Chapter 69

The two were overjoyed to receive Zhunti and become holy, and all kinds of gifts were taken into their pockets one after another.

After the guests dispersed, the two of them walked together to plot.

"Junior brother, now that you and I are sanctified, the day of my west's great prosperity is not far away, but now the prehistoric and desolate are ruled by two clans of liches. If they don't quit, my west will never have a bright future!" idea.

"Senior brother, in my opinion, the two races must have a life-and-death battle, and it would be best if they died together!" Zhunti said.

Zhunti and Jieying are notorious for their insidious tricks. They promoted the process of measuring calamity three times in a row, and they participated in the process of measuring calamity three times in a row. Compared with them, compared with Kunpeng's little calculation, it is really like pediatrics.

"Now that the two clans of liches are living in peace, let's create something that makes them fight to the death! Brother, have you thought of anything to pay attention to?" Jie Yin asked.

Jieyin and Zhunti, in order to revive the West, do everything possible, and have a clear division of labor. Jieyin plans the overall situation, while Zhunti is dedicated to implementing these plans, sneak attacks, black hands, bullying the small, and cheating Kidnapping, as long as it can benefit the West, you can do it, and even betrayed Taoism in the end.

Zhunti pinched his fingers, thought for a while, and came up with an idea.

The two cast spells together to cover up the secret.

"Brother, now Di Jun has ten sons. These ten golden crows are stubborn. Now they are being placed on the sun star by the demon concubine. There is only one big Luo Jinxian to protect them. We can do this, this..." Zhun Ti said.

"Hahaha, good! This is a great plan!" Jieyin clapped his hands and applauded.

Di Jun, who was rehearsing the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, suddenly felt restless, as if something big had happened.

Di Jun frowned, his figure froze, and there was a flaw in his cooperation with the formation.

"Brother, what happened, what happened?" Tai Yi felt that Di Jun was abnormal.

"I suddenly felt uneasy, as if something bad happened!" Di Jun deduced it carefully, but he didn't deduce anything, showing that everything was normal.

"Brother, could it be that the Wu Clan is making some big moves again? What kind of hole cards are they playing?" Tai Yi guessed.

"It's possible. Now that Houtu is sanctified and can no longer leave the underworld, although there is the great witch Jiufeng as a substitute, it will naturally affect the power of the Twelve Capitals' gods and demons. I think they are also preparing for something!" Di Jun nodded.

"Then we should also work hard to improve the formation, and add more manpower, and try to increase the power of the formation by a few points, so as to deal with their opponents!" Tai Yi said.

"Well! Let's continue!" Di Jun nodded.

Here, Zhun brought up Mount Sumeru, and he came to the outside of the sun in a blink of an eye.

The sun star exudes dazzling light, illuminating the entire prehistoric land, and the whole sun star is burning with the real fire of the sun, even the Daluo Jinxian can only approach with the protection of magic weapons.

There is a towering golden tree on the sun star, it is the hibiscus tree, the only plant on the sun star, and ten golden crows live on it.

Zhunti transformed into a handsome young man with a paper fan in his hand, dressed in white, with a handsome face that could fascinate thousands of girls, it was the demon king Bai Ze.

Zhunti went straight through the restriction, ignoring the majestic sun and true fire.

Da Luo Jinxian, who was guarding here, found him.

"See Lord Bai Ze!" Da Luo Jinxian cupped his fists and bowed.

"Hmm! Where are the ten little princes?" 'Bai Ze' asked with a smile on his face.

"Playing on the hibiscus tree!"

"Well, His Majesty knew that the ten princes played around and burned down the Lingxiao Palace. He couldn't do without the Zhou Tian Xingdou Grand Formation. His Majesty specially asked me to bring the ten princes over to listen to his teachings!"

"Since your Majesty has orders, please, my lord!" Da Luo Jinxian stepped aside.

"Well, you should stay here first, after His Majesty finishes teaching, I will send the princes over!"


Zhunti went straight down and came to the hibiscus tree.

"Ten young princes, uncle is here to see you!" 'Bai Ze' said.

"Ah, it's Uncle Bai Ze, Uncle Bai Ze, have you finally come to see us?" The boss found 'Bai Ze'

"Yes, I've come to see you, is it fun here?" Zhunti pretended to be concerned.

"Not fun, not fun at all!"

"Yeah, it's boring"

"Uncle, can you take us out to play?"


Ten little kids were chattering, clamoring for Zhunti to take them out to play.

This was exactly what Zhunti wanted, but he still pretended to be embarrassed and said: "This is not good, your father is worrying about the affairs of the Wu clan. If you go out and cause trouble again, His Majesty will be angry!"

"We are very good! Father is worrying about the Wu Clan? My Yao Clan is so powerful, do I need to worry about anything? Is the Witch Clan very strong?" said the sophomore

Zhunti smiled with satisfaction, your second child is still smart, and he grasped the important point of the Wu clan in one fell swoop.

"The Witch Clan is a small clan. In the whole clan, there are only a few Taiyi Golden Immortals sitting in town. Originally, our Monster Clan could easily destroy them, but our Monster Clan has bigger enemies and we don't have the time to deal with them, so they are here Our monster clan is making trouble behind our backs." Zhunti shamelessly deceived the ten little golden crows.

"Uncle Bai Ze, since father and the others have no time to deal with the Wu Clan, let us go and destroy the little Wu Clan!" the boss said.

Hearing 'Bai Ze' say that the Wu Clan has only a few Taiyi Golden Immortals, the ten little Golden Crows suddenly got excited and clamored to exterminate the Wu Clan.

"This, it's not very good, I'm afraid you will have an accident, after all, the Wu Clan has several Taiyi Jinxians sitting in the town." Zhunti pretended to be difficult, but his heart became a flower.

"We are not afraid! We are not vegetarians either, we want to let the Wu people experience the power of the real fire of the sun!"

"Yes! We are not afraid!"

"Yeah, let's talk about it, don't you still have uncle!"

"This... well, I will take you to destroy the Wu Clan. This will make His Majesty happy, and let him know that the little guys know to share his worries. His Majesty will definitely reward you when the time comes!" The quasi-scheming plan succeeded, so he agreed.

"Let's go, kill the Wu Clan!" the Golden Crow boss yelled, and ten little brats swarmed to the outside of the sun.

Behind the mouth of 'Bai Ze' showed a wicked smile.

Passing Da Luo Jinxian guarding here, 'Bai Ze' said: "I will take away the ten princes first! I will send them back soon!"

"Sir, please!"

Zhunti took the ten little golden crows all the way down to Honghuang. The ten little golden crows were freed from the shackles, and they no longer suppressed the real sun fire in their bodies. The flowers and plants on the ground withered, the big rivers dried up, the sea evaporated, the creatures died tragically, and no grass grew anywhere they went.

(End of this chapter)

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