Chapter 59

Di Jun met and received him in a side hall.

"Why did Fellow Daoist come here?" Di Jun had an expression on his face that owed him millions.

"...Your Majesty is aware of what happened to Junior Brother Pindao. Now he is entangled in huge karma and suffering unspeakably. Pindao came here to borrow His Majesty's karmic fire red lotus."

Jie Yin found that Di Jun seemed to be in a bad mood, knowing that he couldn't be miserable, so he had to get straight to the point.

"Yehuo Honglian was obtained by my second brother. If you want to borrow it, go to him! Go slow and don't give it away!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, he returned to the retreat on his own.

"..." You are speechless, you have already intercepted Styx and snatched the Primordial Purple Qi, you should be happy, why do you look so depressed?

Fu Xi on the side knew the reason, but he didn't want to say it, so he said to Jie Yin, "I'll take you to see Tai Daoyou."

"It's work!"

At this time, Tai Yi is comprehending the real fire of the sun on the sun star, and the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou array has reached a bottleneck, and now it can only increase the power of the array through the real fire of the sun and communicate with more sources of the sun.

The two arrived at Sunstar, but encountered Taiyi coming out of Sunstar.

Too straightforward and rude, he didn't like the two Westerners, so he glanced at Jieyin and said in a cold tone, "Why do fellow Taoists want me?"

"I'm here to borrow the karmic fire red lotus from fellow daoists to eliminate karma for my junior brother Zhunti. I also ask you fellow daoists to make it perfect. We will each burn a favor from fellow daoists. If there is any need for help, my junior brother and I will do our best Let's go!" The reception is no nonsense.

"Okay, this favor will come in handy soon, I hope fellow Taoists won't refuse it then!" Tai Yi took out Karma Red Lotus after finishing speaking.

"Thank you, thank you!" A chrysanthemum blossomed out of a smile on an old face.

As a result, the karmic fire red lotus was escorted and left.

"I thought Fellow Daoist would refuse!" Fu Xi said to Tai Yi.

"Jieyin Zhunti is a future sage anyway, and one of their favors is still useful. Now that the war with the Wu Clan is imminent, it will definitely come in handy!" Tai Yi replied.

Lao Tzu has preached among the human race for thousands of years, and has been among the major tribes. After his golden elixir avenue was spread among the human race, countless people in the human race began to practice it.

Although not everyone is able to practice, but now, after tens of thousands of years of reproduction, the population of the human race has exceeded tens of billions, so the number of people who can practice is still like crucian carp crossing the river, countless.

In this way, Jindan Dao began to prosper in the human race.

What I didn't expect, and what all the living beings in the whole prehistoric world didn't expect, was that just after the Jindan Dao spread for thousands of years, the luck of the human race began to skyrocket!
Kunlun Mountains.

Laozi's Dojo Bajing Palace.

A huge golden dragon of luck suddenly appeared, hovered over the Bajing Palace, and finally landed on the eaves of the Bajing Palace.

Startled Yuanshi and Tongtian.

"What's going on? Why is there so much luck in the elder brother's dojo?"

In today's Sanqing, there are only a few disciples under the sect, and the gathered luck is pitiful. Now a huge golden dragon of luck suddenly appeared on Laozi's Bajing Palace, which shocked Yuanshi and Tongtian.


The luck of the human race has greatly increased, and it has become the third most lucky race after the monster race and the witch race.

Just now, the luck of the human race was divided into four parts, [-]% fell on Lao Tzu, [-]% fell on Nuwa, [-]% fell on Hong Yun, and the other two layers were missing, and the human race only got two layers.

At this time, Hong Huang was finally shocked, and all living beings were shocked.

"what happened?"

"How is this possible? Why has the luck of the human race increased so much?"

"The human race is just a weak acquired race, why can it be favored by the heavens? It has reached the third level?"


Lao Tzu, who was smiling and watching the prosperity of the human race, suddenly felt something.

"My chance... I understand!"

I saw Lao Tzu's voice resounding throughout the prehistoric world: "The way of heaven is above, I am too clear, Lao Tzu, today I set up a sect to teach people, and take it as my duty to educate the human race, suppress people with Taiji diagrams to teach luck, teach people, establish!"

A large golden cloud of merit appeared again, and the way of heaven sent down a lot of merit again, which was twice as much as the last preaching!
With the help of the virtues of heaven, Lao Tzu's aura rose steadily, the primordial spirit and the primordial purple aura merged into one, and the three corpses merged into one, completely entering the realm of a saint.

The purple air came for hundreds of millions of miles from the east, the colorful clouds erupted, and the runes of the heavenly way intertwined. Endless golden flowers landed on the prehistoric land, and on the land, countless golden lotuses spread out inch by inch.

Lao Tzu is sanctified!Rely on the human race to become holy again!

It was like a stormy sea, like a huge meteorite, which shocked the whole prehistoric land beyond anything.

At this moment, all the creatures in the prehistoric world are aware of the horror of the human race, the darling of heaven!
At the same time, Yuanshi and Tongtian from Kunlun Mountain suddenly looked at each other, and they also felt that their chance had arrived!

The creatures in the wilderness have not yet woken up from the horror of Lao Tzu's sanctification and the great increase in the luck of the human race, but there are two consecutive voices coming from the whole wilderness:
"The way of heaven is above. I am the beginning of the Yuqing Dynasty. Today, I set up a sect to explain the teachings. In accordance with the will of heaven, explain the principles of heaven and earth, and use Pangu flags to suppress the luck of explaining the teachings! All creatures with deep roots and intelligent talents can worship I explain the teaching. Explain the teaching, stand!"

"The way of heaven is above, and I am the one who is clear to the heavens. Today, I set up a sect to intercept the teaching. In the general trend of the world, intercept a ray of life, and use the golden lotus of the twelve ranks of merit to suppress the luck of the interception! Don't ask about your background, don't look at your footsteps, Anyone who has a predestined relationship with my teaching can come. Stop teaching, stand up!"

Once again, the purple air came to the east twice in a row, the sky was full of flowers, and the ground was full of golden lotuses, blinding the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of all the prehistoric creatures, and they were almost numb in the end.

Three saints a day!
Yuanshi looked at Tongtian with displeasure. The third younger brother usually did not deal with him, but now Lijiao had to confront him. He obeyed the will of heaven, but Tongtian wanted to go against the sky. But all ghosts and ghosts are accepted.

However, it is not appropriate to attack at this time, Yuan Shi can only let it go.

After all beings are numb, they are shocked again, not the fake shock of the shock department.

"My God! Sanqing are all sanctified!"

"Three saints in one day! How is this possible?"

"As expected of being transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, with deep heels and such good fortune, they all became saints!"

"The Dao ancestor said that the number of saints is nine, and there are six saints of destiny. Now there are six saints. Excluding the two great powers of Jieyin and Zhunti, isn't there only one left? Then we still have a chance to fight for the last one." one?"

"I want to fart! The last one is mine!"

"I don't agree to fight!"


Countless creatures in the wilderness bowed down devoutly to Sanqing.

Many great powers headed by Hongyun also came to congratulate.

Sanqing gathered together and returned the gift one by one.

Then the three of them announced to Honghuang at the same time: "Today is sanctification, and the three poor Taoists will preach for ten thousand years in their respective ashrams in Kunlun Mountain in a thousand years. Anyone who is destined can come and listen!"

The prehistoric creatures once again thanked the saint for his mercy, and they all thought about which saint to listen to.

But thinking of the characters of the three saints, they all made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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