !"

"Hmph, Taiqing, don't talk too much, my second brother's disciple Tianpeng, who has the strength of Taiyi Golden Immortal in his transformation form, and controls the top-grade innate spirit treasure, the Immortal Slayer Gourd, what is the little Fantian Seal?" It can be suppressed with one hand!" Di Jun snorted coldly.

Yuan Shi was proud when he saw his elder brother recommending his eldest disciple, but when he suddenly saw Di Jun denying his most proud disciple, he couldn't help being furious: "You wet egg... woo... woo..."

In the middle of speaking, Yuan Shi suddenly fell silent, and only heard the cry of whining.

Everyone was surprised, and it was Hong Yun who waved his hand, and a magical power penetrated into Yuan Shi's body, making him unable to speak.

When Yuan Shi saw Hong Yun imprisoning him, he immediately lost his temper.

Hong Yun untied him and said, "Fellow Daoist Yuanshi, it's normal for us to argue. Why did you suddenly attack me personally? Are you ignoring me?"

Yuanshi Tianzun hastily lowered his head and cupped his hands: "Don't dare! Please forgive me, saint!"

Just when everyone was about to continue, Hong Yun suddenly smiled and said, "Here we come!"

"Who's here?"

But the gate of the Lotus Palace was roughly kicked open from the outside. If it weren't for the fact that the Lotus Palace was a top-grade innate spirit treasure, the gate would have been blown away, and then a savage voice came from outside.

"Master, take a look at your beautiful and lovely Bi Xiao, am I pretty like this?"

Then came another male voice: "Bi Xiao, don't be rude! How can you be so reckless at such an age? No one can protect you if you make Master angry!"

"Sister, stop making trouble, be careful not to offend Master!" A gentle voice came.

Everyone in the Lotus Palace has black question marks on their faces. Whose apprentice is so bold that the door of the saint's dojo is kicked with his feet. Only Zhunti with a black face was tricked by this female doll. Even if he is transformed, his voice and breath are still the same of.

In front of the crowd who entered the hall were four young men, and the one standing at the back was an ordinary-looking young man who looked honest and honest.

The other three girls were extremely beautiful, and one of them was the girl who had just kicked the door in green. She was petite and cute, but rather savage and willful.

The second one is wearing a red dress and has a gentle and charming personality. At this time, she is pulling a girl in a green dress.

A girl in white clothes stood next to the young man, holding her forehead with her hand, looking like she was having a headache.

Everyone seems to have recalled that the lowest strength of the Almighty present is the strength of Da Luo Jinxian's later stage, so naturally the heels and bodies of these four juniors can be seen at a glance.

Three clouds and a gust of wind, these girls are related to Hongyun sage!
Everyone seemed to understand, but Kunpeng rolled his eyes, "The opportunity to please the saint has come!"

"Crack!" There was a sudden sound of slapping the table in the peaceful hall!
Everyone looked back, but it was Kunpeng who slapped the table, pointed at Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming, and cursed: "Where did you come from, the wild boy who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, is your master just eating? I haven't taught you to understand Is it polite? I have to keep myself safe while waiting here, don’t you take us seriously?”

Kunpeng looked proud, hum!A group of idiots don't know how to change things, and they don't know how to seize such a good opportunity.

Little did they know that everyone looked at him with pity.

Hong Yun also looked at Kunpeng with a smile and said, "Fellow Taoist Kunpeng, these little fellows are so rude, how do you deal with them?"

Kunpeng bowed to Hongyun and said, "I ask the sage to abolish their cultivation bases, and their masters will abolish their cultivation bases as well!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this is really stupid, you will offend people to death if you open your mouth, no one is the most you, and your cultivation will be ruined if you open your mouth.

At this time, Hong Yun's smile also disappeared, and he asked Kunpeng expressionlessly: "Fellow Kunpeng, do you know who they are? Who is their master?"

Kunpeng also realized that the atmosphere at the scene was not right. Everyone looked at him with pity.

"Kunpeng doesn't know, but the sage told me!" Kunpeng felt uneasy.

"These four people are my four descendants, and also my four direct disciples. The master you are talking about, who should be abolished for the crime of indiscriminate discipline and first-class cultivation, is me!"

Kunpeng slumped down on the ground. He finally understood why everyone was making such expressions. You all know why you didn't tell me?
"Saint...I...I..." Kunpeng was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

"Kunpeng, I really don't want to target you! But a stupid person like you is really not suitable for flattery. You should go back to Beihai. You are not allowed to leave Beihai during the ten-yuan meeting!" After finishing speaking, Kunpeng disappeared. Then appeared in the North Sea.

As soon as Kunpeng's rat shit left, the hall returned to a joyful scene.

"Gongming, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, Bixiao, hurry up and meet Master!"

The four of them kowtowed obediently in front of Patriarch Hongjun: "Disciple Zhao Gongming/Yun Xiao/Qiong Xiao/Bi Xiao pay homage to master!"

"Okay, okay! Get up quickly, the transformation has the realm of the peak of Taiyi Jinxian. Yes, this is the innate treasure of Yin and Yang, and it is the accompanying treasure of my old friend, the ancestor of Yin and Yang. I will give it to the four of you as a gift." Let's meet and greet!"

"Thank you, Master!" The four got up and took the treasure.

"Thank you, teacher, for the treasure!" Hong Yun also cupped his hands in thanks.

This yin and yang fortune map is also a treasure of defense. Although it is not as good as the Tai Chi map, it is also a rare treasure. Back then, the ancestor of Yin Yang had the yin and yang fortune map on his head, and he was undefeated against the demon ancestor Luohu's god-killing spear. In the end, Luohu sacrificed the four swords of Zhuxian Only then did the ancestor of Yin Yang force himself to explode.

 Some readers said that the protagonist forgets his friends when he sees sex. I just want to say that you are too anxious. What is a gourd?
(End of this chapter)

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