Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 70 Slaughtering the Witch Clan, Kuafu Chasing the Sun

Chapter 70 Slaughtering the Witch Clan, Kuafu Chasing the Sun
"Hehe, let's make a fuss, the bigger the fuss, the better!" Zhunti followed behind with a sneer.

Ten days later, the prehistoric land ushered in a huge disaster.

Although there are countless strong people in Honghuang, most of the creatures are below Taiyi Jinxian. The sun is so hot that it is so strong that it is extremely domineering. Every place that is affected is a piece of scorched earth.

"Uncle Bai Ze, where is the Wu Clan? Let's teach them a lesson!" The boss of the Golden Crow looked at the tragic scene below, and felt complacent.

"Follow me!" Zhunti narrowed his eyes, and took them to Buzhou Mountain.

Today's Wu clan is stronger than before the 10 yuan meeting. The power has spread out for countless miles from the center of Buzhou Mountain, and the number of Wu clan has reached tens of billions.

Zhunti took them to a small tribe of millions of people of the Wu tribe.

This large area is the tribal territory of Wu Jumang, the ancestor of wood, and this small tribe is also the tribe of wood.

The tribe is not big, and the strongest in the tribe is only as strong as Taiyi Jinxian.

"Brothers, go down and kill the Wu Clan!" Looking at the numerous but low-strength Wu Clan below, the boss shouted loudly and took the lead in rushing down. In an instant, the entire tribe was covered.

"What is this? Fire! Ah! What kind of fire is this? It's so hot..." A monstrous fireball fell, and a large number of Wu clansmen discovered it, but it was useless if they discovered it.


"don't want……"

In an instant, the small tribe of the Wu Clan suffered countless deaths and injuries, and a large area of ​​land became scorched earth. Even the underground spiritual veins would be destroyed in the soil scorched by the real fire of the sun, and no plants would grow within ten thousand yuanhui.

Those Wu people who were affected by the real sun fire became scorched corpses, their physical bodies could not stop the overbearing real fire of the sun, and fire restrained wood, the Wu people of the wood tribe were born to be restrained by fire.

"Who dares to slaughter my Wu people?" The only Taiyi Jinxian witch in the small Wu tribe appeared.

A gigantic man with a height of one thousand feet and thick muscles galloped towards him.

"Are you the leader of the Wu Clan?" the boss of Jinwu asked.

"Monster clan? You monster clan are really deceiving people too much! Do you want to start the final battle of the lich now?" Ju Qi, a big man of the witch clan, shouted loudly.

He is a direct descendant of Jumang, and was sent to this small tribe as the leader to ensure the normal development of the Wu tribe.

"You Wu Clan, you are just a small tribe, and the light of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon, so we will destroy you today!" The boss said disdainfully.

"Damn, stop!"

Born in the turbid atmosphere of the Pangu Temple, the Wu Clan people are naturally close to the earth and are not good at flying. Except for the ancestor witches who understand the law and can fly with the power of the law, there are even many great witches who are not good at flying.

At this time, he had nothing to do with the Golden Crow that slaughtered his people with the real fire of the sun in the sky.

"I'll meet you!" Jinwu's second child rushed towards Ju Qi.

"I'm going to kill you!" Gou Qi jumped angrily, and punched the second child.

The two figures intersected, and the second child flapped his wings, and avoided Ju Qi's fist with a tilt of his body. The real fire of the sun gushed out, wrapped Ju Qi, and burned it violently.

Gouqi's cry of anger and pain came from the flames, and then gradually became calm, and finally the flames disappeared, leaving only a pile of ashes.

The physical body of Taiyi Jinxian's strength can't stop the burning of the real fire of the sun!

The leaders of the small tribe of the Wu tribe have all died tragically. How can these remaining weak tribes survive?Before long, it was massacred by ten golden crows, and millions of corpses were strewn across the field, which was too horrible to look at.

"Uncle Bai Ze, the Wu Clan has been wiped out by us, where shall we go next?"

"Well, it's a good job, but it's not over yet. This is just a branch of the Wu Clan. There is a larger tribe in their ancestral land, and there are more than a dozen members of the Taiyi Golden Immortal guarding the tribe!"

Zhunti led the ten little golden crows to the ancestral land of Buzhou Mountain step by step.

"Also, okay, then we'll go and kill them all. We don't pay attention to the people of Taiyi Golden Immortal!" The boss was gearing up, and he killed the most just now.

Zhunti set off again and took ten golden crows to the ancestral land of the Wood Tribe.

At this time, Kuafu, the great witch of the Wood Tribe, had just separated from Hou Yi and was rushing to the Wood Tribe. Wu Jumang, the ancestor of the Wood, was in the Pangu Temple in Buzhou Mountain at this time, and the Wood Tribe needed him to guard.

Before Kuafu arrived, the Golden Crows arrived and began to wreak havoc. The ancestral land of the Wood Tribe is not comparable to that small tribe just now. As one of the twelve largest tribes of the Wu Clan, the Wood Tribe has a population of nearly one billion. Dozens of Taiyi Golden Immortals and several Wu clansmen with the strength of Daluo Golden Immortals guarded it.

Ten little Golden Crows bullied the Wu people who were not good at flying, and burned the Wu people with the real fire of the sun in the sky, but the powerful Wood Tribe suffered heavy casualties, and were teased and played by ten little Taiyi Golden Crows.

"Bastard!" Several big Luo Jinxians of the Wood Tribe uttered a sky-shaking roar, but they were powerless. Although they could resist the burning of the sun with their bodies, they couldn't help the tribe resist.

Before long, tens of millions of members of the Wood Tribe were killed or injured.

"Stop!" A monstrous roar sounded from a distance, and the waves of sound almost shook ten little golden crows from the sky!
It was Kuafu who came back!
"Ah, this person is so strong! Just the sound makes me unable to resist!" The boss trembled in his heart, the sound just now was too terrifying.

"Go, this man is too strong!"

"Where's Uncle Bai Ze?"

Everyone looked back and found that 'Bai Ze' had disappeared at this time.

"You flat-haired bastards! How dare you slaughter my Wu Clan people, I can't spare you!" Kuafu's shocking voice came again, and the ten Golden Crows scattered like birds and beasts, and fled in a hurry, ignoring the thought of 'Bai Ze' Gone issue.

When Kuafu saw that the ten golden crows wanted to escape, but they were not willing to do what they wished, Kuafu also stepped up his tall body and chased after them.

The two sides, one in front and one in back, chased and fled, all the way from west to east in pursuit.

Soon, the ten golden crows found that Kuafu's speed was not very fast, but their speed was a little faster than Kuafu's.

After knowing that Kuafu couldn't catch up with them, he started to tease them.

Only the Golden Crow Elder Ten opened his mouth and said: "That big fool down there, stop chasing us, you won't be able to catch up with us!"

"Yeah, why are you chasing us? Are you begging for food? You want us to reward you with a meal. Come with us to the Heavenly Court! I will ask my father to reward you with a delicious meal!" The second child Then he said.

"Hey! Beggar! Stop chasing me!"


The ten people laughed at Kuafu while fleeing, and roasted Kuafu with the real fire of the sun.

Kuafu was furious, he gritted his teeth and increased his running speed to the fastest, but it was only on par with the Golden Crows.

The majestic sun scorched Kuafu's body, making him feel unbearably hot.

After the battle with Six Ears.He hasn't eaten yet, his stomach is empty, and a huge sense of hunger hits him, making him unable to use his strength, but looking at the arrogant Golden Crow in the sky, he can't swallow this breath and give up. After thousands of years, it finally came to the East China Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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