Chapter 58
"This boy must be very desperate!" Looking at Wang Chao who was about to be pierced into his chest by a sword, Ran Deng felt that Wang Chao was miserable enough. His own brother was responsible for his transformation from a genius to a waste.

It’s okay to be killed by my own brother. My father didn’t punish the perpetrator after knowing the truth, but wanted to kill him, and after his death, the perpetrator would accept everything about him openly, including his loved ones... …

The sword was about to be pierced into his chest, Wang Chao was desperate, his eyes were lax, and there was a strong sense of resignation.

"Come here!" Qianyuan Ring issued a suction force, sucking Wang Chao into the ring instantly.

Wang Qiang, who raised his sword and was stabbing down, suddenly saw a flash in front of his eyes, Wang Chao disappeared. The sword stabbed on the ground and was broken into two parts due to excessive force.

"Where is the person? Where did he go? Who is it?" Wang Qiang was terrified, and the two of them disappeared under his nose, even in the immortal stage.

"Could it be a fairy? Did the fairy take a fancy to him?" The more Wang Qiang thought about it, the more afraid he became, and finally his whole body began to tremble, and he stumbled away all the way.

During Qianyuan Jie, Wang Chao didn't feel pain for a long time, and he couldn't help but wonder, does this bastard still want to humiliate him?

He slowly opened his eyes and found that he was in a cave.

"Where is this? Why am I here? Is it the abyss of reincarnation? I'm dead!"

"Young man, you are not dead, you are now in the magic weapon of the poor!"

A voice suddenly remembered.

Wang Chao was taken aback, and quickly sat up and followed the source of the sound, and found that there was a futon not far away, and on the futon was an old Taoist priest in Taoist robes with a kind face and kind eyes.

"Immortal, are you an immortal?" Wang Chao was excited, he was not stupid, he could be moved to this cave in an instant, only the means of immortals could do it.

"Poverty is a fairy!" Ran Deng nodded and smiled.

Hearing this, Wang Chao stood up quickly, ran to the burning lamp and knelt down, knocked his head three times: "Please accept me as a disciple!"

"Do you think Pindao will accept you as an apprentice?" Ran Deng asked back.

"The villain has no long-term possessions. Apart from taking a fancy to the villain and wanting to accept the villain as his disciple, Shangxian really can't think of any other purpose."

"Pindao is not from this world, are you sure you want to worship Pindao as your teacher?" Ran Deng asked again.

"Even the villain's father and brother regard the villain as a deadly enemy, everyone treats me as a waste, what about my relatives, what about people in the same world? Now, I only live for me, for my love, for those who treat me well If Shangxian does not give up, I would like to worship Shangxian as my teacher. From now on, I will respect the teacher and respect the way, and never betray. If there is any violation, heaven and man will kill each other!" Wang Chao swore.


A muffled thunder came from the depths of the chaos, echoing Wang Chao's oath.

"Sure enough, you are sincere and dare to swear an oath in Dao Gongde Lingbao. If you break your oath in the future, Dao will impose severe punishment. You and I have a relationship between master and apprentice. Start apprenticeship now!" Ran Deng looked at Staring at Wang Chao scorchingly, the first step of the task was finally completed.

"Disciple Wang Chao, pay homage to Master!" Wang Chao kowtowed three times again.

"Guys, please get up quickly! Come with me." Ran Deng smiled and helped Wang Chao up.

Burning the lamp brought Wang Chao to the lobby of the cave, and saw a lifelike portrait with Dao rhyme hanging in the center of the lobby, it was Hongyun!
"The teacher is the second generation disciple of the Lotus Palace, remember the name of the teacher: burning lamp."

(Red Cloud: →_→, children, don’t play around! Lantern: Master, please save face.)
"This portrait is my master, that is, your ancestor, Hongyun sage!"

"Saint? What realm is this? I only know that in the realm of immortals, there are earth immortals, heavenly immortals, true immortals, immortal kings, immortal kings, immortal kings, immortal emperors, and Taoist realms that no one has reached so far." Wang Chao pointed his fingers. Tell the realm of the Immortal Continent.

"The saint is the Dao realm you mentioned!" Ran Deng looked at Wang Chao proudly and said, as if he was the one with the Dao realm.

"Master ancestor is so powerful? Then what is your realm, master?" Wang Chao was taken aback. Dao realm, this is a realm that has never been reached by anyone in the Immortal Continent!
It's not that the people in the Immortal Continent are not talented, but that this world cannot produce saints, and the realm of heaven is not enough. In today's Immortal Continent, there are not a few old monsters who are trapped at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, that is, the peak of the quasi-sage.

"Being a teacher is the pinnacle of an immortal emperor!" Ran Deng said proudly.

"Really? Master, you are so powerful! Then can I walk sideways in the Immortal Continent? Can I avenge my vengeance immediately?" Wang Chao now hates Wang Qiang to the bone, and now he has become a birthday enemy , he is not going to let Wang Qiang go.

"It's impossible to walk sideways in the Immortal Continent. I only have the Yuanshen here, and the body is still with your master. Without the support of the physical mana, the Yuanshen alone can't exert much strength. But if you want revenge, you can rely on yourself immediately. Just do it."

Ran Deng waved his hand, and the poison that had tortured Wang Chao helplessly for a long time disappeared. After the poison disappeared, Wang Chao's cultivation began to recover, and he quickly sat up cross-legged to absorb the spiritual energy in the cave.

Soon he recovered to the peak strength of the third level of the Transcendence Realm.

"Thank you, Master, for your accomplishment!"

"With your current cultivation, it's too early to take revenge. My cave is a top-grade innate spirit treasure, which has the function of speeding up the flow of time. You should practice hard here." Ran Deng said to Wang Chao.

"Yes, Master!"


He was guided to the top of Buzhou Mountain and entered the first heaven.

After Jie Yin appeared, some monster soldiers came to ask: "Who is here? Tell me your name!"

Jieyin replied: "Please also inform your Demon Emperor, and the West will take you to see you."

Jieyin's name is countless times bigger than that little girl Bixiao, once Jieyin reported her name, the demon soldiers knew that she was a big man who couldn't afford to offend.

"Shangxian, please wait a moment, and the little one will report immediately!"

Just then a voice sounded.

"There's no need to report, I'll pick up fellow daoists, long time no see!"

"Meet fellow Taoist Fuxi!"

It was Fuxi who came.

"Pindao was comprehending Hetu Luoshu, and suddenly felt that someone was coming to heaven today, so he came down to greet him, but he didn't expect it to be you, fellow daoist!" Fuxi said with a smile.

"I don't dare to be an honored guest, but the poor Taoist is here to ask for help from fellow Taoist Emperor Jun!" Jie Yin spoke out.

"It's easy to say, I'll take the fellow Taoist to meet His Majesty right away!"

Fuxi brought Zhunti to the Lingxiao Palace. At this time, Dijun was retreating day and night to comprehend the primordial purple energy.

"Pick up fellow daoist, and Pindao will inform you. As for whether His Majesty will see you, it is not up to Pindao to decide."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!"

Fuxi came to Dijun's retreat and announced, "Your Majesty, welcome fellow Taoists to see you!"

Di Jun, who was comprehending the primordial purple qi, opened his eyes, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes. The invitation would come sooner or later, but it happened at this time.

This primordial purple qi is quite weird, no matter how much Ren Dijun comprehends it, he can't integrate the primordial spirit in the slightest. He can't help but think of what Ming He said at the beginning. Could it be that this primordial purple qi is really useless? Otherwise, after 10 yuan, why? Styx still hasn't merged Yuanshen and Primordial Purple Qi.

Thinking of this, Di Jun felt rather irritable, but he couldn't see him when he was invited to see him, so he could only go out of the customs to see each other.

(End of this chapter)

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