Chapter 75

Di Jun, Di Jiang and others who were fighting in the void suddenly paused, and then a trace of sadness flashed across.

"Friend Fuxi has fallen..."

"Xuanming, Jiufeng is dead..."

The two sides stopped fighting at the same time, and suddenly glared at each other.

Fighting broke out again between the two sides, and the battle site returned to Mount Buzhou from the east as fate would have it.

Tai Yi fought alone against the six great ancestral witches, and the six great ancestral witches swarmed up, each exerting their own laws, blood burst out, both sides were injured, and the fight went back and forth.

However, after a long battle, there must be losses. Six people besieged Taiyi, and suddenly there was a gap in the protection of Taiyi's chaotic clock. Di Jiang seized the opportunity, and saw that he wrapped his fist with a space cutting force, and punched Taiyi on the shoulder!
Taichi couldn't avoid it, his fist passed through the space and hit Taichi's chest and left shoulder.Tai Yi let out a muffled snort, his left shoulder blade was shattered, bloody and bloody, it was very frightening.

But Tai Yi didn't care, the chaotic clock fell, the big clock trembled slightly, fixed the time and space, and hit Zhu Jiuyin directly.

Zhu Jiuyin just wanted to use the law of time to break free, but it was too late, he screamed and half of his body was shattered.He mobilized the qi and blood in his whole body, allowing his body to grow back.Zhu Jiuyin's eyes were wide open, full of anger.

"Hmph, let's see how many times you can recover your blood energy!" Tai Yi snorted coldly, and the Chaos Clock continued to attack Zhu Jiuyin. It would be better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers.

Next to him, Di Jiang, who was one of the main attackers, was not willing to be lonely. Taking advantage of Tai Yi's injury, he took the space staff and greeted Tai Yi's injured shoulder.

However, Tai Yi had already made preparations. The Chaos Clock hung down, and the Space Rod was swung straight on the Chaos Clock, and it broke directly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Taiyi started to counterattack, relying on the supreme treasure of the Chaos Clock, he rushed from left to right and attacked again and again, shocking the six ancestor witches until they vomited blood repeatedly.

The suppressing power of the Chaos Clock made the ancestor witches feel like they were in a quagmire. They controlled a single law, but the Chaos Clock could fix time and space, suppressing the heavens and the world, making their laws almost useless.

They were injured again and again, so that their blood was no longer sufficient.

On Dijun's side, the ones fighting him are Rushou, Qiangliang, and Tianwu.Xi Zi.

These four ancestral witches were obviously better than Di Jiangzhu Jiuyin and the others, and Di Jun was also much weaker than Tai Yi. He held Hetu Luoshu and fought against the four of them. At this time, both sides were equally injured.

The war lasted for hundreds of years, both sides were seriously injured, and the ancestral witches almost lost their minds!

Zhu Rong has the hottest temper. He watched the war for hundreds of years, and he and his brothers suffered serious blood loss. He knew that he could not fight for a long time, and the two ancestor witches of the Wu clan had already died. Zhu Rong went crazy when he thought of this!

"Brother, get out of the way! Let me do it!" Zhu Rong roared angrily, raised his iron fist and rushed towards Tai, and when Tai thought about it, Chaos Clock ran towards Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong jumped, and the Chaos Clock hit Zhu Rong's lower body, turning his entire lower body into a blood mist.

Zhu Rong, who lost his lower body, vomited blood, but was holding the Chaos Clock upright, his body swelled.

Another self-destruction of the pinnacle of the quasi-sage!
The violent fire erupted, sending Tai Yi and the five ancestral witches flying tens of thousands of miles away.

"Zhu Rong!" Gonggong, who fell in love with Zhu Rong and killed each other, cried out sadly.

Zhu Rong blew himself up and died!

The Chaos Clock was also blown away by the explosion, but as an innate treasure, even a low-level saint could not damage him in the slightest, so such an explosion was irrelevant to the Chaos Clock.

"Damn it! Zhu Rong!" Di Jiang and the others felt sad. The twelve ancestor witches were united. Although they often fought, it did not affect their deep friendship. Now that Zhu Rong died, it made them even crazier.

"Tai Yi, I'm going to die today! I'm going to drag you on my back!" Gou Mang roared, and also rushed towards Tai Yi.

Tai Yi hurriedly retracted the Chaos Clock to protect himself, and another explosion sounded.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Tai Yi hid in the Chaos Clock, and the violent explosion shook the body of the clock, shaking Tai Yi who was inside until he vomited blood, but remained firm.

Seeing that Gou Mang didn't succeed, Zhu Jiuyin and Di Jiang looked at each other and rushed towards Tai Yi together.


The three of them blew themselves up at the same time, blasting the Chaos Clock hundreds of millions of miles away. Tai Yi, who was inside the Chaos Clock, was shaken into a blood mist. Just when the Primordial Spirit and True Spirit were about to be shattered, an invisible big hand Take away the Chaos Clock and Taiyi's Yuanshen True Spirit.

Gong Gong, who was in mourning at this time, did not expect his brothers to be so decisive, they all blew themselves up, and now he is the only one left!
On the other side, there was also a blast, but it was the other four ancestral witches who dragged Dijun down to hell!

In the end, there was only a voice from Tian Wu: "Gong Gong, the Wu Clan will be handed over to you in the future!"

Gonggong's eyes are blood red, his canthus are about to split, and now he is left alone. At this time, he feels that he is out of tune with Honghuang, and the whole Honghuang is rejecting him!
"Since Honghuang can't tolerate our Wu Clan! Then let's destroy it together!" Gonggong's face showed a ferocious look.

He took out the Pangu Temple and crashed into Buzhou Mountain, the pillar supporting the gods!

When he was about to collide, he detonated himself and the prohibition in the Pangu Temple, because he knew that Buzhou Mountain could not be destroyed by himself alone.

At this time, Da Neng and the saints who were watching the theater everywhere panicked!

"What is Gonggong going to do?"

"This is Buzhou Mountain!"

"Stop him! Who will stop him!"

"As an ancestor witch and a descendant of Pangu, he is so crazy that he wants to smash the Buzhou Mountain transformed by the great god Pangu!"

All the great powers were terrified, and a loud noise shook the entire prehistoric world.

The [-]-foot body of the ancestral witch slammed into Buzhou Mountain and exploded, carrying the power of the explosion of the Pangu Temple. In an instant, the entire Buzhou Mountain began to tremble, and the entire body of Buzhou Mountain suddenly broke and collapsed!
Buzhou Mountain, as the pillar supporting the gods, is a vital thing for Honghuang to exist.

Buzhou Mountain collapsed, and the prehistoric heaven and earth will unite again, turning into chaos again!
The entire prehistoric world has undergone tremendous changes, the sky suddenly began to tilt from the northwest corner of the prehistoric, and the entire prehistoric world has begun to collapse and sink!
Rumble!There was a loud cracking sound from the sky and the earth.

Zhunti escorted the two of them to watch this scene, and there was inconceivability in their eyes. Gonggong, as the ancestor witch, actually destroyed Buzhou Mountain with his own hands, destroying the only symbol of Pangu left in the prehistoric, but they personally caused this situation !
It is really impossible to steal a chicken and lose a lot of rice, and now the whole prehistoric is going to be destroyed!

Without the Buzhou mountain to support the sky, a huge disaster is coming!

A huge hole appeared in the slanted sky. The water of the Tianhe River fell from the sky, flooding the vast expanse of land. The water of the Tianhe River was weak water. Wherever it went, the feathers would not float, the birds were sad, and the creatures fell into it, and soon disappeared. without a trace.

Even Taiyi Jinxian fell into weak water.It is also difficult to escape, and can only be corroded by the weak water, the flesh and blood soul, from then on the body dies and the dao disappears, not entering reincarnation!
However, within a short time of a cup of tea, it has become a vast ocean with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles!

Not only that, the terrifying chaotic turbulent flow gushed out from the space cracks caused by the collapse of Buzhou Mountain. Ordinary creatures would die if they touched it.

Honghuang fell into a huge disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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