Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 76 Arranging the Monster Race, Reviving the 2 Emperors

Chapter 76

Hong Yun stood in the void, looking at the prehistoric land that had turned into hell, but couldn't bear it in his heart but couldn't make a move. This is Tiandao's shuffling method!

At this time, Hong Yun raised his head and said to the sky: "Brother Tiandao, now that the monster clan has withdrawn from the prehistoric world, it is no problem for me to take the whole monster clan away, right?"


A divine thought was passed into Hong Yun's mind, and Heaven agreed. Now that the Yaozu has lost its role, the Yaozu needs to withdraw to make room for the rise of the Human Race. It is natural for Hongyun to take them away!

With the consent of the Dao of Heaven, the majestic mana in Hong Yun's body gushed out and turned into a huge hand with hundreds of millions of miles. There was a huge attraction from the big hand, sucking all the monster army who was still fighting the Wu Clan into the palm of his hand, and The other monster tribes in the wilderness were all sucked into the palm of his hand and put into his personal space.

So far, there are only two or three big cats and kittens left in the monster race in the wild.

The sky was about to collapse, and Patriarch Hongjun appeared at the right time, and his voice spread throughout the prehistoric world: "All the saints and I will work together to hold up the sky!"

"Yes, Master!"

Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti answered at the same time, and together they transformed into giant hands of magic power to support the sky.

At this time, Hong Yun came to Wuzhuang Temple, and he had important things to do.

When I came to the gate of Wuzhuang Temple, I saw two little girls, Qingfengmingyue, sitting side by side with their backs against the gate, dozing off on the ground.

Hong Yun looked at the two with a smile on his face, walked up to them and knelt down, slowly pinching their noses.

Soon, the two felt uncomfortable, turned over at the same time, and continued to sleep with their sides leaning against the door.

"Sleeping like hell!"

Hong Yun quickly made a move and pinched the cheeks of the two of them.

"Oops! Oops! Pain!"

"It hurts! Who is it!"

The two cried out in pain, opened their hazy eyes, and saw the figure in front of them clearly.

"Uncle Master! Uncle Master, you are finally here!" Qingfeng was very pleasantly surprised, Hong Yun hadn't visited them for a long time, they both missed Hong Yun's gift very much, no, they missed Hong Yun himself.

"Master, I miss you so much!" Mingyue grabbed Hongyun's arm, "Master, did you bring us any gifts?"

"I don't think you two miss me? It's a gift from me!" Hong Yun smiled, and took out two Huang Zhongli from his sleeves and handed them to the two.

"Thank you, uncle!" The two thanked at the same time, then grabbed Huang Zhongli and gnawed.

"Uncle, wait a moment, I will tell the master that you are here!" Qingfeng said vaguely.

"No need to wait, relying on the two of you to report, I will not know until the monkey year!"

A voice sounded, and then a figure of immortal style came out from the view, it was Zhen Yuanzi.

"Brother! Do you know how long it's been since you came to see me? You obviously forgot your brother with a Taoist companion!" Zhen Yuanzi complained.

"Brother, why are you two with whom? Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is immortal, you don't care about this time, do you?" Hong Yun said with a hippie smile.

"Come in and talk! Mingyue, go to the wine cellar and bring me the fruit wine brewed before my ten yuan meeting!" Zhen Yuanzi greeted Hong Yun and said in the hall.

Entering the main hall, the two sat down separately.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you here? You are a person who goes to the Three Treasures Hall for everything!" Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Hong Yun and said.

"Ah? Oh! This, this is indeed something I need to ask you, big brother." Hong Yun rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and it was actually seen. Is it so obvious?

"What's the matter? Is it about Dijun and the others?" Zhen Yuanzi had a rough guess.

"That's right. I've put away most of the monster races, and I want to put them into the world of Chaos Orbs for them to develop. In addition, I'd like to ask my elder brother to share two times of Hongmeng Ziqi, so that Emperor Jun Taiyi and the others can be sanctified!" Hong Yun cupped his hands and said. .

"This Chaos Orb belongs to you, my brother. Why do you need to ask for such a trivial matter? Let's enter the Chaos Orb and arrange it together!" Zhen Yuanzi said.


The two entered the Chaos Orb together.

The two of Hong Yun are now in the Chaos Orb World. In today's Chaos Orb World, a large number of innate creatures have appeared. Although they are still in the process of being conceived, they are extraordinary. After all, the Pearl World is weaker, mainly because the development time is not long.

With a wave of Hong Yun's sleeves, trillions of monster clans were released. Bai Ze, Ji Meng and other quasi-sage monsters stood at the front of the army, looking at Hong Yun and the two floating in the void.

"Greetings to the two saints!" The demon masters naturally recognized Hong Yun and the two, and hurriedly saluted.

The Trillion Monster Race followed suit.

Hong Yun nodded, and said: "You must be very strange, why did I send you here! Let me tell you clearly now, according to the original process of the prehistoric, if you want to withdraw from the prehistoric, you will never be left behind!"

As soon as Hong Yun's words came out, thousands of waves were immediately stirred up, and there was a lot of discussion below.

"Originally, your demon emperor and east emperor would perish together with the witch clan, but I saved them!"

"Your Majesty and the Eastern Emperor haven't fallen yet?" The demon venerables were overjoyed when they heard that Emperor Jun Taiyi was not dead!They were also paying attention to the battle in the void. When they saw the Zuwu pulling the two demon emperors to blow themselves up, they felt that the sky was falling!
Without the support of the two demon emperors, is there any hope and future for the demon clan?Now that they have received the good news that the two demon emperors are not dead, they are full of confidence again.

Hong Yun took out the remnant soul of Emperor Jun Taiyi, and nodded to Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi flipped his palm, two streaks of primordial purple energy appeared in his palm, and the primordial purple energy flew out.It merged into the remnants of Di Jun and Tai Yi.

As soon as the primordial purple energy merged, the remnant souls of the two quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and later turned into a complete primordial spirit, flew into the void, and entered the origin of the heavenly way above the nine heavens!
Soon, two figures appeared from the nine heavens, and their whereabouts appeared in front of Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi.

"Di Jun, Tai Yi, thank you sage Hongyun for saving your life! Thank you sage Zhenyuanzi for your enlightenment!" Di Jun and Tai Yi knelt on one knee and bowed together.

"From now on, you will lead the demon clan to develop well in this world of Chaos Orbs, and prepare for the battle against other worlds in the future. The development direction of the creatures in this world is also dominated by the demon clan. From now on, you two will be the demon king and demon of this world." Ancestor!" Hong Yun said.

"Dijun is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse!" Dijun is finally about to fulfill his lifelong wish, to become a saint!In the past, there were many unattainable existences.

Now, that wish is about to come true!He felt that his three corpses were merging, and his comprehension of the law was accelerating. It only took a certain amount of time to become holy naturally!This is the benefit of being recognized by the Dao of Heaven and the primordial purple energy.

Today's Chaos Orb World can accommodate up to six Heavenly Dao Saints, which is one-third less than Honghuang's nine, which means that the origin of the Chaos Orb World is almost one-third weaker than Honghuang.

However, as long as the origin of the world of cultivating immortals where Ran Deng is located is swallowed, the world of Chaos Orb can be upgraded to a strength similar to that of today's prehistoric world with a [-]-[-] split.

(End of this chapter)

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